

UP Entertainment is a cable television network. UP Entertainment expanded into movies, series, and specials. UP Entertainment is home to the subscription streaming service UP faith and family, a streaming service for families, as well as aspiretv, the network for black and urban lifestyle programmin... Read more

Org chart

Charles Humbard
Founder & CEO

Charles Humbard

Dré Barnes, MS
Head of Innovation & Consumer Technology
E.B. O'Neill
Vice President, Direct to Consumer Growth and Relationship Management
Frank Novo
VP of Network Operations
Greg Madsen
Vice President, Multiplatform Distribution & Strategy
Hal Rosenberg
EVP, Content Distribution & Marketing
Kristina Stafford Kelly
Vice President, Communications // Head of PR
Lisa Fischer
EVP National Advertising Sales
Theressa "T" Virgil
Senior Director of Creative Services
Reta Peery
Executive Vice President, General Counsel