
Explore 2,779 companies in Norway

Glencore Nikkelverk AS produserer høykvalitets nikkel, kobbolt og kobber og er lokalisert sentralt i Kristiansand S, Norway. Bedriften er en del av det globale Glencore-konsernet.

Novo helsesenter is a company based out of Gladbakkvegen 2, Eidsvoll, Viken, Norway.

Gentian Diagnostics – a global medical diagnostics company – develops and manufactures high quality, in vitro diagnostic (IVD) reagents for a wide range of clinical chemistry analysers. Our product lines of laboratory tests, for diverse medical conditions, improve accuracy and provide faster results

Musti Norge AS


Musti åpnet sin første butikk i Norge i 2016, og har nå butikker over hele landet, fra Søgne i Sør, til Alta i nord. Musti Norge er en del av Musti Group er Nordens største dyrebutikk-kjede med om lag 350 dyrebutikker i Sverige, Finland og Norge. I tillegg til fysiske butikker har Musti sterk tils

Tronrud Engineering are "Putting ideas into practice" as we develop, manufacture, and supply state-of-the-art technology to the global market. With more than 45 years of experience and more than 200 innovative team members we offer solutions that add value to our customers We supply automation for

The Norwegian Computer Society is Norway's largest network for IT professionals. Over 50 specialized groups deliver different seminars, workshops, courses and meetings for our members within their specialized fields of expertise. The Norwegian Computer Society are also the owner of EUCIP Norway AS.


1 follower

NILU is a non-profit Norwegian climate and environmental research institute. We conduct research from pole to pole - from Zeppelin in Svalbard to Trollhaugen in Antarctica. Our research contributes to increased knowledge about climate change, the composition of the atmosphere, air quality, environme



Modulvegger er en ledende aktør innenfor systeminnredninger i Norge. 40 år i markedet har gitt oss kunnskap som har resultert i høy kvalitet på både produkter og tjenester. Modulvegger-gruppen er en økonomisk sunn bedrift, med klare definerte målsetninger for omsetning og virkeområde. Våre produkte

third SEO

1 follower

Get found online and book more clients. We are specialists in SEO strategy for entrepreneurs in the creative, wellness, and coaching industry.


1 follower

I 2010 tok fire gründere fra servicebransjen et avgjørende valg. De bestemte seg for å skape et nytt selskap som skulle utfordre det bestående. Målet var å levere et bredt spekter av servicetjenester på en enklere og mer personlig måte. Sammen skulle de endre selve kundeopplevelsen, og samtidig løft

Siem Offshore


Siem Offshore offers a dedicated and skilled workforce. They operate and manage a safe, environmentally friendly, and technically advanced fleet of offshore vessels worldwide.

Strømme Foundation is a rights-based development NGO that works towards a vision of a world free from poverty. Our most important interventions in the fight against poverty are education, economic inclusion/job creation and a strong civil society. Vår visjon er en verden uten fattigdom. Vi driver

Manta Marine Technologies (previously Yara Marine Technologies) has been at the forefront of maritime emissions reduction since 2010. We are working closely with ship-owners, yards, and naval architects as partners in our effort to drive the change toward sustainable shipping. We offer a comprehe

We Are Learning


Born in the heart of Norway, We Are is the award-winning AI-powered tool designed to turn anyone into a content creation hero! Whether you’re an experienced content creator or a newbie, We Are lets you create high-quality 3D animations and interactive, immersive learning content, in minutes. We call



Enerion delivers equipment to land, marine and offshore based industry. We have high focus on quality, service and safety in our deliveries to our Customers.



ECCSEL is the European Research Infrastructure (ERIC) for Carbon Capture, Transport, Utilisation and Storage, co-funded by the European Commission within the Research Infrastructure (RI) program of Horizon 2020. With five member countries ECCSEL is working to expand our infrastructure. Our mission i

Axer Eiendom AS


Axer Eiendom AS is a Norwegian real estate developer operating in the Oslo, Bergen and Stavanger areas in Norway.

Make AS


Send newsletters and SMS.

YouWish AS

0 followers was founded in 2013 with the goal of becoming Norway's largest supplier of experience gifts. In partnership with the best organizers, YouWish offers a wide range of experience gifts. Everyone can give away memorable experiences as gifts when the best experiences are gathered in one place

Aass Bryggeri AS


Ole Steens gate 10, 3015 Drammen

Trøndelag brann- og redningstjeneste IKS er den lokale faginstans for brannvern i Trondheim, Malvik, Indre Fosen, Oppdal og Rennebu kommuner. Vi har som primæroppgave å sikre lokalsamfunnet, kommunene, mot ulykker og skader forårsaket av brann og akutt forurensning.

Save the Children is the world's leading independent organization for children, fighting for children's rights and for children to reach their full potential and live a dignified life, no matter who they are and where they grow up. Our focus is for children to be safe, healthy and learn and we cre

Front Systems

1 follower

Front Systems unifies commerce and connects "best of breed" - applications to deliver a seamless omnichannel experience.

Hemit er Helse Midt-Norges totalleverandør av IT-systemer, fra infrastruktur til applikasjoner og utstyr.



The Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO) is an independent, international and interdisciplinary research institute, founded in 1959. Its purpose is to conduct research on the conditions for peaceful relations between states, groups and people. PRIO’s research targets scholars, policy-makers, practit

At Santander Nordics, we work with the best people in an engaged, challenging and passionate organization that provides excellent opportunities for advancement. We are a Nordic bank with more than 1,400 colleagues in Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Finland, and with global strength by being a part of B

Unite AS


We create innovate subscription, login and media solutions with great focus on UX and revenue

Polaris Media ASA is a Norway-based independent media group primarily active within the fields of publishing and digital services. The Company operates through five subsidiaries: Adresseavisen Gruppen AS, a publisher of Adresseavisen and a number of local newspapers in Mid-Norway; Harstad Tidende Gr



Quantafuel is a technology-based energy company converting waste plastics back into low-carbon synthetic oil products replacing virgin oil products. Quantafuel is establishing, operating and owning dedicated plastic-to-liquid (PtL) plants and plans to establish several plants throughout Europe and b

0 followers is Norway’s largest ecommerce hosting provider. We host more than 1100 shops and handled orders worth 500 million NOK in 2013. In addition to ecommerce, we provide point of sale solutions for the iPad. Our revenues for 2013 were 10 million NOK. We are currently 10 employees who love makin

Schjødt is internationally recognized and respected as one of Scandinavia's top tier law firms, with a reputation for legal excellence. We combine this with commercial skills, a commitment to service, innovative solutions and producing excellent results for our clients. We have advised on more M&A t



Misjonsalliansen gir folk mulighet til å skape et bedre liv for seg selv og sin familie. Hvem vi er: Misjonsalliansen er en kristen organisasjon som siden 1901 har formidlet Jesu kjærlighet i praksis, fordi alle er skapt i Guds bilde og fortjener like muligheter. Hvorfor vi finnes: Alle mennesker

Lysholm Bil AS


Tillit, service og kvalitet er de tre viktigste faktorene for at du som kunde skal kunne gjøre et forutsigbart og trygt bilkjøp. Vi ønsker å være den forhandleren for deg! Vårt lag består av mennesker med høy kompetanse og bred erfaring innenfor bil og motor. Vi skal gjøre vårt aller ytterste for at



Dynamon er den ledende leverandøren av KI-genererte turnuser. Vi har arbeidet målrettet siden starten av 2020 for å bygge en løsning som gir deg den beste mulig turnusen basert på dine inputdata på raskest mulig måte. Dynamon effektiviserer og forenkler utarbeidelse av turnus, frigjør tid for led

AdviseTech AS


Vi er et uavhengig og tverrfaglig selskap som er markedsledende innen teknologi og endring. Våre rådgivere tilbyr et spekter av tjenester innenfor teknologi, anskaffelser og endringsledelse.

Westcon Yards AS


Westcon Yards AS is a modern shipyard with a main focus on offshore service, shipbuilding, rig and ship repair. We are located in Ølensvåg, Florø, Helgeland and Karmsund with a short distance to Haugesund, Stavanger and Bergen. Our vision is to be the preferred yard in the North Sea Basin. We have



Teqva is a company based out of Bedriftsveien 14, Sandnes, Rogaland, Norway.

Unic Revisjon AS


Unic Revisjon AS er et revisjonsselskap med bred erfaring som revisor innen ulike bransjer og konsulenttjenester. Våre medarbeidere har erfaring både fra de store revisjonsselskapene og det offentlige. Vi holder til i Akersgata 32, sentralt plassert i Oslo. Sammen utgjør vi et sterkt fagmiljø innen



Fakturahåndtering - gjort enkelt! 🚀 Med automatisering og intelligent regnskapsføring fjerner vi tidstyvene som tar av din verdifulle tid, så du kan fokusere på viktige ting.  Mindre jobb. Mer tid. We simplify the handling and distribution of invoices and other business documents. With improve

W. Giertsen Energy Solutions is a total energy provider specializing in delivering turn-key solar energy systems and solar energy products. The company is part of the W. Giertsen Group which was founded in 1875 in Bergen, Norway. W. Giertsen Energy Solutions is building on over 140 years of experi

SpinChip is considered the ultimate concept for in vitro diagnosis analyses in a point of care setting.

All activities in Sørlandet Hospital are based on the values ​​of respect - professional skill - accessibility - commitment. The values ​​should characterize the way the hospital meets patients, relatives, employees, and partners.

AKOFS Offshore


AKOFS Offshore is a global provider of vessel based subsea well construction and intervention services to the oil and gas industry. Supporting our operations, we have a highly competent and diverse organization, covering all phases from conceptual development to project execution and offshore opera


1 follower

Cxense was an AI-powered Data Management and Intelligent Personalization platform that helped leading publishers and marketers around the globe deliver personalized experiences that grow subscription revenue and boost targeted advertising.



Genus is the most comprehensive no-code software. You can build fast and deploy powerful enterprise applications that will last.


1 follower

Zephyr er et fornybarselskap som utvikler, bygger og drifter vindkraft i Norge, Sverige og på Island. Zephyrs visjon er «Vi utvikler ren energi for en grønn fremtid». Våre verdier er nysgjerrig, inkluderende og ansvarlig. Vi er en liten organisasjon med tung kompetanse og en stor portefølje.



Har din bedrift behov for en fleksibel personalavdeling? Det lønner seg å ta vare på gode folk, og sammen med oss i BUHR kan du få eksperthjelp til akkurat det. Faktisk kan du få tilgang til en komplett HR-avdeling med bred faglig spisskompetanse, helt uten å ansette eller leie inn kostbare konsule



NutraQ is a privately held company that manufactures food supplements and cosmetic products.



00NATION is a gaming and esports organization based on art, fashion, music and internet culture, with talent management, content production, community building and sports performance at its core.