World Financial Group, Inc.

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WFG is a complete business platform for financial professionals. Take the tour and learn about how we can help you build your own business serving families across North America.





Org chart

Todd Buchanan
President & SVP, Transamerica

Todd Buchanan

Rick Williams
President, WFG Insurance Agency of Canada, Inc. & Head of WFG Charitable Trust
George Chuang
President, Transamerica Financial Advisors, Inc.
Diana Baldwin Martinez
Head of Channel Marketing & CMO, WFG
Seth Miller
VP, MD, WFG & Head of U.S. Distribution
Janice Beauregard
VP, Network Development
Susan Davies
VP, Field Relations & Supervision & Head of WFG Foundation
Suzanne Ford
VP, Director, Canada
Angelo Ojeda
MD, Distribution & Sales
Andrew Schaad
Senior Director, Operations