Veronica Beard


Veronica Beard is an apparel & fashion company that provides women's sportswear and shoes.

Org chart

Veronica Swanson Beard

Lacy L's profile picture
Lacy L
Senior Director, Creative
Jason Mogilski's profile picture
Jason Mogilski
Director Of IT
Raashi Hasija
Vp, CRM (crm, Loyalty & Insights)
Lindsay Grody Moskowitz
Senior Vice President, Wholesale
Jill G.'s profile picture
Jill G.
SVP - Human Resources
Marc Iannotta's profile picture
Marc Iannotta
Vice President Of Operations
Miki Takahashi's profile picture
Miki Takahashi
Senior Vice President, Production
Iris Lee
VP Of Design
Munmun Namati Lakhaney's profile picture
Munmun Namati Lakhaney
Account Receivable Specialist