Mr. Sze Man Bok was appointed to the Board as Executive Director on 15 June 2017. Subsequently, Mr. Sze was redesignated as Non-Independent Non-Executive Director on 25 September 2017. Mr. Sze is the Chairman of Hengan Group. He is responsible for Hengan Group’s overall corporate direction and business strategy. Mr. Sze is one of the founding shareholders and a member of the Nomination Committee of Hengan International. Mr. Sze is currently a non-executive director of Qingqin Foodstuffs Group (Cayman) Company Limited, a company listed on the Main Board of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited.
Save as disclosed above, he does not hold directorships in any other public companies. He is a director of Hengan (Malaysia) Investments Company Limited, a major shareholder of the Company. He has no relationship with any Director and/or major shareholder of the Company. He has no conflict of interest with the Company and has not been convicted of any offences, other than traffic offences (if applicable) within the past five years nor has been imposed of any public sanction or penalties by any relevant regulatory bodies during the financial year ended 31 December 2018.
Mr Sze attended all six board meetings held during the financial year ended 31 December 2018.
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