Explore 6,544 companies in Sweden
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ValueChecker's mission is to be the global brains of insurance product claims. ValueChecker is a proprietary tool that helps Insurance Claims Handlers quickly and accurately determine the fair claim values of damaged products. Available as a SaaS or integrated into legacy claim handling systems, Va
In 2015 Bonnier Books – one of Europe’s leading publishing companies – gathered a team of digital innovators and literature lovers to create a market leading service for digital books. Spurred on by our curiosity and a profound commitment to our users, to books and to new technology we created BookB
Swedfund International AB is a principal investment firm specializing in direct and fund of fund investments. The firm does not invest in the Swedish businesses of Swedish companies and in companies that manufacture or sell weapons, tobacco or alcohol. It prefers to invest in seed, start-ups, and mi
Papyrus - A leading provider of printing and creative solutions in Europe. With more than 50,000 customers and operating across 16 countries, Papyrus is a leading B2B distributor of paper and provider of service solutions to the printing and creative industries in Continental Europe. As an ambassad
Trialbee empowers patients with Clinical Trials as a care option through best-in-class digital patient recruitment and patient retention.
Pierce Group is a leading and fast-growing e-commerce company selling gear, spare parts, accessories and streetwear to over 1.1 Million active customers across Europe through the online stores 24MX, XLMOTO and Sledstore via some forty websites adapted to the local markets. Pierce has two major segme
Show Security står för en bred kunskap och erfarenhet som sträcker sig över hela världen. Flerårig internationell erfarenhet av inhemska och internationella turnéer, festivaler, evenemang och specialevent. Vi hyr ut kompetenta säkerhetsvärdar, ordningsvakter, sjukvårdare och scenarbetare av alla å
Hansa Biopharma is an innovative and rapidly growing biopharmaceutical company that leverage its unique enzyme technology to develop innovative and potentially lifesaving and life altering immunomodulating therapies for rare autoimmune conditions, transplant rejection and cancer.
Star Stable Entertainment is the home of the #1 fastest-growing horse adventure game in the world - Star Stable Online. With over 21 million registered users, across 180 countries, and supported in 14 languages Star Stable is proud to provide an expanding gaming and entertainment platform that foste
Karma is an app that connects restaurants, cafes and grocery stores with users eager to purchase unsold food at a lower price.
We aim to build the most relevant, personal and intelligent neobank in Europe. We are being inspired by a lot of things around us, like the behavior on social media. Imagine having the possibility to handle your entire financial life in one personalized feed, or join communities of your choice or su
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Försäkringsguiden är en jämförelsesida som hjälper dig att välja rätt försäkring. Försäkringsguiden mest populära jämförelse är bilförsäkring och boendeförsäkringar (hemförsäkring, villaförsäkring, bostadsrättsförsäkring, hyresrättförsäkring, studenthemförsäkring). Det är även populärt att svensk
AddSecure is a leading player in the secure critical communication sector. Active since the early 1970s, the company currently boasts over 100,000 users and employs around 130 staff across the Nordic region. Their communications solutions for alarm and mobile data help save lives, protect property a
Digitising all verticals of the food industry through the worlds' first fully distributed orderhandling, invoicing and CRM system for food
När vi är fler händer fantastiska saker. Därför skapar vi rum som är särskilt utformade för samvaro. Vare sig det handlar om kontoret där vi lyfter varandra och verksamheten, förskolan där vi växer i leken, handelsplatsen där vi både handlar och hänger, eller hemmet där alla känner sig hemma. Våra
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Past Knowledge – Made Current — The PAST TENSE brand philosophy is centred around self-expression and the appreciation of high quality. — The constant process of improvement and the desire to always do better products are the brand's drivers. Catering to like-minded people who recognise and appr
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CHORD Management Consulting develops business strategies and helps implement unique value chain and operations solutions across industries. In a circular economy, products are designed to be reusable, repairable, and re-manufacturable. The value chain can be re-engineered through analytics and digit
Nexer Group provides inbound marketing, data analytics, and asset management services.
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Modern Insurances Life AB is an insurance company. The company offers life, pension, accident, health, and endowment insurance products, including fund and unit linked insurance plans.
Hailey provides access to all HR processes in one place. The Hailey HR one-stop solution offers an intuitive and user-friendly interface. Advanced analytics and intelligent automation can help you save time. They provide a one-stop HR system that covers the entire employee experience, from recruitin
Since its inception in 1998, Niam has consistently outperformed through all real estate cycles. Today they are one of the largest private property owners in the Nordics.
NJIE startades 2008 av Assan Njie, VD och tidigare topp 10-rankad MMA-fighter i Europa. Första produkten på marknaden var Aloe Vera-Drycken, men den stora succén stod ProPud för som lanserades 2015 och var den första proteinpuddingen på den svenska marknaden. Idag erbjuder NJIE innovativa koncept m
Stena Fastigheter ingår i Stena Sfären och är ett av Sveriges största privatägda fastighetsbolag. Vi äger och förvaltar totalt cirka 2,1 miljoner kvadratmeter fördelat på cirka 24 000 bostäder och 2 700 lokaler i Göteborg, Malmö och Stockholm samt Lund, Lomma och Uppsala. Med hyresrätten som
The parent companion helping families track and improve their baby's sleep. The Napper app is available for download on the Appstore.
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EMarketeer is an online platform that provides marketing automation solutions to its users.The platform features email marketing, event management, mobile marketing, website monitoring, surveys and evaluations, Facebook marketing, marketing automation, and dashboards. Its range of services include t
Netigate is an established and rapidly growing SaaS company. Its purpose is to promote the customer, employee and consumer voice in everyday business decisions to help customers focus on the right activities.
Superpower your team's visual collections in the blink of an AI.
Agila is one of the largest agencies in Scandinavia providing staffing and recruiting in the fields of healthcare, medical care and social care. Agila provides staffing for counties, municipalities and private clients throughout Sweden and Norway. With specialist expertise, well developed procedures
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Smart Eye is a company developing eye tracking systems using multiple cameras to track eye movement and direction in real time.
Riksbyggen är utifrån sin kooperativa värdegrund den ledande samhällsutvecklaren för hållbara och attraktiva boendemiljöer. Vi både bygger och förvaltar bostäder, och vi skapar rum för hela livet. Riksbyggens styrka ligger i att vi finns med hela vägen – från planeringen av ett nytt bostadsområde
Lanterna is a high-growth online tutoring company with the goal to unlock every student's potential and was started as an IB CAS project in 2004. Since then, the company has developed into the leading online IB tutor for international IB students. At Lanterna we are fully committed to delivering ta
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Attendo offers care services that enhance the lives and independence of the older or disabled. The vision of "Empowering the individual" aims to always focus on the needs and wishes of the customer.
Suturion offers a surgical sewing machine that provides a unique technical solution in surgical suturing.
The Swedish Club engages in marine insurance services.
Learnster is a Sweden-based startup providing a cloud-based educational platform.
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MSAB is a pioneer and global leader in mobile forensics. They have a singular focus on mobile forensics and offer a full suite of tools, products and services with the MSAB Ecosystem: XRY for extraction, XAMN for analysis and XEC for system management. L...
På MAQS drivs vi av att lyfta såväl varandra som våra kunder. Av att skapa nytta, helt enkelt. Och vi gör det bäst med affärsjuridiken som verktyg. För i en föränderlig värld behövs proaktiv rådgivning som följer den snabba samhällsutvecklingen. Som ser bortom paragraferna för att hitta affärsmässig
Vectura Properties is a real estate company that develops, improves, and manages community and commercial properties.
Mpya Digital AB is specializing in Information Technology & Services.
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Aller Media is the market leader in the popular press in Sweden, with a market share of 54%. We have some of Sweden's best-known brands in magazines such as ELLE, cafe, MåBra, Swedish Women's Weekly, Elle Decoration, Allers, home's weekly newspaper, This Week, Femina and Residence.
Vi har samlat Stockholms bästa cateringkök. Vi fokuserar på kvalitet, service och trygghet. Hos oss beställer du enkelt online eller vi telefon om du vill ha personlig service.
ISS är ett ledande företag inom facility management och workplace experience. Vi skapar platser och miljöer som bidrar till bättre prestationer och en enklare, mer effektiv och trivsam tillvaro - levererade med omtanke och hög kvalitet av engagerade medarbetare.
Oberoende värderingsföretaget UC Bostadsvärderings rapporter visar år efter år att de som väljer att sälja med oss får mer betalt för sina bostäder. De där extra ansträngningarna gör skillnad på slutpriset. Stor skillnad.
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Your Challenge, Our Passion.📈 Branschens i särklass vassaste stjärnor inom e-handel, digitalisering och digital affärsutveckling under ett och samma tak - Redo att accelerera Er affär. Som experter inom E-handel, digitalisering och affärsutveckling jobbar vi både stort och smått, strategiskt elle
Sembo is an online travel agency that lets you plan, package, and book transportation and accommodation in one single site, tool and shopping cart. You can also plan or book activities and events for each destination.
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Coor is one of the leading suppliers of facility management (FM) services in the Nordics. We have the broadest service offering available on the market and leading specialist competence in more than 100 service areas, which we continuously develop, improve and adapt to your needs.
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Tysk-Svenska Handelskammarens uppdrag är att utveckla handeln mellan Tyskland och Sverige. Det gör vi genom att hjälpa tyska och svenska företag att hitta varandra, göra affärer, etablera verksamhet samt stödja dem i verksamheten när de redan är på plats. Vi finns här lika mycket för svenska före
Founded in 2010, Bannerflow is one of the first cloud-based banner production platforms for creating and managing HTML5 display ads online. The Bannerflow Platform allows businesses, advertisers, agencies and designers to create and manage large volumes of interactive ads, in different languages, in
Haldex AB, also known as Haldex Group, is a Swedish public company operating in the commercial vehicle industry.