Wake Christian Academy is a leading Private Christian School serving Raleigh, Garner, and Wake County, NC. Call today to learn more: (919) 772-6264





Org chart

Mike Woods' profile picture
Mike Woods
Head of School
Profile photo

Mike Woods

Dori Franklin's profile picture
Dori Franklin
Director of Advancement
Ricky Hering's profile picture
Ricky Hering
Director of Budget & Finance
Ronnie Jeffreys' profile picture
Ronnie Jeffreys
Director of Facilities
Randy Johnson's profile picture
Randy Johnson
Director Of Athletics
Ricky Martin's profile picture
Ricky Martin
Director of Safety & Security
Becky Matthews' profile picture
Becky Matthews
Director of Human Resources
Sandra Sauls
Elementary Principal
Wayne Helder
High School Principal
Ric Nelson
Middle School Principal
Teresa Cook
Food Services Manager
Joi Crawford-Johnson
After School Counselor
Stefania Kalab
After School Counselor
Brittany Allweil
Kindergarten Teacher Assistant
Beau Barger
Physical Education Teacher
Connie Beck
Second Grade Teacher
Hannah Blackwell
High School English Teacher
Paul Blackwell
High School History Teacher
Lucy Brock
High School Science Teacher
Elizabeth Collins
High School Curriculum Assistant
Rachel Dickens
Fifth Grade Teacher
Rachael Dramis
First Grade Teacher
Lindy Dunham
Fifth Grade Teacher
Christy Flynn
Kindergarten Teacher
Kellie Fowler
Second Grade Teacher
Julie Gore
Primary ILC Teacher Assistant
Jessica Griffith
Fifth Grade Teacher
Jennifer Hinton
Third Grade Teacher
Lori Holleman
Second Grade Teacher Assistant
Joanna Laws
Upper Elementary Teacher Assistant
Sonya Massengill
High School English Teacher
Yvonne Potter
High School English Teacher
Terry Scott
Kindergarten Teacher
Samantha Toole
Third Grade Teacher
Deborah Whary
Kindergarten Teacher
Janice Williams
High School Math Teacher
Kelli Wood
High School Science Teacher
Ginger Robbins
Assistant to the Head of School
Alice Kent
First Grade Assistant
Donna Duke
Elementary Art Assistant
Mindy Burnette
Middle & High School Receptionist
Amy Sauls
Elementary Media Specialist
Victoria Rogers
Individual Learning Center Specialist
April Howze
Academic Coordinator
Kandace Behrhorst
Middle & High School Receptionist
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