The Greenery


A company specializing in landscape contracting and comprehensive landscape maintenance programs for commercial and residential clients. They focus on projects and properties requiring attention to detail, complex construction, high-quality installation and they offer a full-service maintenance fol... Read more

Org chart

Lee Edwards' profile picture
Lee Edwards
President & CEO
Profile photo

Lee Edwards

Ben Campsey's profile picture
Ben Campsey
Chief Financial Officer
Andrew Dupps' profile picture
Andrew Dupps
President, The Greenery of Charleston, LLC
Jerry Ashmore's profile picture
Jerry Ashmore
Director of Work Force Development & Safety
John Fishback's profile picture
John Fishback
Regional Manager
Josh Smith's profile picture
Josh Smith
RM, Construction
Miles Graves
RM, Bluffton, Hardeeville, Savannah
Jim van Dijk
RM, Hilton Head Island Greenville
Tom Murray
RM, Mount Pleasant & Charleston
Tyler Collins
RM, Kiawah, Seabrook, & West Ashley
Melissa Brock
Director Of Business Development
April Callon
Aspire System Adminisrator