Universidad de Morón


Universidad de Morón is a school.




Org chart

Héctor Norberto Porto Lemma

Enrique Luis Otero
Vice Chancellor
Vicente Filletti
Director of the Unified Department of Economic Sciences & Management
Graciela Redona
Director of the Unified Department of Foreign Languages
Alvaro Omar Castro Menna
Director of the University Department of Common Curricular Activities
Enrique Ferreira Morais
Director of the Unified Department of Legal & Social Sciences
María Alejandra Milano
Dean of the Higher School of Exact a& Natural Sciences
Alejandro Borrachia
Decano. Escuela Superior De Arquitectura Y Diseño
Juan Carlos Ortega
Dean of the Higher School of Health Sciences
Roberto Mario Paterno
Dean of the of the Higher School of Behavioral Sciences & Humanities
Domingo Mazza
Dean of the Higher School of Economics & Business
Antonio Ramón Angrisani
Dean of the Higher School of Engineering, Informatics & Food Sciences
Walter Oscar Fernández
Dean of the Superior School of Law
Alejandro Fabián Gavric
Dean of the Higher School of Tourism & Communication
Pablo Gabriel Navarro
Secretary General


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