

At Zumera, we help mid-sized companies in unleashing their full potential. No matter what sector you feel at home in, we come along to make value creation history with you.


Org chart

Felix Engelhardt's profile picture
Felix Engelhardt
CEO & Founder
Profile photo

Felix Engelhardt

Marian Gerster's profile picture
Marian Gerster
COO & Founder
Robert A.w. Schaff's profile picture
Robert A.w. Schaff
Senior Vice President
Philipp Köppe's profile picture
Philipp Köppe
SVP & Founder
Thilo Friedrich's profile picture
Thilo Friedrich
VP, Digital Marketing
Thore Behrens' profile picture
Thore Behrens
Vice President
Roman Jud's profile picture
Roman Jud
VP, Marketing
Pia Witschel
Junior Vice President
Taro Niggemann
Managing Director & Partner
Zoé Zenjari
Business Development Analyst
Alexandra Neidel
Executive Assistant