Leadership Team


The leadership team at Zitec has a wide range of experience in many different industries. Some members have experience in vice president positions, product owner positions, comics science officer positions, and finance director positions. Others have experience in field expert/trainer positions, head of digital positions, head of performance marketing positions, and head of affiliate marketing positions. The team also has experience in human resources consultant positions, business development manager positions, communication specialist positions, web developer positions, quality assurance-tester positions, support specialist positions, and board member positions. In addition to all of this experience, the team members also have a variety of different educational backgrounds. Some studied project management, automatic control and computers, finance, insurance, banks and stock exchange, mathematics and computer science, avionics and air navigation, gestiunea afacerilor, human resources, web development and database design, computer science, internal and international financial-banking and commercial relationships, and project management. As a whole, the team at Zitec is extremely experienced and qualified to handle any situation that may come their way.

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