Explore 2,544 companies in Poland
Britenet to profesjonalny software house oraz partner biznesowy, który zajmuje się leasingiem ekspertów IT. Tworzymy systemy, które wspierają procesy operacyjne wielu obszarów biznesu. To idealne miejsce do pracy w dobrej atmosferze.
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Grupa ZPR Media to jedna z najdynamiczniej rozwijających się grup medialnych w Polsce. Obecnie jest jednym z największych wydawców prasowych, nadawców radiowych i telewizyjnych oraz właścicieli serwisów internetowych.
Hako Technology is a production company from the metalworking industry. The goal of our company is the production of high quality complex constructions made of black steel, stainless steel and aluminum combined with short delivery times and high production flexibility.
EAGLE LASERS is a leading tech and R&D company specializing in fiber laser systems. The effective combination of high powers, unparalleled acceleration, and state-of-the-art cutting technology allows EAGLE customers worldwide to benefit from the highest efficiency at the lowest production costs. EAG
RSM Poland to więcej niż biuro rachunkowe, kancelaria doradztwa podatkowego i firma audytorska – to przede wszystkim profesjonalni doradcy i zaufani partnerzy w biznesie. Jesteśmy członkiem RSM, wiodącej sieci niezależnych firm doradczych i audytorskich na świecie. W naszych biurach w Poznaniu,
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For over a decade ESKOM has been providing IT services and IT hardware solutions to numerous clients in Poland and Europe. We have a wide experience in delivering dedicated software and services to large IT organizations and SMEs. We specialize in IT Outsourcing and IT Personnel Outsourcing. We are
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Tarczyński S.A. to innowacyjny producent wysokiej jakości wędlin, kabanosów, parówek i przekąsek białkowych. Od lat inspirujemy do mądrego odżywiania, po to żeby zmieniać życie na lepsze, w myśl hasła - JESZ LEPIEJ, ŻYJESZ LEPIEJ. Jesteśmy najpopularniejszą wśród konsumentów marką kabanosów w Polsce
Complete your IT project with us and enjoy the convenience of a partnership with a team created for your needs. • Access to resources from the CEE region • Quick start of the project • Complete management of software lifecycle Forms of corporation: • IT Project Outsourcing • Software Development
International Longbridge Group, representing capital from Israel, consists of companies executing real estate investment projects. Company is in charge of creating modern housing estates, whose main assets are great location, classic and elegant architecture, highest quality of materials and com
Atlas Ward Polska specjalizuje się w kompleksowych rozwiązaniach w zakresie realizacji inwestycji w sektorze budownictwa przemysłowego, komercyjnego, użyteczności publicznej i ekologicznego. Oferta spółki obejmuje realizację obiektów w zakresie wykonania stanu surowego zamkniętego (o konstrukcjach s
RescuLine to firma tworzona przez ludzi z wieloletnim doświadczeniem na rynku medycznym. Doskonale znając rynek sprzętu medycznego i ratunkowego, zarówno polski, jak i światowy, z dumą oferujemy klientom to, co na nim najlepsze: sprawdzonych producentów, doskonałe warunki realizacji, serwisu i gwar
Atman is the leading data center operator in the Polish market and one of the major operators in Central and Eastern Europe. Atman offers colocation and cloud computing services as well as dedicated servers hosting, but also data transmission, Internet access and other telecommunications and value-
At STATSCORE we are collecting sports data and presenting it through engaging and attractive products tailored for three primary sports-related industries – betting, media, and sports organizations.
Jesteśmy siecią handlową z duńskimi korzeniami, która w ciągu 28 lat swojej obecności w Polsce wypracowała trzecią pozycję wśród dyskontów spożywczych na rodzimym rynku. To efekt m.in. procesu konwersji Tesco, który rozpoczęliśmy w maju 2021 i zakończyliśmy w marcu 2022. Nasza sieć znana jest przede
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Podpis elektroniczny Autenti to bezpieczny e-podpis dla firm. Oszczędzaj czas i pieniądze podpisując umowy i inne dokumenty online na smartfonie, tablecie czy laptopie.
Olympus Sky provides secure communication and credential management for IoT-related hardware and virtual assets.
IMGN.PRO - House of Games. Games developer and a global publisher with over 14 years of experience. website: www.imgn.pro
Jesteśmy jednym z bardziej doświadczonych (już od 1994 roku na rynku) oraz wiodących dystrybutorów w branży systemów grzewczych, instalacyjnych i wyposażenia łazienek. Możemy się pochwalić nie tylko 30-letnim doświadczeniem, ale także 100% polskim kapitałem. Sanpol to firma z długą tradycją na pols
Toyota Central Europe od 1 kwietnia 2022 roku kontynuuje w Polsce działalność spółki Toyota Motor Poland, która przez 30 lat budowała siłę marki Toyota w Polsce. Toyota Central Europe z siedzibą w Warszawie prowadzi sprzedaż i dystrybucję modeli Toyoty i Lexusa w Polsce, Słowacji, Czechach i na Węgr
Comp SA is a Poland-based company active in the information technology (IT) sector. The Company offers IT consulting, creating conceptual solutions, project advice, integration of different system platforms, training and service, and net infrastructure for local and wide area network systems. Comp S
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Simple SA is a Poland-based company that produces software supporting company management. The Company's offer includes implementing, integration, installation, training and consulting services, under-guarantee and post-guarantee services, the sale of computer equipment and Internet services. Simple
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Techstack is a software development company where a unique tech culture and a product-focused approach unite to achieve our partner's goals. With over ten years of experience, we serve companies worldwide, providing the most advanced technology solutions to leading providers from Healthcare, Manufac
Authologic is a system that helps businesses in checking the identity of their clients online.
As a pioneer in Central Europe, Mindento takes companies to the Digital Age of Travel & Expense Management. We truly automate entire process by digitizing: workflow, ordering, booking and buying as well as invoicing and posting. Mindento delivers ultimate value for companies in saving time and money
Mas Trading is a leading Polish integrator of complete packaging lines. We optimize processes and implement high-performance industrial automation systems. We have been operating on the European market for more than 20 years, our complete lines work in plants of producers of food, beverages, build
Marka Medicine tworzy ubrania dla tych, którzy posiadają własny styl wpisujący się w światowe trendy, ale jednak oryginalny. Są otwarci na nowości, poszukują wygodnych, casualowych ubrań, które można nosić do pracy i w weekendy. Doceniają rzeczy estetyczne i dobrej jakości. To, co wyróżnia Medicine
We specialize in the design and production of unmanned aerial vehicles for the civilian, military and law enforcement market The core of our team consists of experienced engineers with a broad skill set and expert knowledge of UAV systems We also provide product development and custom engineering
EXMO.com is a global cryptocurrency exchange to easily buy, sell and trade cryptocurrency in exchange for fiat currency and vice versa. Founded in 2014, EXMO is constantly expanding its functionality adding new assets to the listing. The team is on the mission to open the crypto market for everyone
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EXALO Driliing SA is a European leader among the onshore drilling companies.
ISCG is a consulting company which specializes in business & IT consultancy and software development. We are concentrated on improving your business activities. Not only do we specialize in Infrastructure, Security and Application Development, but we also implement and migrate Active Directory
We develop no-code IDE for quantum computers - to design, debug, unit-test and deploy quantum algorithms for business.
We are a team of experienced professionals in management consulting, digital transformation, and IT delivery. With a proven track record of assisting numerous companies, we leverage our expertise to consistently deliver impactful results. Cooperating with industry leaders, Mansourcing embodies a co
We are Triggo- a world first in combining the high maneuverability associated with motorcycles with the comfort and practicality of a car. Stop wasting your precious time standing in traffic jams and driving round in circles to find a parking spot! Use Triggo to gain precious time and enjoy more of
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Znamy się na reklamie – wiemy jak skutecznie dotrzeć do konsumentów i promować produkty i usługi. Zawsze jesteśmy blisko – doradzamy, kreujemy i opracowujemy dla Ciebie korzystne rozwiązania biznesowe. Zapewniamy kompleksowe działania w zakresie efektywnego wykorzystania outdooru i sprawnie je reali
sales & marketing Cursor specjalizuje się w projektowaniu i realizacji złożonych procesów sprzedażowych, promocyjnych oraz logistyce materiałów marketingowych. Dysponuje rozbudowaną siecią kilku tysięcy pracowników terenowych oraz zapleczem biurowym w 24 miastach na terenie Polski. Firma obsługuje p
Proffiz is a reliable software vendor that provides high-quality solutions for Fortune 500 companies and startups. We are a team of professionals with 17 years of diverse experience in the IT industry covering the US and EU markets. 75% of the company are senior-level engineers. Our delivery centers
Minte.ai is a B2B medtech/insurtech company. Our solution transforms the unstructured medical documentation "jargon" into valuable, structured information, which can be automatically processed by algorithms, and understood by humans.We qualify as an insurtech, as our current focus is automation of m
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Ergy is a modern and dynamically growing business, whose aim is creating value for stakeholders involved in renewable energies. Our core business consists of asset management for large PV farms located in Poland, on top of which we help our clients grow their renewables portfolio through M&A transa
Transformacja Energetyczna 360 bez nakładów inwestycyjnych. Wszystkie projekty realizujemy w oparciu o innowacyjny model finansowania – niezależnie od posiadanego budżetu, w 100% finansujemy instalacje Transformacji Energetycznej. Zapewniamy stabilne finansowanie, przygotowanie i realizację oraz pe
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RadBrackets is an information services company that specializes in custom software development.
BNP Paribas Bank Polska is a universal bank, listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange. The Bank offers savings and investment products and a wide range of loans to its individual customers, while businesses (micro enterprises, SMEs and corporations) are provided with solutions for financing operations on
WARTA Insurance and Reinsurance Company maintains a steady position as the second largest insurer on the market. WARTA's credibility is evidenced by, among other things, its high Standard & Poor's counterparty credit and insurer financial strength ratings at the level of ‘A’ with a stable outlook. R
Solwit is a professional engineering services company founded in 2011. Their engineers design, implement and test software solutions, as well as provide related services for Clients representing different industries.
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CITRONEX to jeden z największych w Europie importerów i dystrybutorów bananów znanych pod marką Yellow z dojrzewalniami w Zgorzelcu i Pruszczu Gdańskim oraz największy w Polsce producent pomidorów malinowych z 70 hektarami upraw. Pozostałe gałęzie biznesu to Dyskont Paliwowy, Myjnie TIR, sieć hoteli
At Forcify, we are passionate about empowering businesses and individuals through cutting-edge web application development. With a team of highly skilled developers, designers, and tech enthusiasts, we strive to deliver innovative solutions that drive success and growth. 🔍 Who We Are: Forcify is a
Apply Poland Sp. zoo is one of the leading Polish engineering companies, based in Cracow and with a track record since 1992. We are part of the Norwegian consortium APPLY AS, which has more than 1700 employees and specializes within several niches, delivering services and products to the internation
Staffing agency Recrew HR with its roots in British WYG Group, was founded in 2013 and rebranded in 2017 and acts as an independent entity. As a team of experienced on staff delivery, we are the response for constantly growing demand for recruitment services, both domestically and internationally
AILIS is a pioneering technology that detect symptoms of breast cancer and estimate the risk of developing the illness.
For over 30 years we have supported polish and foreign companies in developing and optimizing business processes by creating, developing and implementing innovative IT solutions which support comprehensive company management in the area production and HR. We are working for the biggest corporations