Explore 2,609 companies in Poland
XB Software is a custom software development company that offers outsourcing & outstaffing services for full-cycle development. We provide services for small- and medium-sized companies from the USA and Europe in web & app development, project management software development, front-end development,
Ready4S is one of the highest rated mobile app developers in Europe and the USA. We created a team with strong capabilities to deliver results that we show every day.We have already:- prepared 750+ app consultations this year- provided more than 60 mobile apps- created mobile app solutions for 80 cl
W Nice To Fit You wszystko kręci się wokół Ciebie! Każda torba, którą dostarczamy pod Twoje drzwi jest dostosowana do Twoich potrzeb żywieniowych, ulubionych smaków i planów na wybrany dzień. Myślimy o Tobie cały czas! Jako pierwsi na rynku wprowadziliśmy możliwość personalizacji każdego dnia dost
⭐️ Who we are? ⭐️ Artifex Mundi means “The Artist of the World” and we do our best every day to live up to that name. What we do? We do games. We create them, we live them and we breathe them. 😎 Where we do it? In 2006, there were only 10 of us in a small office. Nowadays, Artifex Mundi counts 90
THEY DIGITAL is an advertising agency that specialises in planning and carrying out long-term digital activities. We offer end-to-end consulting, preparation and implementation services for internet advertising campaigns in Poland and worldwide. We are excellent in creative performance. Our compete
Genuitek is a software development company providing consulting services for international clients.
Rage Quit Games is a game development studio based in Krakow, Poland, that specializes in high-end mobile multiplayer 3D games.
Corporate Performance Management Leaders Incube provides state-of-the-art services and solutions to improve the FP&A processes in your organization. Incube provides solutions and working models for Planning and Budgeting (FP&A) Forecasting, Financial Reporting, Financial Consolidation, Predictiv
We’re an international SEO/ SEM Agency based in Poland. We work with companies around the world to make their websites visible online and boost convertion through custom made optimizations both on- and off-site. It all started in 2014 when Delante was founded. For the last 7 years, we tackled tons
Każdy dom zaczyna się od drzwi… Historia tych produkowanych przez firmę PORTA rozpoczęła się niemal 30 lat temu. Ta piękna przygoda trwa nadal i - uwierzcie nam - nie zamierzamy jej kończyć! Chcemy się ciągle rozwijać, oczywiście wspólnie z Naszym największym kapitałem - pracownikami firmy PORTA. Do
BPX is a global consulting company helping to navigate business transformation through innovative enterprise solutions. Leveraging our skilled, global workforce, established partnerships, deep consulting expertise and the BPX Solution Center Network, BPX delivers global solutions that matter. We off
Q Hotel to sieć hoteli zlokalizowanych w największych miastach Polski. Cechuje nas komfort, wyjątkowy design oraz profesjonalna obsługa
Creotech Instruments is Poland’s leading manufacturer of satellite systems and components, as well as advanced electronics for quantum computer control systems and other applications. The company is also pursuing the development of unmanned aerial systems delivering hardware and software for, among
One of the biggest and most popular universities in Poland, established in 1945.
OCHNIK to polska firm rodzinna z ponad 30-letnią tradycją, która stworzyła jedną z najbardziej rozpoznawalnych marek odzieżowo-galanteryjnych. OCHNIK proponuje swoim Klientom wyjątkową kolekcję skórzanych i tekstylnych okryć wierzchnich, odzieży i dodatków, a także wysokiej jakości torebki, teczki,
Wydawnictwo Wiedza i Praktyka (WIP) is a leading b2b print and online publisher in Poland. It offers practical advise to business professionals in a form of looseleaf services, newsletters, membership websites, eletters and software. Founded in 1997, rated in 10 top publishing companies in Poland.
Scanway is a company based in Wrocław Technology Park in Wrocław, southwest Poland. We specialize in vision systems, image processing and 3D scanning. Our solutions were already tested in space! Due to ambitious project we have a unique – in the scale of the country – experience with designing and d
mLeasing to jedna z czołowych firm leasingowych w Polsce. Dostarczamy klientom rozwiązania skrojone na miarę ich potrzeb, pozwalające na optymalny rozwój biznesu. Pracując z największymi i najbardziej wymagającymi kontrahentami zdobyliśmy cenne doświadczenie, które wykorzystaliśmy do przygotowania
LOT Aircraft Maintenance Services (LOTAMS) is a part of the capital group Polish Aviation Group. The company offers a full range of technical support at the level of base and line maintenance as well as aesthetics and workshop support. The company operates as an independent entity since 2010, contin
ACCELERATE TRANSFORMATION IN ACCESS TECHNOLOGIES by building an interoperable, scalable and disaggregated software ecosystem. Together.
Jesteśmy organizacją non-profit, opartą na społecznej działalności i stawiającą sobie za zadanie krzewienie idei dobrych praktyk HR w polskich organizacjach. Naszą misją jest integrowanie środowiska profesjonalistów HR w Polsce, umożliwianie dzielenia się wiedzą i wzajemne wspieranie członków. Chce
Molecure is a clinical stage biopharmaceutical company that uses its world leading medicinal chemistry capabilities to discover and develop first in class small molecule drug candidates that directly modulate underexplored protein targets and the function of RNA to treat multiple incurable diseases.
1 follower
Startup development House is a digital product and software development house based in Warsaw.
We are best in Modern BI, helping businesses to be data-driven, using cutting-edge Microsoft solutions like Power BI, Azure Data & AI as well as Power Platform. We work with the top companies across industries from Europe, North America, and the Middle East. We care about the environment and elimina
ICSEC is a cybersecurity software company focused on protecting industrial control networks. We are a team of specialists dealing with industrial cyber security. Our company is made up of people with passion, who have been dealing with issues related to industrial networks since 1986. We create the
Sigma IT Poland is a tech company leading the digital revolution. We are a division within DANIR AB – a Swedish IT consulting and R&D company. We opened our Wroclaw office in 2017 and Warsaw office in 2022 and are now a 169 crew. Technology is at the center of everything we do, and together with
Catering dietetyczny Maczfit. Lider cateringu dietetycznego w Polsce. Dostarcza pełnowartościowe i zbilansowane posiłki konsumentom do blisko 3000 lokalizacji na terenie całego kraju. Firma oferuje 10 gotowych diet, ale także 3 warianty diet z Wyborem Menu, w ramach których klienci decydują się na
VOSS Automotive Polska to zakład produkcyjny wytwarzający innowacyjne rozwiązania dla branży motoryzacyjnej. Projektujemy i produkujemy m.in. przewody hamulcowe i paliwowe, wielozłącza oraz zawory dla największych marek samochodowych. Jesteśmy dumni z tego, że nasze produkty służą bezpieczeństwu tys
Wroclaw University of Science and Technology
Kruko to software house zajmujący się tworzeniem aplikacji mobilnych i webowych ściśle dopasowanych do potrzeb naszych klientów. Realizujemy innowacyjne projekty programistyczne, które ułatwiają i unowocześniają sposób działania biznesu w Polsce i na świecie. Jesteśmy dynamicznym software housem ulo
1 follower
Cancer Center is a company that applies deep learning techniques to the field of pathology/oncology/radiology.We support Oncology Diagnosis (Pathology and radiology) in better and faster diagnosis using AI (Deep Learning (DL) and Machine Learning (ML))In Pathology (https://pathology.cancercenter.ai)
We are excited to announce that Clinscience has merged with OncoBay Clinical and Exom Group, and is now operating under a new unified brand: Kapadi. Therefore, the LinkedIn Profiles were merged as well: https://www.linkedin.com/company/kapadi/ This transformative merger brings together three compan
Erbud SA is a Poland-based company active in the construction and engineering sector. It operates in three segments: large-volume building, road engineering, and energy sector construction.
DESA Unicum to największy i najstarszy dom aukcyjny w Polsce. Posiadamy 51% udziału w rynku aukcyjnym w Polsce. Jesteśmy największym domem aukcyjnym w Europie Środkowo-Wschodniej i 8 największym w Europie.
We specialize in building dedicated software development teams that not only enhance companies' tech expertise but also empower them to scale their operations. Our unique approach brings together top engineering talent from Eastern Europe and LATAM, ensuring access to a diverse pool of highly skille
Rubicon Partners is a trusted, long-distance partner, supporting business owners in breakthrough moments at different stages of their company development. Since the beginning in 2008 we have conducted more than 110 transactions with a market value of over PLN 3.3b. We operate in two main fields.
Jesteśmy jednym z największych producentów przewodów do klimatyzacji w samochodach osobowych oraz ciężarowych, liderem w produkcji przewodów gumowych. Odbiorcami naszych produktów są największe światowe koncerny samochodowe m.in.: Grupa Volkswagen, PSA, Renault Nissan, Jaguar Land Rover, PSA Peugeot
Militaria.pl was established in Poland in 1998. Nowadays we are a market leader. We offer more than 30 000 products grouped in several categories: • airguns • air soft guns • optics • paintball • outdoor products • apparel & shoes • cutlery • law enforcement / self-defense
SatRevolution designs, manufactures and places nanosatellites in orbits around the earth to collect optical data.
Securitas Polska Sp. z o.o. is a part of Securitas AB - the global knowledge leader in security. From a broad range of services of specialized guarding, technology solutions and consulting and investigations, we customize offerings that are suited to the individual customer’s needs, in order to deli
Awareson is outsourcing company providing IT solutions and comprehensive HR support to the business, including the recruitment of high-end new technology professionals. We specialise in the areas of ERP (SAP), Cloud Computing, Data Science and Software Development. We cooperate in the formula of man
MOTIFE is a consulting company that helps tech firms set up software engineering offices in Poland. By providing an end-to-end service, including legal entity and office setup, technical recruitment and interim operations management, MOTIFE acts an a one-stop shop for businesses intending to build s
Najpopularniejsza olimpiada Co roku w ramach Zwolnionych z Teorii tysiące uczniów i uczennic w całym kraju organizuje w zespole własne projekty społeczne, np. koncert charytatywny czy szkolenie dla seniorów z obsługi komputera. Kompetencje dla gospodarki 4.0 Własny projekt społeczny uczy pracy w ze
20 years of experience makes us a reliable Partner in digital transformation. We design, implement and develop innovative IT solutions for clients in a variety of market segments. We specialize in: - software development - IT services & support - sales of hardware, devices and IT solutions Our comp
Polish company with more than 120 years of history (incl. 17 years of being a part of Kimberly Clark and International Paper). Our paper mill, located in Klucze, has been founded in 1896. The company represents highest standards of ESG (Environment, Social Responsibility, Corporate Governance). We
Firma United Beverages jest jednym z największych dystrybutorów alkoholi w Polsce i współpracuje z największymi producentami w kraju i na świecie. Jesteśmy obecni na rynku od ponad 20 lat będąc również jednym z największych importerów win i alkoholi mocnych oraz właścicielem wielu znaków towarowych
Sherlock Waste is a improvement system for companies. Engage employees in submitting ideas, implementing improvements and solving problems. As a result, companies achieve immediate results in increasing efficiency and long-term changes in the culture of the organization. Every employee can report