Vertava Health


Vertava Health is a fully credentialed provider of SUD and co-occurring behavioral health disorders. We have a network of healthcare providers that partner with you throughout your treatment to ensure you receive an evidence based care plan, tailored to your needs. We offer a full continuum of care... Read more


Nashville, US




Org chart

Matt Morgan
Chief Executive Officer

Matt Morgan

Steve Armond
Chief Financial Officer
David Henderson
Medical Director
Carolyn Rucker
Director Revenue Cycle
Tracy Taylor
Director Of Operations
Darla Ames
OP House Manager At Vertava Health
Bryan Smith
Senior Program Manager
Chekesha Porter
Registered Nurse
Maria Genduso
Outpatient Therapist
Caroline Snell
Fellowship Program Manager: Acgme Grants And Compliance
Jonna Alexander
Business Development & Community Outreach
Allisyn Leppla
Outreach Coordinator
Jana Skloss
Account Executive
Deborah McKee
Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner
John Redmond
Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner