Explore 1,541 companies in Portugal
Sport media management made simple. Automatically centralize, classify and distribute your media content
Celfocus delivers high-tech transactional solutions and products, consulting and technology services, system integration and managed services. Celfocus is a fast growing, global high-tech company with a reputation for developing and implementing successful projects and solutions that drive business
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Fixada em Portugal desde 1997, a Transdev começou por integrar o consórcio Normetro, após ter vencido o concurso público internacional da rede de Metro do Porto. Desde então, tem vindo a expandir a sua actividade de uma forma sólida e sustentada. Actualmente, e após a compra do Grupo Joalto, a Trans
Colep Consumer Products is a global player in Beauty and Personal Care area, Homecare markets, and OTC pharmaceutical products, offering its customers support with full-service manufacturing, supply chain & logistics and ready-to-go solutions worldwide. Holding a leading position in providing contra
Indie Campers is your go-to marketplace for road trips. Aggregating over 6.000 own vehicles between RVs, campervans, motorhomes, and other recreational vehicles of countless private and professional hosts. We operate across Europe, North America and Oceania, being physically present in over 70 citie
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Founded in 1904, Sport Lisboa e Benfica is the most decorated club in Portugal, and one of the most decorated in Europe, with 83 official trophies. It is the Portuguese club with the most members (278 thousand) and the largest number of supporters worldwide. The club is largely connected with Portug
Mota Engil SGPS SA is a Portugal-based company primarily engaged in the construction industry. The Company divides its business into three main segments: Engineering and Construction; Environment and Services, and Transport Concessions. In the Engineering and Construction division, it carries out va
1 follower
Fizemos grandes coisas no passado. Hoje, estamos a fazer grandes coisas para o futuro. Presente em Portugal desde 1970, a MSD revela-se, desde o primeiro momento, fiel aos princípios de inovação e melhoria contínua da saúde e do bem-estar das pessoas. Sendo um dos maiores laboratórios farmacêuticos
A Empresa Portuguesa das Águas Livres SA, é a maior e mais antiga empresa portuguesa do setor da água, sendo hoje uma empresa de referência a nível mundial e tendo por objeto a gestão integral do ciclo urbano da água.
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Founded in 1961, Delta Cafés is a company specialized in the roasting and distribution of coffee products, both in the retail and foodservice channels. Our coffee is recognized for its characteristic type of roasting and the blends made up of more than 60 origins from all around the world. Internati
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DevScope is a software development company founded in 2003 in Oporto, Portugal. DevScope is a software development company founded in 2003 in Oporto, Portugal. We are a Microsoft Solutions Partner for Data & AI, Digital & App Innovation, and Modern Workplace, holding 2 Microsoft Advanced Specializ
Tonic Easy Medical is the professional platform of all medical doctors. It increases the efficiency of clinical work: allows fast and safe discussion of patient cases, team collaboration and aggregates content and tools for day-to-day professional use. #HCPengagement #data #content #omnichannel Vi
Secil is a cement production company that produces concrete, hydraulic lime, mortars, coverings, and quarrying.
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BI4ALL is a leader in consulting services with excellence competencies in Digital Transformation and Data Strategy, focusing on Analytics, Big Data, Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, Data visualization, CPM and Software Engineering. Through a unique experience and extensive knowledge of the var
Através do Clan, é possível realizar de forma 100% digital todos os passos da jornada dos profissionais. Junta-te a nós e liga-te ao emprego em clan.pt
O ISEP é uma instituição portuguesa de sucesso no ensino e inovação em engenharia. Desde 1852 que alimentamos um compromisso com o futuro, através da formação e especialização de profissionais de engenharia com um forte perfil criativo e empreendedor.
Jscrambler is a technology company that is chiefly known for its JavaScript obfuscator and monitoring framework of the same name.
Sensei is the leading European provider of autonomous stores, offering a secure and reliable AI-powered solution for retailers to build efficient operations and deliver a frictionless shopping experience. We combine AI, computer vision, and machine learning to build a full-service system that is sca
We help communities and local businesses harness the benefits of the energy transition where it matters most, locally.
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EVENTEAM is an Event Production Company covering areas such as Audiovisuals, Venue Dressing, Corporate Branding, Decoration, Exhibition Solutions, Event Staffing, Marquee Building, among other solutions you may need to produce an event.
A ATM – Assistência Total em Manutenção S.A. é a sociedade que utiliza como marca comercial ATM - Manutenção Total e que resultou de um processo de fusão, concretizado em Março de 2016, entre a ATM – Assistência Total em Manutenção e a Efacec – Serviços de Manutenção e Assistência, acumulando os rec
Bringing reputation onchain, one builder at a time.
Noesis is an international tech consulting company with +25 years of experience offering solutions to support companies' businesses and digital transformation. We have an extensive IT services portfolio in IT Ops& Infrastructure, Cloud & Security, Custom Software Development, Low-Code Solutions, D
Casafari solves chaos and information asymmetry in real estate by building the cleanest and most complete real estate database with applications for professionals to organize the market into an efficient ecosystem to enable and accelerate deals in a transparent and safe environment.
Atenta à tendência crescente da mobilidade sustentável, e vendo na energia de baixa emissão de CO2 uma alternativa viável, a Prio Energy integra os principais elos da cadeia de valor, desde a logística primária, produção até à distribuição dos combustíveis. Nesta área a Prio Energy tem pautado a su
Canopy City is a global network of entrepreneurs and innovators. We support each other to follow our dreams, and share experience to help others learn and build their dreams faster, with less errors and more impact. #FollowYourDreams #tribe
novobanco is a reference in the Portuguese financial system, recognized by it´s high standards of service quality and commercial dynamics with which its Clients, Individuals, Companies and Institutions are served. Assures a wide coverage of clients financial needs, acting in a transversal way in al
Já todos percebemos que ser tecnológico é, cada vez mais, humano. Com mais de 7500 colaboradores na Europa, entre os quais cerca de 1450 em Portugal, a Aubay tem 19 escritórios em 7 países europeus e só uma notável capacidade de inovação fez do nosso crescimento uma constante desde 1998. Cedo descob
Como empresa líder na Internet das Coisas, a Bosch oferece soluções inovadoras para as casas e cidades inteligentes, e para a indústria e mobilidade conectadas. O nosso objetivo? Criar soluções para uma vida conectada e melhorar a qualidade de vida das pessoas através de produtos inovadores e que de
Somos uma das principais e mais sólidas referências nacionais como talent recruiter, talent builder e talent care na área das tecnologias de informação.
A400 renders technical services in several fields of engineering. Founded in 1995 the company has grown steadily throughout the years and now relies on the expertise of over 90 employees both in Portugal and the African Continent. With the head office in Portugal and branches in Angola, Mozambiq
InovRetail, a predictive analytics company focused on retail, working with players like Levi’s, Nike and others. 1. Predicting the sales baseline and the promotional impact for a Fashion retailer where they isolate what share of the sales are due to the Promotions in place, to the weather conditions
Cimontubo Group is versatile and diversified in carrying out, engineering, procurement, construction and development activities internationally. We are committed to providing reliable and professional services to our valuable clients, supported in a distinguish and well qualified staff with a lastin
Engexpor is a company specialized in Project Management and Construction Management committed to ensure its clients an excellent service provided by experienced and qualified professionals. Our wide range of services, combined with our strategic approach and technical knowledge, allows us to add va
A NAV Portugal é o prestador de serviços de navegação aérea no espaço aéreo sob responsabilidade de Portugal, que está dividido em duas regiões: A Região de Informação de Voo (RIV) de Lisboa, com 671.000 km2, abarcando Portugal Continental e o Arquipélago da Madeira; e a Região de Informação de Voo
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Colep Packaging, a RAR Group company, is one of the most important players in the aerosol European market and the Iberian leader in general line packaging. Over 50 years of experience in metal and plastic packaging positions Colep Packaging as a global supplier in the development and production of p
Bem-vindo à página oficial da Worten! A tecnologia e inovação à distância de um clique, acompanha-nos aqui no Facebook ou em www.worten.pt
Conheça as nossas oportunidades de emprego e o que a Egor pode fazer pelo seu negócio. Conheça as nossas soluções de Recursos Humanos.
SIBS promotes inter-banking cooperation and focuses on the development of payment services
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Oramix provides IT services, management of technological infrastructures, and data science training to versatile sectors.
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Significa is the go-to digital agency, for thinking, designing, developing, and launching functional Digital Products while making them look great in the process.
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ONE was born from the visionary idea of its founders, who dreamed of one day creating unique, quality watches accessible to all. It was in 2004 that, at the right time, fate crossed two paths: the experience of distributing watch brands in Portugal with the heritage and passion of a watchmaking fami
A Associação Académica da Universidade do Minho nasceu a 19 de dezembro de 1977 e é a estrutura representativa de todos os estudantes da Universidade do Minho. Dos seus objetivos, destacam-se: defender e promover uma universidade democrática, inserida na sua comunidade; promover a cultura e o despor
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The leading end-to-end Smart Locker software solution
Hello, we are Paynest! An innovative online platform with a very important mission: to give every employee the tools to master financial wellness and build a resilient future. Instant wage access, financial education and mentoring by professional financial coaches are the main benefits we bring on t
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BytePitch is an experienced software engineering company specialized in building scalable and resilient solutions for the global market. Our mission is to realise the full potential of our clients’ businesses by solving complex problems with technology.We approach every project with honesty, creativ
At Air Apps, we are part of all the moments of people’s lives in the most seamless way possible. Weightless, like Air.Our mission is to make people’s lives easier, empowering them and allowing them to lead their lives freely, offering the tools to help them overcome obstacles and achieve whatever th