Hélène F. Fortin

Director at Zenabis Global

Hélène has served on boards of directors of large public and private corporations since 2003 which has provided her with exposure to best governance practices from a wide range of organizations. She has previously served on several boards including Loto Quebec, Concordia University and CBC Canada, and currently serves as chair of the audit committees for UBS Bank (Canada) and VoiceAge Corporation; as a member of the Audit and Oversight Committee for the Senate of Canada and for the department of Justice Canada audit committee; as well as director for the Prince Albert II of Monaco (Canada) Foundation for the environment and biodiversity, and McCord Stewart Museum Foundation.

From 1982 to 2019, Hélène was actively involved with the Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants (CPA Canada) including sitting on the Interprovincial Board of Evaluators and the Auditing and Assurance Standards Board during which time the 36 international standards of auditing were adopted in Canada. Hélène also participated in a series of acquisitions from 1985 to 1990 that punctuated the growth of Quebecor Inc (TSX QBR.B) and is actively involved with asset management and financing/funding strategies in her role as trustee and advisor for large pension plans, estates, and foundations.

Hélène F. Fortin FCPA auditor, FCA, ICD.D-IAS.A completed with honours a Bachelor of Commerce – Finance and Accounting Magna Cum Laude from Concordia University and a post graduate Diploma in Public Accountancy from McGill University.