Universitas Dr. Soetomo - Unitomo


Unitomo sesuai tagline 'where the education is for all' sejak berdiri 1981 selalu memegang teguh komitmen sebagai Kampus Kebangsaan & Kerakyatan





Org chart

Siti Marwiyah

Siti Marwiyah

Nur Sayidah
Vice Chancellor IV
Hetty Purnamasari
Dean of the Faculty of Teacher Training & Education
Susanto Sukiman
Dean of the Faculty of Economics & Business
Achmad Choiron
Dean of the Faculty of Engineering
Cicilia Tantri Suryawati
Dean of the Faculty of Letters
Irawan Soerodjo
Dean of the Faculty of Law
Miftahul Khairoh
Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences
Hendro Wardhono
Head of Center for Disaster Studies
Rahmawati Erma S.
Head of Career Center & Tracer Study
Zaenal Fatah
Head of the Department of Personality Development
Anik Vega Vitaningsih
Head of Unitomo Journal Processing Center
Basuki Nugroho
Head of Education & Training Center
Aris Eko Budiyono
Head of Academic Administration Bureau
Dandy Patrija Wirawan
Head of UPT Public Relations
Rusdi Hamidan
Head of UPT Computer
Bambang Eko Rusdiono
Head of UPT Library
Miftahol Horri
Head of the Internal Oversight Board
Hadi Sugiyono
Head of Quality Assurance Center
Victor Mt. L. Tobing
Ketua Unitomo Language & Culture Center