Explore 243 companies in Iceland
Brunnur Ventures GP was founded in 2014 and has since developed a rich network of co-investors. We make early and transformational investments in companies that have the potential to do great things. Our dedicated team is made up of seasoned investors who are looking to partner with hard-working, vi
Corivo offers complete and customised solutions for the travel industry: - Our solutions increase profitability and efficiency for travel companies. - Our solutions include scalable and automised back office solutions for effective product portfolio management, marketing and online sales capab
ThorShip provides comprehensive logistics and transport services with two vessels on a weekly sailing schedule between Iceland and mainland Europe. We have built strong relationships with global transport and logistics partners to leverage with our extensive knowledge and experience. Together, we
Raised in the cleanest water in the world, our salmon is a pure superfood! Geo Salmo intends to be a leader in developing the land-based salmon farming industry to future success and benefit of the world. Our project is building a 20.000 tonne hybrid flow-through land-based farm in South-Iceland wit
Hjá Vegagerðinni starfa um 300 starfsmenn á 20 stöðum um allt land. Hlutverk þeirra er að þróa og sjá um vegakerfi Íslands á sem hagkæmvastan hátt með þarfir samfélagsins, öryggi vegfarenda og umhverfissjónarmið að leiðarljósi. Starfsmenn Vegagerðarinnar eru fjölbreyttur hópur með margvíslega menntu
Iceland Seafood International hf is an Iceland-based company, which is mainly focused on the food industry. The Company operates as a supplier of fresh, frozen, and salted fish products. The Company operates globally through number of subsidiaries in France, Germany, the United Kingdom, Spain, the U
Securitas hf was founded in the year 1979, pioneering the fields of security and guarding services, and has ever since been by far the leading company in its fields of operation in the Icelandic market.
We are experts in network management. We address your three core network services — DNS, DHCP and IP address management, also known as DDI. Our focus is on making complex and heavy networks simple and flexible. Our most popular product, Micetro (DNS, DHCP and IPAM) is an overlay network management
Kópavogur has a wide variety of shops and services, a thriving cultural scene and two excellent swimming pools.
uiData is a dynamic tech company focused on bringing simplicity and accessibility to the complex world of data analytics and business intelligence. Our flagship product, DataCentral, embodies our commitment to making data sharing less complex without compromising security. In addition to our main o
Rocky Road intends to create the world's first casual open world mobile game based on real-world map data.
Maven is an IT service provider that aims to create knowledge and wisdom from data. Our focus is on future-proofing our customers' data management, integration, storage, and reporting. We do this by building solution-oriented teams with our customers who are creative and hungry for knowledge. This w
We promise a unique and authentic experience in unspoiled nature away from the crowds as you linger in our eight natural hot springs that glide into the ocean surrounded by majestic mountains and black beaches. Enjoy our legendary seafood soup, drinks and world class art in our beautifully designed
Öryggismiðstöðin er framsækið þjónustufyrirtæki sem býður upp á fjölbreyttar lausnir og þjónustu í öryggis-og velferðartækni, fyrir einstaklinga og fyrirtæki. Hjá Öryggismiðstöðinni starfar öflugur hópur sérfræðinga sem býr yfir brennandi áhuga, faglegri þekkingu og mikilli reynslu af þjónustu við v
Memento Payments offer the next generation social payment platform for banks.
Húsasmiðjan is the leading hardware and home improvement chain in Iceland. Also the oldest operating hardware store in Iceland. Húsasmiðjan has 16 hardware stores all around the country and holds a leading market share and a very strong corporate identity. Furthermore, Húsasmiðjan runs 10 garden
Festi hf, formerly N1 hf, is an Iceland-based retail and service company. It provides fuel, supplies, refreshments and recreational products through its distribution system. It offers targeted product range and business, aviation and marine services. It operates a chain of stores, and service and ve
Stefnir Asset Management Company is a well-established Icelandic fund manager with assets of approximately ISK 260 billion under active management at the end of 2022. Stefnir caters for both retail and professional clients with the aim of managing its clients' assets as best serves their interests.
Rauði krossinn á Íslandi var stofnaður 10. desember 1924. Félagið er eitt af 190 landsfélögum Rauða krossins og Rauða hálfmánans sem eru stærstu mannúðar- og hjálparsamtök heims. Allt okkar starf miðar að því að bregðast við og aðstoða þar sem neyðin er mest. Á heimsvísu starfar Rauði krossinn og R
Established in 1936 and based in Reykjavík, Iceland, our local experts craft once-in-a-lifetime travel experiences and take guests on extraordinary Icelandic journeys. We take immense pride in our diverse portfolio of tours and high service standards, but it’s our commitment to community and our d
Your Entrance to the Wonders of Iceland
The University of Iceland is a public research university in Reykjavík, Iceland and the country's oldest and largest institution of higher education.
KuKucampers is a company founded in 2012 based in Iceland. We are a campervan rental company dedicated to creating the best Iceland vacations experience for tourists. Company made by and designed for people passionate about the camping life that Iceland can offer to the travellers. We offer differen
Vélfag is at the heart of the transformation process from catch to plate. Our corrosion free heading, filleting and skinning machines are not only designed to maximise yield and quality, but also with the limited space of our customers in mind. Originated from the extremely demanding environment on
Reykjafell was founded in 1956 with the sole purpose of supplying high-quality products to electrical professionals in Iceland. 65 years later Reykjafell continues to provide its customers with a full range of quality electrical products they depend upon. Today the company is owned by Mr. Otto Gudj
Kosmi enables users to build their own virtual space where they can hang out, watch videos, play games, chat, and create together online.
Við erum netmarkaðsstofa og hjálpum fyrirtækjum að ná betri árangri í netmarkaðsmálum með auknum sýnileika á leitarvélum, skilvirkari vefauglýsingum, bestunaraðgerðum á vefsíðu, nýtingu gagna í markaðsaðgerðum og vefmælingum. Meðal fyrirtækja sem við höfum unnið fyrir eru Google, CCP, Wow, Landsbank
Spectaflow is a SaaS solution for accommodations businesses focused on improving housekeeping and maintenance workflows
In 1920 at the heart of one of the most isolated countries on earth, Iceland, a small confectionary company started operating from a basement in Reykjavik – Nói Síríus was born. Despite its humble beginnings, the never ending focus in producing the best products with the best possible ingredients tu
Skatturinn annast álagningu skatta, tolla og annarra gjalda auk þess að viðhafa eftirlit með réttmæti skattskila. Jafnframt starfrækir stofnunin sérstaka einingu sem fer með rannsóknir skattsvika og annarra skattalagabrota. Þá sinnir stofnunin innheimtu opinberra gjalda fyrir ríki og sveitarfélög í
Healthcare providers are succumbed by workload and burnout is becoming a serious threat to modern healthcare. EHR software is by far the most used tool in healthcare but has not received the attention it deserves as there is huge potential for improvement of productivity and patient care. As physic
Hreint ræstir allar tegundir skrifstofa, stofnana, húsnæði ríkis & sveitarfélaga, framleiðslufyrirtæki og verslanir víða á Íslandi.
Frumtak Ventures manages venture funds Frumtak 1 and Frumtak 2. The LPs of these funds are predominantly pension funds as well as some additional stakeholders in Iceland.
IMS Vintage Photos is involved in preserving history and helping archives around the world in digitizing their physical images, photos.
Overtune offers a fast and fun way to create music and share it with your friends and family. Rather than relying on pre-existing music when creating content for your socials, Overtune provides you with the tools to create your own viral songs, making the creative proccess accessible to everyone. No
Hafnarfjörður er þriðji stærsti bær landsins, framsækið og fjölskylduvænt sveitarfélag
Maximise sales conversion by creating a dynamic customer journey, uncovering previously hidden buyer behaviours
PLAIO is a revolutionary visual planning tool for the pharmaceutical industry. The PLAIO platform uses prediction and artificial intelligence to assist planners and supply managers optimise future manufacturing needs.
At 𝗨𝗻𝗶𝗗𝗼𝗰, we specialize in providing innovative PDF and Office libraries crafted in pure Go, designed to streamline document processing for SMBs, enterprises, and individual developers. Our products are engineered to tackle common industry challenges including PDF & Office files manipulatio
Contextual- and situational awareness improves all aspects of data science, analytics and AI/ML models. Smart Data creates solutions that open up a world of possibilities to companies that don't employ a large data engineering workforce to source the external data that is commonly used to enrich bus
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VSÓ Ráðgjöf ehf. var stofnuð árið 1958 og er fyrirtækið nú í eigu 15 aðila, sem allir eru starfsmenn fyrirtækisins. Hjá VSÓ Ráðgjöf starfa nú um 70 manns, þar af eru yfir 85% með háskóla- og tækniskólamenntun á sviði húsbygginga, mannvirkja, jarðtækni...
Ankeri provides cloud based platform for ship owners and charterers to communicate and share ship data with focus on ship performance.
Uniting over 1000 Icelandic travel operators in a single community, Guide to Iceland remains the largest marketplace for Icelandic travel services in existence. The online platform provides unprecedented access to customer reviewed tours, accommodation and rental cars, as well as unique packages, cu
Boxid is a scalable e-commerce solution with a mobile first web, app or headless (REST API & GraphQL). Founded as an online retailer, the solution was built and developed to meet the requirements of our daily needs as operators of a vertically integrated e-commerce business from the frontend to del
Studio Mango provides web development solutions for businesses in the Corporate, eCommerce and automotive industries. We use the latest technology and have a deep understanding of these areas. Our approach is all about working together with our clients to build exactly what they need. Our custom C
Í Háskólanum á Akureyri er boðið upp á fjölbreytt nám á þremur fræðasviðum. Hlutverk HA er að veita nemendum tækifæri til menntunar í metnaðarfullu og
Meginhlutverk fjármála- og efnahagsráðuneytis felst í yfirstjórn opinberra fjármála og efnahagsmála. Ráðuneytið fer með málefni fjármálamarkaðarins, ber ábyrgð á bættum stjórnunarháttum og áætlanagerð, hefur með höndum virka stjórn mannauðsmála ríkisins og er leiðandi í umbótum og nýsköpun í rekstri
Miðeind is a privately owned startup company based in Reykjavík, Iceland, specializing in Language Technology (LT), Natural Language Processing (NLP), and Artificial Intelligence (AI) applications for the Icelandic language. The company's mission is to enable Icelandic businesses and the public to