Mobile Reality creates profitable digital products and helps to transform data into profit.
We are transparent. We value honesty and respect. We will expect honesty from you, but you can be sure that you will also receive it from us.
Taking responsibility is very difficult, but it’s significant when we work as a team. Each of us feels responsible for our work and the work of others. For this reason, we know that we can trust each other and take on more and more difficult challenges.
When we are overloaded and processes are constantly changing, it’s good to remember the basics of technology and look for a solution with the highest quality code that is most appropriate for the specific environment.
Mobile Reality is constantly changing and developing. It’s obvious that this also applies to our team and that is a natural process. We know that nothing is permanent, so the following values will show you why it’s so important to us.
It might seem that this value is closely related to communication, but in our opinion - it’s not. Communication is used to transmit and receive information, and the purpose of the discussion is to exchange observations, comments, opinions and establish decisions. Sometimes discussions can be difficult. They can be emotional, but in our team, you can be sure that our discussions will always result in making decisions respecting your opinion.
We love to be active, we like when a lot is going on. We are always looking for something that we can improve and change. It doesn’t matter whether they are technologies, projects, or activities related to the organizational culture of our company. Our team is constantly developing, which affects the company’s development. If you care about the development of your skills, here you will find space for it.
Each of us has days when we have ups and downs and we just feel bad. We’re only human and we respect each other, so we know that we can always count on each other. Is something going on with you? We will help you.
Our main attribute is involvement. Together, we motivate ourselves to maintain the involvement at the same constant level. Each of us is different and has our own goals, but it’s extremely important to remember the purposes of the team and work together to achieve them. We believe that even in difficult times, we can motivate and count on each other.
This is the first value, which is also the most important for us because everything starts and ends with correct and smooth communication. Without communication, we would not even be able to talk about the next values in our team.
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