West Ada School District


West Ada School District is based in Meridian, Idaho. In addition to Meridian, the District operates public schools in Eagle, Star and western Boise. West Ada School District is the largest school district in Idaho comprised of 58 schools serving approximately 40,000 students. West Ada prides its... Read more

Org chart

Marcus Myers
Chief Academic Officer

Marcus Myers

Dave Roberts
Chief Human Resources Officer
Buffy Roberts
Director, Instruction - North Elementary Schools (grades K-5)
Dave Moser
Director, Instruction - Secondary Schools (grades 6-12)
Dustin Barrett
Director, Curriculum And Instruction
Ramona Lee
Director, Special Education (sped)
Staci Low
Director, Career & Technical Education (cte)
Kelly Davies
Director, Assessment And Achievement
Lisa Hahle
Director, Instruction - South Elementary Schools (grades K-5)
Rhonda Mcdonough
Director, Federal Programs
Jason Warr
Director, Activities & Athletics