Explore 1,031 companies in Ukraine
Aiia international is a worldwide producer of exclusive promotional gadgets and accessories for top global companies around the world. They focus on keeping a retail level of quality of our products, using distinctive designs, innovative materials, and QA on every production stage. They provide prom
Veneto Group is operating and developing on the Ukrainian market and abroad over 25 years. Veneto Group forms quality production of modern furniture, orthopedic mattresses and metal construction for individual projects
ARbrowser SaaScombines offline and online experience for greater customer engagement. 3D cloud platform and customized AR furniture apps for showrooms to demonstrate furniture in different colors in real size by shop assistants
Cubomania is creating an online platform for early childhood education that will allow creation and provide access to modern education programs. These programs will allow teachers, educators and other professionals involved in the sphere of education to fulfil their potential and help learners (aged
Lviv Danylo Halytskyi International Airport provides airline management, travel retailing, and aviation consulting services.
Contact Center eCall is opened in 2005 , as internal call center of Alfa Bank. In 2006 the company began to work separately and to offer outsourcing services for customers on the own Contact center base. There are six platforms with 781 working sits in Chernihiv, Rivne, Konotop, Bila Tserkva and
KSG Agro SA is a Ukraine-based holding company engaged in the agricultural sector. Its core business is the cultivation of land and production of agricultural crops. KSG Agro SA is also involved in the vegetable and fruit production, as well as food processing and supplies of food to retail networks
* Manufacturing of desktop, notebook, other type PC's and server systems, graphics workstations and blade systems; * Distribution of a wide range of IT products of leading world manufacturers; * IT consulting, design, implementation, corporate networks, and full service support to customers.
Funteek is a social media platform that features interactive video stories and games. Funteek gives a platform for everyone to be a creator and encourages users to share their passion and creative expression through their videos. It enables video roles and tasks played and completed by users and cre
NewsOne - ведущий информационный телеканал и мультимедийная платформа на базе современного телевизионного комплекса информационного вещания. NewsOne - это качественное и оперативное информационное вещание 24/7: • 100% эфира собственного производства • NewsOne включен во все кабельные сети Украины и
Private Joint Stock Company ROSAVA is the largest tyre manufacturer in Ukraine, one of the leading tyre companies in the CIS. It is high tech and socially responsible company which uses the latest standards and management principals.Main activity of the company is manufacture of tyres under two trad
MIROPLAST is Ukrainian company founded in March 2006 in Dnepropetrovsk to produce quality PVC window and door profile systems at affordable prices. Within six months we constructed and equipped a 12 000 sq m factory to Ukrainian and international standards, a warehouse with state-of-the-art logistic
Bitcoin exchange that will help users to manage risks of downtrends using classic technical analysis and indicators.
PUBLIC JOINT STOCK COMPANY ENERGOBANK was established in 1991 (Banking License No. 68). The main shareholder of the Bank is ROYLANCE SERVICES LIMITED (Cyprus) which owns 99.6 % of the share capital. As at April 01, 2013 ENERGOBANK’s share capital is UAH 359,04 mn, assets – UAH 2 134,35 mn, loan port
Харчування високої якості для домашніх тварин від Кормотех. Турбота про Ваших улюбленців в кожному кормі Kormotech. Приєднуйтесь!
Бізнес-клуб для малого та середнього бізнесу з надійною репутацією.
The 'FED' Company is one of the leading enterprises in Ukraine, whose specialization is the development, production, maintenance and repair of aerospace and general engineering units. The company's units are successfully used on aircrafts and helicopters of Ukrainian and foreign origin.
Beauty-Prof is a cosmetics company based out of Ukraine.
Lansing's biggest and best name in tanning with 6 area locations. Learn more about our four levels of UV tanning, spray tanning, and more!
ClickGanic allows social media page owners and bloggers monetize 100% of the traffic without spamming links or cluttering their websites with ads.Whole process is taking less than 1 minutes - all you have to do is to grab a link, paste it within our brand new platform, select targeting settings and
Крупнейший финансовый портал Украины, надежный источник деловой информации, которому доверяют более 1,1 млн пользователей сети интернет, сообщество потребителей финансовых услуг.
Kriukivs'kyi vahonobudivnyi zavod PAT (Kriukov Car Building Works JSC) is a Ukraine-based company mainly engaged in the manufacture of freight and passenger railway cars. It also produces spare parts and components for railway vehicles, metro-cars and subway, inter-floor and tunnel escalators, milit
Over the years, we have collected more than 100 million hryvnias in charitable donations and implemented more than 100 projects about military assistance, medical care and social support. And all of it – by a limited forces of a small team.
GDIP (Directorate-General for Rendering Services to Diplomatic Missions) is an organization that cares about the diplomatic corps and, at the same time, creates a positive attitude of foreigners towards Ukraine, its people and culture. GDIP Media Center is a platform for the communication between fo
IT STEP University is one of the leading universities in the IT field in Western Ukraine. It has deep and wide collaborations with IT companies. The curriculums are the unique author's techniques, which are highly appreciated by the IT industry, and teachers are practitioners from the leading IT com
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Welcome to Ecosoft – a water engineering company. For 30 years we produce high-quality water filtration equipment for domestic, commercial and industrial use. Started as a family business in 1991, since 2019 - a proud member of BWT Group. We carry out the entire life cycle of products in-house: f
Бюро перекладів EVEREST більше 5 років надає послуги перекладу в категоріях: технічний переклад юридичний переклад переклад сайтів усний переклад нотаріальний переказ Ми принципово не робимо дешеві переклади! Тільки найвища якість, найдосвідченіші перекладачі, найоптимальніші умови для корпоративних
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Oles Honchar Dnipropetrovsk National University (Ukrainian: Дніпропетровський національний університет імені Олеся Гончара) is an establishments of higher education in Ukraine. It was founded in 1918. The first four faculties were history and linguistics, law, medicine and physics and mathematics.
The MakeApp is a full-service mobile app development company that helps businesses create mobile products. The company’s service categories include strategy: launches strategies and digital experiences, competitor and market research, technology review, and goal setting and metrics; design: user exp
Enerhomashspetsstal' PAT is a Ukraine-based steel foundry engaged in the manufacture of special purpose forgings used in different industries. The plant specializes in the manufacture of special cast and forged with final machining for power generating industry, such as rotors for wind power station
Міжнародний аеропорт Бориспіль. Онлайн-табло рейсів. Авіаквитки онлайн. Термінал D. Розклад рейсів. Приліт. Відліт. Довідка.
Donetsk National University is a school in Donetsk.
високоякісні послуги в сфері аудиту, консалтингу, незалежної оцінки, бухгалтерського та управлінського обліку, є незалежним членом Baker Tilly International – всесвітньо відомої мережі, що надає послуги в сфері аудиту і консалтингу.
Blackwood is a leading computer game development company. Our founders are game industry veterans who created such acclaimed IPs as Farcry, Crysis, and Warface. Currently, we are supporting and developing a successful MMO title, as well as developing new, unannounced IPs. We work closely with major
Здобувайте юридичну практику у зручний для вас час Онлайн-курси для практикуючих юристів, які містять покрокові інструкції в опануванні обраних Вами юридичних тем.
KHARKOV BEARING PLANT (HARP) is one of the biggest manufacturers of bearings in Eastern Europe and the only Ukrainian manufacturer of bearings for railway transport. Since January 2000 the plant has been a part of the UPEC Industrial Group. The product range includes more than 500 different types o
CommerceLab Ltd is one of the leaders in consulting on network marketing, business processes outsourcing (administration projects in the offshore), and development of administration framework both domestic and offshore ones. We offer a wide range of services in the preparation of project structure
WinTRADE LLC is a BPO company, founded by Telecom and IT professionals. WinTRADE BPO is the first Ukrainian BPO company which provides business-process outsourcing (BPO) services in various fields for the foreign as well as Ukrainian partners. We ensure high-quality and timely accomplishment
Официальный интернет-магазин компании inksystem. Системы непрерывной подачи чернил в ассортименте. Продажа МФУ с СНПЧ и расходных материалов для печатной техники. Звоните!
Группа компаний «DiaWest — Комп'ютерний світ» — имеет наибольшую сеть специализированных магазинов по продаже компьютерной техники в Украине. Компания работает на украинском рынке 17-й год (с 1994 года) и является бизнес-партнером ведущих мировых корпораций: Intel, Samsung, LG, HP, Epson, Canon
Информация о предприятии Николаевская верфь
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TOP CLASS offers accounting services for individuals and businesses.
We are young, creative and brave specialists. Our only mission is to Keep IT Sweet and Simple (K.I.S.S.) for you. It is our philosophy and sole aim. We are striving to make the process of IT development for you as simple and clear as one, two, three.
OKwine – сеть самых комфортных и уютных виномаркетов, с которыми Вам когда-либо приходилось иметь дело. Нам удалось в кратчайшие сроки научиться понимать потребности и угадывать желания клиентов, тщательно и с особым вниманием выбирать самых надежных поставщиков, подобрать наиболее оптимальный ассо
Поставка "під ключ" малообслуговуваних тягових підстанцій постійного струму для метрополітенів, міського електротранспорту, залізниць