
Explore 2,784 companies in Norway



Helthjem er en utfordrer på det norske logistikkmarkedet, og jobber for å gjøre levering raskere, oftere og enklere – helt hjem til kunden. Vi eies av de store mediekonsernene Schibsted, Amedia og Polaris, og er bygget opp av det landsdekkende nettverket av avisbud som nå leverer aviser, magasiner o

Alfred Berg Kapitalforvaltning is a modern funds manager with long traditions. Alfred Berg has more than 150 year experience from merchant banking and focuses on asset management exclusively. We have our offices in Oslo, Helsinki and Stockholm, and is the Nordic boutique funds manager within the B



Hydrovolt is a battery recycling and raw materials company established in 2020. We are a 50/50 joint venture between the Norwegian industry giant Hydro and the Swedish battery manufacturer Northvolt. By pioneering battery recycling of EVs and industrial batteries, we create a circular solution for b



Framo is a pump manufacturer based in Bergen, Norway. From it's beginning in 1938, the company has grown into a worldwide organization with subsidiaries on three continents. Today Framo with 1200 employees is a leading manufacturer of submerged pumping systems for the tanker shipping and offshore



Det er mye du kan gjøre med et vindu eller en dør for å få det akkurat slik du vil. Hos oss kan du stort sett kombinere alle muligheter for å få akkurat den funksjonen du ønsker. Gilje gir deg dører og vinduer produsert i Norge for norske forhold.



Vi er kloke konsulenter som bryr oss. Vi bygger digitale produkter og moderne IT-organisasjoner. Det gjør vi samtidig som vi tar vare på folk. Fordi fornøyde folk i menneskelige organisasjoner lager de beste løsningene. Digitale produkter og tjenester Vi lager digitale tjenester og produkter, sam



We are technology enthusiasts with a passion for health and care. With good insight into the tasks and challenges health personnel face at work, we develop technology that helps simplify the everyday lives of employees in home care services, institutions, hospitals and care homes. We own a flexible



At BeSafe we have been protecting children for more than 30 years. Our eagerness to improve child safety and our ability to challenge the existing has taken us from Krøderen to more than 40 countries all over the world. By constantly embracing new trends and quickly adopting new technologies we have

Røhneselmer AS


RøhneSelmer er Norges største Ford-forhandler og har over 65 års erfaring. Vi selger nye og brukte biler, og tilbyr service-, verksted- og karosseritjenester. Vi er en autorisert merkevareforhandler og verksted.



Nornir is an IoT operator company that provides an open end-to-end software infrastructure and wireless coverage for smart cities.

Horten kommune.


Informasjon om skoletilbudet i Horten kommune. Her finner du informasjon om Hortenskolen.

Remora Robotics


Remora Robotics is a Norwegian technology company, and have since its inception developed, tested and now commercialized its fully automated robotics system for cleaning fish pens.

Bilia Norge AS


Bilia er Nordens største bilkjede med over 100 bilanlegg i Norge, Sverige og Tyskland. I Norge er Bilia i dag lokalisert i Oslo, Akershus, Buskerud, Hedmark, Oppland, Vestfold og Trøndelag. Bilia har salgsansvaret for BMW, Ford, Lexus, Volvo og Toyota samt serviceansvar for de nevnte bilmerkene.



Cavai is the world’s most advanced conversational advertising platform.

Cappa AS


Cappa AS - In Search of Excellence Spesialister på rekruttering av topp- og mellomledere, nøkkelpersoner og franchisetilknyttede partnere. Cappa er et ledende rekrutteringsselskap med fokus på kommersielle virksomheter og kjeder innen handel, servering og tjenesteytende virksomhet. Cappa rekrutte

Norsk Regnesentral (The Norwegian Computing Center, NR) is an independent and non-profit private foundation that carries out contract research. Core research areas are statistical modeling, geomodelling, machine learning, artificial intelligence, language technology, digital security, digital inclu



Eltek is a world leader in high-efficiency power electronics and energy conversion within telecom and industrial applications.

The Norlandia Hotel Group consists of employees in all fields in the hospitality industry. Their specialty is hotel operations, and the company's strength is the employees as they create the real added value to the guest.

Hofseth BioCare´s key objective is to provide high value added biomarine ingredients for human applications. Through innovative production technology and logistics, they preserve the quality of protein, calcium and oil extracted from fish. This technology is proprietary to their company.

Telenor Satellite is Europe's most versatile satellite operator, serving customers with premium, high-quality Broadcast and Data Services for maritime and land-based connectivity throughout EMEA and the North Atlantic region from 1º West. Telenor Satellite serves over 18 million homes, nearly 1,600

Det å skulle kjøpe ny bil, enten den er ny eller brukt er en drøm for mange. Vi kan hjelpe deg med å realisere denne drømmen. Gjennom våre forhandlere tilbyr vi skreddersydde løsninger for deg som privat- såvel som bedriftskunde.



We supply our customers with reliable technology products and -solutions for demanding environments. We have developed quality solutions since 1971, and serve customers within the Renewables, Environment, Intelligent Traffic Systems, Offshore and Defence segments.



Vibb setter en ny standard for strømbransjen, med fokus på gode kundeopplevelser og tillit. Vi leverer en heldigital tjeneste som gjør strøm enkelt og forståelig for folk flest. Sammen med kundene våre utvikler vi nyskapende tjenester som gir dem forutsigbarhet, kontroll og trygghet i hverdagen.​ Øn

Voss vidaregåande skule er den mest moderne yrkesfaglege skulen i Hordaland fylke og vart opna skuleåret 2016-17. Hos oss er opplæringa framtidsretta og røyndomsnær, både i innhald og arbeidsmetodikk.



Volvat Medisinske Senter er et av landets ledende private helseforetak og skal være et supplement og et alternativ til det offentlige helsevesen. Hos Volvat setter vi først og fremst pasientens behov i fokus, og vårt mål er å ha de mest fornøyde pasientene. Vi har over 30 års erfaring med drift



Møbelkjeden med kjærlighet til hjemmet. Møbelringen ble etablert i 1985. Siden den gang har Norges mest inspirerende og serviceinnstilte møbelkjede vokst til 69 medlemseide butikker spredt over hele landet, fra Kristiansand i sør til Honningsvåg i nord. I butikkene våre står flinke fagspesialister k

Mester Grønn AS


Mester Grønn er Norges største heleide blomsterkjede med over 147 blomsterbutikker fra Alta i nord til Kristiansand i sør. Siden starten i 1983 har vi bygget stein på stein, jobbet som et lag og hatt fokus på kvalitet i alle ledd. Vi har ansatte som er stolte over produktene vi selger og som er glad



Imerso is a computer-vision company that changes the global construction industry with intelligent digital twins of building-sites.

0 followers operates Vespa Cloud - used by companies to run Big Data serving with AI, online. We maintain the Vespa open-source project, continuously released and used by organizations with high performance, availability, and functional requirements. We are hiring! See the Jobs page, or visit our webs

R. STAHL TRANBERG AS is a leading manufacturer and supplier of products, systems and services for explosion protection and marine applications. Backed by over 100 years of experience, we address the most challenging requirements from Subsea to Helideck Lighting, from Offshore to Onshore within the i

Hadean Ventures


Hadean Ventures is a European life science fund manager with a particular focus on the Nordic region. Hadean Ventures invests broadly across the life science sector, including in speciality pharmaceuticals, medical technology, diagnostics and digital health. Hadean Ventures has offices in Oslo and S

Hurtigruten Svalbard is a full service provider of fantastic excursions, accommodation and dining. Long story short, this means that we can help you make your Arctic dreams a reality. With us you can experience panoramic views from snow-covered glaciers, the sunset over soaring peaks, dog sledding,



Welcome to Sommerro, your local meeting sport and home-away-from-home in the heart of Oslo. Explore our 231 rooms, beautifully designed with bespoke details and a unmistakable nod to 1930s' glamour. Occupying the former headquarters for Oslo Lysverker - the city's first electrical company - Sommer

Nordvik er Norges raskest voksende eiendomsmeglerkjede og har i dag 33 meglerkontorer som til sammen har rundt 350 ansatte. I tillegg har Nordvik eget oppgjørskontor, regnskapskontor og franchisegiverselskap. Siden oppstarten av Nordvik & Partners i 1989 har vi vært blant de ledende eiendomsmeglern

SD Worx Norway


We are one of the leading companies within HR and Payroll in the European market. In short. With us in SD Worx you can choose. Run payroll and HR yourself in a feature-rich and innovative Payroll and HRM system. Or Outsource Payroll and HR to our experts.

Soultions to our challenges and progress are technology-driven. Nova Consulting Group is a Nordic company that consists of cutting-edge professional environments that help our customers to find digital solutions to solve their current need for future-oriented solutions.



The purpose of Virinco is to provide technology, solutions and services that increase customer competitiveness in a global market through increased product quality and process control in R&D, Manufacturing and Customer Service environments. Virinco supports Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM) an

University of South-Eastern Norway is a university that offers studies from annual studies to studies at the bachelor, master, and doctoral. It has approximately 18,000 students and 1,600 staff, spread over eight campuses including Drammen, Vestfold, Kongsberg, Ringerike, Bø, Notodden, Porsgrunn, an



Turn that passion for gaming into a passion for coding.

Fred. Olsen Renewables is a developer, owner, and operator in renewable energy with history back to the mid-1990s. Based on a solid position in UK and Scandinavia with 12 operating wind farms, we are expanding into new countries and new technologies. An increased focus on renewable energy develop

Save the Children is the world's leading independent organization for children, fighting for children's rights and for children to reach their full potential and live a dignified life, no matter who they are and where they grow up. Our focus is for children to be safe, healthy and learn and we cre

Medi 3


Medi 3 er et av landets ledende privateide medisinske senter. Vi har et bredt og relevant tilbud av helsetjenester i Møre og Romsdal med høy kvalitet og god tilgjengelighet for alle. Medi 3 har et personell på ca 150 og en samlet årlig omsetning på ca 200 mill kr. Medi 3 ble først etablert i Ålesun

Intership AS


Intership is a leading wellboat company offering both live fish transportation and treatment to customers worldwide. Today we have vessels or people operating in Norway, Canada, Chile, Scotland and Iceland. Our objective is to be a leading provider of superior quality and service within the Aquacul

Vest-Agder-museet IKS er et konsolidert museum, eid av de 15 kommunene i Agder samt Agder fylkeskommune. Museet har ca. 60 ansatte fordelt på 11 besøksmål, fra Vennesla og Kristiansand i øst til Flekkefjord i vest. Felles administrasjon og fagseksjon er lokalisert til Odderøya i Kristiansand. Vest-A

Wilhelmsen and Kongsberg have joined forces to take the next step in autonomous shipping. These two strong and innovative companies each own 50% of Massterly AS which started operations on 1st September 2018. Massterly will offer services for the customers’ entire value chain for autonomous ships;

Dynamic Elements - Always learn, always teach – Always earn, always reach Dynamic Elements focuses on consulting services for personal and digital customer interactions. We do management consulting focusing on strategy, organization, and process and deliver full system implementation lifecycle ser

Ålesund kommune


Ålesund kommune på nett

The Institute of Marine Research (IMR) is one of the biggest research institute of its kind in Europe, with over 1,000 employees. Our main activities are research, advisory work and monitoring. In January 2018, the IMR was merged with NIFES – The National Institute of Nutrition and Seafood Research

Schive AS


Schive AS, a battery specialist focusing on battery specification, assembly and testing. Our customers are found in all kind of segments like Connectivity, Industrial, Oil & Gas, Subsea, Downhole and Defense. Schive is a member of the specialist network OMNI

UPTIME INTERNATIONAL is the global leader in developing safe motion compensated logistics solutions for sale and rental to the Offshore Wind and to the Oil & Gas industry. Our company mission is to increase uptime through safe access. Uptime provides long term proven walk to work logistics solution