Macedonia, the Former Yugoslav Republic of

Explore 102 companies in Macedonia, the Former Yugoslav Republic of

Yahya Kemal Colllege is a school located in Skopje, Republic of North Macedonia, established in November 1996. It was established according to protocols signed between Yahya Kemal secondary schools and the Ministry of Education of the Republic of North Macedonia. The school is named after Yahya Kema

Metropol Lake Resort - Ohrid is located at the far end of the south-west part of the Republic of Macedonia, in the city of Ohrid, distanced only 172 km, from the capital - Skopje. This region is well known tourist destination in our country, easily accessible for all domestic and foreign tourists.Me

Getting in to the details of complex business process that have existed and evolved over many decades is what we love doing. Supporting and caring is in our nature. Enhancing existing processes through procedure efficiency & software features is our passion and creating something completely new is a

Elena Luka Home


Приказната за Elena Luka Home започна како резултат на потребата од уникатни градби, да се подобри визуелната естетика и квалитет на градбите како и на клиентите да им се понуди поинаква визија за нивното домување и да им се отворат богати можности за изборот на нивниот дом, неговиот квалитет, дизај

Mr. New Life


What is Mr. New Life? - This is a new chapter in your life - Where we will help you get your life back - While leaving your old job for even better results By joining Mr. New Life these could be your results: ✅ Monthly earnings from €1,000 - €6,000 in a period of 30 - 150 Days ✅ You won't be abl



We are a boutique agency working with founders and marketers at early-stage B2B software companies to help them build more efficient growth engines. Three founders created Demandster by uniting a passion for SaaS growth marketing with the capacity for scaling teams and a winning sales mindset. In

КАМ е единствен ланец на дисконтни продавници за продажба на основни животни намирници и останати производи за секојдневна употреба, во Републиката, кој работи по истите принципи како најголемите и познато светски досконтери Алди, Лидл, Плус, Нето и др

Ars Lamina


Ars Lamina is a broad-based publisher with strengths in professional literature and belletristic. Founded in 2005 as a repro studio with a mission to move the printing standards to a higher level, today it is the most important publisher of academic and scientific literature in the country, with ove

Orbico Macedonia


👩🎓👨🎓 Нешто повеќе за нас! Групацијата Орбико е водечки европски дистрибутер на многу препознатливи брендови. Во моментов сме присутни во 20 земји и скоро 8.000 вработени кои работат на нашиот заеднички успех. Како дистрибутер, претставуваме голем број на високо квалитетни глобални брендови од р

Olive Jobs

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Olive jobs is part of Catalyst Care Group and it is located in Skopje, Republic of North Macedonia. Our company is providing recruitment support for healthcare businesses through providing superior service. By leveraging talent and technology we are achieving measurable reductions in cost in servin

EUROLINK Insurance Inc. Skopje is a non-life insurance company, one of the top 3 insurance companies in the Republic of Macedonia. It is a privately owned company, founded in 2002 as green-field investment and it operates throughout the Republic of Macedonia.


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IWConnect provides consulting services to improve digitization of business processes. It offers information technology solutions for various company issues. IWConnect was founded in 2004 and is based in Bitola, North Macedonia.

Alkaloid AD Skopje is a company which eight decades has been operating in the field of manufacturing drugs, cosmetic and chemical products and processing botanical raw materials.Alkaloid AD is a joint stock company that consists of two profit centers: Pharmaceuticals and Chemicals, Cosmetics and Bot



Sphise specializes in creating synergies between forward-thinking organizations and exceptional candidates. As a leading outsourcing company, we are dedicated to delivering tailored solutions that drive efficiency, innovation and growth for businesses, while offering rewarding career opportunities f



At ASPEKT, we deliver flexible, scalable and integrated software solutions comprised under the Aspekt Product Suite, specialized for financial industry segments. The financial software platform incorporates process management principles for dynamic workflow adaptation and business process mappin



A prominent pharmaceutical company based in North Macedonia, with a rich history spanning over 77 years. As a leader in the Macedonian pharmaceutical market, we are dedicated to producing high-quality generic medicines, including tablets, capsules, oral solutions, creams, and ointments. The company



At MAK-SYSTEM, we enable individuals to save lives. We create and deliver the innovative technologies that are used to ensure the efficiency, compliance, and safety of the global supply of blood, plasma, and cellular products.   Our solutions enable individuals to donate and empower healthcare pro



VITA INSTITUT is a specialized, representative institute for executive education, management consulting and coaching. Our mission is to provide full professional support to companies which are focusing on building institutional and managerial capacities, and to executives who are dedicated to great



Nextsense is specialized in driving complete digital transformation processes and delivering ICT solutions to improve the business performance of a wide range of organizations. Utilizing a leading-edge technology, our products and solutions are also founded on our expertise and experience in build


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Tehnika focuses on delivering exceptional work across diverse media and platforms, driving results for clients in various industries. Our passion for great design and functionality powers every project—from branding & design to websites and multimedia content. You can expect innovative solutions, un

Telekom MK

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Најстабилен супер брз интернет, најголем број ТВ канали и голем избор уреди на рати.



Најновите HR Трендови

At Energy Intelligence, we harness the power of IoT, AI, and cloud computing to deliver innovative, secure, and energy-efficient solutions that enhance comfort and sustainability. ✔️ Smart Home Solutions Transform your living space with integrated systems that redefine convenience and security. Our


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Services and Solutions tailored to Build, Scale and Transform Your Business... High-performance Teams Engineering the Future


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Technoperia is a software development company that is dedicated to generating high-quality job opportunities in the Western Balkans while bridging the IT skills gap in the Western world. We specialize in setting up offshore development teams, providing our clients with top-tier software development

Access top IT talent trough our Dedicated Team formation and IT Staff Augmentation services. We provide software outsourcing to Macedonia and Serbia, the most competitive nearshore locations in Eastern Europe. As outsourcing experts with more than 15 years of professional experience, 130 Employees



HeyReach is the only agency-first LinkedIn Outreach Tool on the market, focused on scaling the whole outreach game truly indefinitely, by introducing the concept of multi-account outreach. 🌠 Scale your outreach game with HeyReach by: 🧩 Using multiple accounts on one campaign, simultaneously. 🔍

The Ss. Cyril and Methodius University is an autonomous, scientific and higher educational university which provides teaching, scholar and applied activities in technical, natural sciences and mathematics, bio-technical, artistic, medical and social sciences. A University develops long-life and cont

Hoyo Tech

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Hoyo Tech specializes in IoT, primarily Smart Home solutions, Fleet Management, and custom software development. Our dedicated team shares a unified vision and delivers complete software ecosystems for Web, Mobile, and IoT solutions, serving as your one-stop service provider.

TZG Europe


TZG Europe is essential part of The Zaf Group LLC. We are building a dream team of talented people that seek growth, while providing internal support and service to our U.S. based portfolio companies in the light industrial, consumer, and B2B IT products and services sectors. TZG and TZG platform c

Sparkasse и знакот „S“ „Шпаркасе Банка Македонија АД Скопје" е составен дел од групацијата „Штаермеркише Шпаркасе", која бележи речиси 2 века постоење на финансискиот пазар во Р. Австрија. Препознатливоста на оваа групација се должи на логото „Sparkasse“ со црвениот знак „S“, кој претставува сигурно



Approved by major social media networks to generate and display reviews, photos, feeds and stories that turn websites into sales machines.


1 follower

Founded in 2009, Coordea is a young and dynamic Swedish company focused on providing cost-effective business services through the extended office model. With offices both in Stockholm, Sweden and Tetovo, Macedonia, Coordea offers high-quality and flexible business process support tailored for compan

1 follower

MCA is a digital product studio of 135+ devoted in-house developers. Since our inception in 2008, we have created products for both small and large international companies in the telco, finance and law enforcement industries. With our one-stop-shop approach, our clients appreciate that we deliver th

Semos Education


Semos Education is one of the biggest IT training providers in Europe with over 60,000 people who have successfully completed our courses. Semos Education operates in over 15 countries globally with over 120 experts and over 300 courses offered to businesses, customers and students starting their IT

onecontact TECH

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onecontact TECH is focused on building strong and effective teams for businesses by selecting the top 1% of remote talent in Central & Eastern Europe. Our journey began over 10 years ago as a small outsourcing project, which over the years has transformed into an international Information Technology

MVP Masters


We build software the right way.

KFC Macedonia


Приказната започна пред повеќе од 70 години кога полковникот Харланд Сандерс го создаде оригиналниот таен рецепт со 11 билки и зачини, кој стана еден од најпознатите рецепти во светот. KFC како глобален бренд е застапен во повеќе од 125 земји со повеќе од 22.000 ресторани. Во Македонија, ги отвори

FON University was initially founded as the Faculty of Social Studies FON. Today, it is AUE-FON University, the first private university- the epitome of modern higher education. AUE-FON University is an institution which follows the current world trends in the area of education. It is a brand which

At Lihnitech, we match the best Recruitment, Marketing, Sales, and Engineering talent in North Macedonia with high-growth companies redefining their industries!

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Software development

At Limitless Solutions, we harness the limitless potential of international talent to provide result-focused consulting services that optimize business processes and reduce costs for our clients. With our skilled and cost-effective remote teams in Macedonia, we strive to create growth opportunities

K Resourcing


K Resourcing was founded early 2022 with the aim of establishing high-performing nearshore teams for our Nordic and international customer base. We thrive working with customers who value true talent and work with global mindsets. Our core competencies lie within the establishment of dedicated IT an

Универзална македонска банка која нуди услуги за правни и физички лица: штедни депозити, кредити, банкарски картички (MаsterCard, Maestro, Visa, Visa Electron, Visa Gold), денарски платен промет, платен промет со странство, документарно работење (дознаки, акредитиви, гаранции), девизен пазар (купопр

EVN Macedonia


EVN Macedonia is a company which has power distribution and supply on the territory of the Republic of Macedonia as its primary activity.



AK-Invest is a company with experience and knowledge. We take professionalism seriously. Our vision is to create a stable and professional company that is committed to delivering realized projects. Our strategy is to consistently have current and appropriate mechanical equipment, reliable human re



Solutionade is a Gold Microsoft Partner with a strong focus and expertise on the Microsoft cloud stack of products and services, in particular Dynamics 365, Power Automate, and Azure, with offices in Skopje, Macedonia and the United Kingdom. Our portfolio of clients consists of Microsoft partners,

Официјален ЛинкдИн профил на Владата на Република Северна Македонија. | Official LinkedIn account of the Government of the Republic of North Macedonia.