The Student Support Services team at Yuba Community College District (YCCD) is dedicated to enhancing student success through comprehensive counseling, resources, and training programs. They provide academic advising, career guidance, and specialized support for underserved populations, including foster youth and veterans. By fostering an inclusive educational environment, the team aims to empower students to achieve their academic and personal goals across the diverse regions served by YCCD.
Estelita Spears
Counselor & Coordinator, Woodl...
Esther Yeung Whamond
Adjunct Matric Counselor
Folu Afolabi
Senior Student Services Techni...
Jimena Angel
Educational Talent Search Tuto...
Jose Acosta
Foster Care Trainer & Facilita...
Jose Vallejo
Katelyn Woods
Foster Care Trainer & Facilita...
Kou Yang
Adjunct Matric Counselor
Lynn Arner
Foster Care Trainer & Facilita...
Tonia Teresh
VP, Student Services