
1 follower

TruDataRx uses objective clinical data to help clients improve clinical efficacy and reduce the costs of pharmacy benefits for its members. With their positioning as independent from all existing players, they fill a much-needed gap for plan sponsors.The company was founded by David Printy in 2017.

Org chart

Catalina Gorla
co-founder & CEO

Catalina Gorla

Bethany Sneathen
Manager of Clinical Data and Product Integration
Lindsey Pardoe PharmD, BCGP
Vice President of Client Solutions
Ryan McHugh
Senior Manager Of Product Services
Jackie Joseph
Business Development Executive
Kayla Brank
Business Operations Analyst
Teresa Biel, PharmD
Manager of Pharmacy Operations
Levi Roseman
Regional Sales Director
Justin Backstrom
Regional Sales Director
Jenna Lyall
Lead Program Manager
Gregg Fairbrothers
Founding Board Member And Chairman