Explore 11 companies in San Marino
L’Istituto per la Sicurezza Sociale rappresenta una straordinaria e inedita esperienza di welfare moderno. A San Marino, come in altri Paesi, la sicurezza sociale nasce per rispondere al bisogno di assistenza dei cittadini e tale bisogno, dal 1955, è riconosciuto come un diritto per tutti i sammari
Febal Casa, fondata nel 1959, ha accompagnato diverse generazioni di consumatori: dagli anni Sessanta con la Cucina Americana, simboleggiando la razionalità e il benessere economico, fino ai giorni nostri con prodotti iconici, materiali innovativi, e soluzioni di arredo coordinate su tutti gli ambie
Valpharma Group is a pharmaceutical and nutraceutical company, that unifies 40 years of experience and work, made of three production plants, based in San Marino Republic and in Italy: Valpharma International S.p.A. (Pennabilli, Italy), Valpharma S.p.A. (Borgo Maggiore, San Marino Republic) and the
A future-proof blockchain that improves direct token interoperability and enables ways to trade value, create systems, functionalities, and participate in truly trustless finance. Mintlayer, opening bitcoin to DeFi, for everyone.
PromoPharma was founded in 1998 with the aim of creating effective solutions for well-being and personal care that are a solid union between Nature and Science. Our philosophy: use Nature and learn about Science to improve people's health and well-being. The different departments are all oriented t
Erbozeta S.p.A. was established in 1987 in the ancient Republic of San Marino. The company produces and commercializes health products, such as food supplements and medical devices. Founded as a commercial company and subsequently became a manufacturer, the company had a significant breakthrough in
We are Muratori Machines. A new name, a new image and the same desire to make a difference in the process of transforming Architectural and composite panels. Today, Muratori Machines is the company where machines and CNCs are designed and made for processing ACM, PECore, MineralCore, solid aluminiu
ALI Spa (Solido Group) is an industrial group involved in the following business: surfaces, building materials and chemicals. In wood field ALI deals with solid wood horizontal and vertical surfaces, engineered parquet, laminate, paneling (both for indoor and outdoor use). In tiles field ALI offers
BKN301 is a Service platform based on international payment schemes and blockchain technology.
Produrre e vendere per il consumatore finale e il dealer, un'esperienza innovativa di arredo della casa, secondo uno stile di vita Italiano.
Keymical è l’azienda specializzata in trattamento superficiale dei metalli che propone prodotti e macchinari per il trattamento dei metalli utilizzando la tecnologia a laser.