Explore 4,392 companies in Denmark
Uddannelser, kurser og viden inden for journalistik, kommunikation, design og medieledelse. Vi er medie- og kommunikationsbranchen
Welcome to ScanTeco Your partner in Printing, Converting and Recycling. We provide equipment, machines & turnkey solutions for the printing, packaging and converting industry – always with focus on quality and service. We represent strong and innovative brands, and our strength is to match these d
Max Weishaupt A/S er en af de internationalt førende virksomheder indenfor brændere, kondenserende gaskedler, varmepumper, jordvarme, boringer, solvarme og bygningsautomation. Der findes 23 datterselskaber tilknyttet Weishaupt Gruppen, som på verdensplan beskæftiger ca. 4.000 medarbejdere. Weisha
The makers of Superland.ai AWDIO is at the intersection of children's entertainment and AI
We offer in-demand IT skills at an accelerated pace. Experis Academy offer graduate programs developed in collaboration with some of Denmark's leading IT firms and Noroff, School of technology and digital media. The programs are carefully designed to provide participants with the technological expe
På AARHUS TECH kan du få en god uddannelse med høj faglighed i dit håndværk. Du vil opleve et inspirerende undervisningsmiljø, hvor udvikling og kreativitet vægtes højt. AARHUS TECH vil gerne være en af landets bedste erhvervsskoler, derfor er din oplevelse af skolen vigtig for os.
ARTICULATE is a concept seeking to map and facilitate contemporary art internationally and in Denmark. The project was founded in 2014, as a free service, distributing contemporary art, accessible to anyone with an internet access. The concept reflects on art, as a progressive and bridgebuilding too
Platform K er kultur, kreativitet, kaffe, koncerter, kærlighed og kant. Kort sagt; K for Kom og vær med, for det er DIT sted.
Dansk Investor Relations Forening (DIRF) er et medlemsbaseret interesse- og netværksforum for professionelle inden for Investor Relations. DIRFs primære formål er at understøtte en vedvarende høj kvalitet i danske virksomheders IR-aktiviteter samt at fremme en konstruktiv og dynamisk dialog mellem b
Studenterhuset is the place where students meet across the many subjects and faculties at the University of Copenhagen. The house is run by students, alongside a small group of paid staff; together we create an amazing atmosphere, debates, concerts, events and all kinds of activities. If you want t
Billig overnatning tæt på København
Totalløsninger indenfor rekruttering og vikarassistance. Hos os får du MPA-certificerede konsulenter der har lange, solide baggrunde indenfor branchen - vi har tilsammen 50 års erfaring, vi brænder for dét vi laver, og vi ved, hvad vi taler om. Vores kerneværdi er god service - rigtig god service
Norrecco A/S er én af Danmarks mest moderne og miljøbevidste virksomheder indenfor behandling af jord, bygge- og anlægsaffald. Vi er kort sagt specialister! Vi har behandlingsanlæg til modtagelse af jord, og bygge- og anlægsaffald på Prøvestenen og Nordhavnen - begge beliggende i København samt i Gr
Salary har en mission om at gøre løn simpelt - for alle. Så snart du træder ind i Salary’s univers oplever du, at udbetaling af løn, indberetning af skat og afregning af pension af løn er en leg.
Immediad Group started in 2010 as a new business concept for their group members.The aim of Immediad Group is to strengthen the ability to provide their customers with excellent local services through subsidiaries, joint ventures, or partly owned companies. All their group employees work under the s
Jmkiil is a trading and service company that presents and sells their products and services via website / web-shop.customers can get with them distinctly service and help via phone and chat. They have met the requirements and obtained the e-brand approval and are associated with reputable and approv
STRØM Bikes is based on an "ideal of business" as a means of making a positive impact in the world we live in. Hence we strive to measure sustainability in terms of people, planet, and profit. As a young company we have only laid the early foundation, but promise to aim high and challenge ourselves
Vi er eksperter i food & beverage, som vi b.la. står for i Telia Parken. Vores motto er: - Skaber øget effektivt - Mere salg - Bedre kundeoplevelser
Uniradioen is the capital's student radio station, where around 150 dedicated students produce more than 30 hours of original and exciting radio and podcasts every week. We broadcast live every weekday and publish podcasts regularly. Livestream on the app TuneIn. Podcasts can be found wherever els
AB Catering distribuerer dagligt - i alle egne af Danmark - fødevarer, drikkevarer og nonfood-artikler til alle former for professionelle køkkener; det være sig restauranter, storkantiner, plejehjemskøkkener, kroer, sygehuse, bagere eller cafeterier. Vi leverer varen til private virksomheder, foreni
AAGAARD, Kranz & Ziegler designer, udvikler og markedsfører smykker i ædle metaller og nøje udvalgte ædelsten. Virksomheden er fra 1946 og blev i 2015 overtaget af ny investorkreds, der med nye visioner og fokus på innovation sikrer, at virksomheden forbliver ledende inden for sit segment og følger
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Urban Pet is your friendly neighborhood pet supply store in Aalborg, Denmark. We're dedicated to providing everything you need to care for your furry, feathered, or scaly friend. Visit us at: Urban Pet Reberbansgade 22 9000 Aalborg Denmark
THE 2ND EDIT is a leading Nordic marketplace & community for pre-owned luxury and designer fashion. All items are curated, authenticated, and checked before reaching the buyer. Founded in 2015, with the ambition of revolutionizing the way we buy and sell second hand clothing, by improving the c
PanzerGlass delivers world class screen protection to businesses and consumers on a global scale. With a large product portfolio – covering screen protection for smartphones, tablets and smart watches – we can help you protect practically all your mobile devices.They are constantly investing in inno
Professionelt affjedrings-Service, Produkter og Vejledning.. Er du på udkig efter Affjedrings-Service, Produkter eller Vejledning. Reparationstiden skal være hurtigst mulig og uden form for bekymring for kunden. Let us support you!
Discover more than 100 years of furniture history with respect and passion for craftsmanship.
Er du også glad for din cykel? ✓ Professionel landsdækkende service ✓ 100% samlet og altid køreklar. Book gratis prøvetur og shop vores store udvalg i dag.
About Scandin-Africa Group : The trade bridge between Scandinavia and Africa Founded in 2015 to became the first and unique Scandinavian and African largest professional networking platform for SME's. Our main activities is to help Scandinavian Companies to increase African market. Our platform w
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Human Act is a worldwide development organization. We are determined to prove that extreme poverty is not a natural state to accept, and that the goods of the world can be differently distributed. Our quest is to engage billionaires to dedicate 1.5% of their fortune each year to poverty reduction.
LegalHero løser juridiske problemstillinger for startups, SMV'er og in-house counsels. Prøv vores digitale platform i dag.
A&D Resources specialises in assessment and development of individuals, teams and organisations, as a supplier of personality assessments and consulting services.
University College Sjælland is the regional university college of Region Zealand providing 10 bachelor's degree programmes at 6 locations on Zealand.
Privately held Human Tissue Establishment. We deliver a wide range of human tissue products as: Nerve, bone and tendon allografts. Furthermore, we have non-human products like, synthetic bone substitutes, adhesion barrier gel and tissue matrices. Do not hesitate to contact us!
OpenLedger ApS is a Danish company dedicated to bringing the power of blockchain technology to the wider business world. The company has over 50 expert software development and architecture specialists, marketers, business analysts, legal and support personnel in our headquarters in Copenhagen, Denm
Hos If hjælper vi hver 4. familie i Norden med at blive korrekt forsikret. Her finder du forsikringer til dig, familien, huset og alt det andet, der er vigtigt for dig.
Velkommen til Jacobs Douwe Egberts (JDE), verdens største rendyrkede kaffeselskab. Vi har over 40 års erfaring med kaffemaskiner og kender det professionelle marked særdeles godt. Vi beskæftiger mere end 19.000 kaffeglade medarbejdere i over 100 lande, og vi er stolte over at kunne skabe magiske k
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Madklubben offers excellent food and drinks at reasonable prices. Our restaurant concepts differ, meaning you always have a host of options to choose from. Madklubben is one big happy family of restaurants specialising in cuisine from Asia, France, Italy, and Denmark. You can find Madklubbens restau
Your Intelligent Mileage Logbook: Automatically track your trips, and we'll make the proper documentation for your mileage claim.
Rønne Revision has broad experience from a varied clientele of small and medium-sized companies and can offer auditing, accounting, tax and consulting within all types of business development. As a total supplier of business services, Rønne Revision offers to solve all the company's administrative r
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Velkommen til TeltTilFest.dk – Fordi festen ikke kan gøres om. En god fest behøver ikke at være dyr – men det er vigtigt at rammerne er i orden. Vi tilbyder udlejning af festmateriel til din fest. Telte, gulve, borde stole, lyd, lys, varme og og service - ja alt hvad du har brug for til en fest. Vo
Apidemia is an IT-engineering company at heart. We work by lifting existing companies towards new success in the digital age.
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Sunflux er en dansk virksomhed, der specialiserer sig i belysningsløsninger baseret på energieffektiv LED-teknologi. De tilbyder et bredt udvalg af produkter, herunder LED-pærer, lamper og armaturer til både private og kommercielle kunder. Virksomheden fokuserer på at levere miljøvenlige og energibe
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Founded in 2018, LEGO Ventures invests in the future of learning, creativity, and play. They work with entrepreneurs, ideas, and startups centered around playful learning, which includes industries like gaming, adaptive education, and virtual reality.
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Selskabets formål er at drive handel, fabrikation og anden i forbindelse hermed stående virksomhed, såvel direkte som indirekte ved anbringelse af kapital el.lign. i andre virksomheder med samme formål.
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Tofte & Company was established to provide a professional and experienced service for IT companies looking for financing or buyers. We wanted to provide an efficient 360° service from initial lead contact to money in the bank.
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Give your best friend the food they deserve: Fresh, delicious and healthy nourishment, delivered to your door 🐶🥩🥦🥕📦
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By using technology, real estate and community we build the next generation work space. At the core we gather individuals with an entrepreneurial mindset: Challengers, thinkers, artists and pioneers that are constructive, driven, and want to make a positive impact on the future. We create venues for
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A boutique consultancy with a narrow focus on Strategy Development and Business Model Innovation - Rethinking business.
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I Induce laver vi rekruttering af digitale profiler. Vi har specialiseret os i at matche de mest spændende digitale stillinger med de dygtigste specialister og ledere inden for forretningsudvikling, user experience, e-commerce og marketing/kommunikation.
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Our mission is to spread 3D printing to everyone. The price of a 3D printer has gradually come down so far that everyone can participate. We have been selling 3D printers since 2015 and in that time a great deal of development has taken place. At PriGo, we try to keep prices down, so that it is not