10,000+ employees

Explore 8,558 companies in the 10,000+ employee range

Agile Energy


Agile Energy, Inc. was formed in December 2009 coincident with the closing of its Series A investment by Good Energies, Inc.The company traces its roots, however, to Agile Energy LLC, a project development and consulting firm co-founded by Glen Davis and Robert Morgan. Agile Energy LLC served the po

Perennial Labs


Perennial is a DeFi primitive built for developers.Perennial is a simple, permission-free protocol that can be used for a variety of users and use cases.Perennial was established in 2022 in New Castle, Delaware.

Token Chain Mapper lets you map and move tokens onto multiple blockchains.

Saint-Gobain entwickelt, produziert und vertreibt Materialien und Lösungen für die Märkte Bau, Mobilität, Gesundheit und andere industrielle Anwendungen. Sie entstehen in einem kontinuierlichen Innovationsprozess und sind überall in unseren Lebensräumen und in unserem Alltag zu finden. Sie sorgen fü

Bukit Darah PLC


Bukit Darah PLC is the holding company of a portfolio of diverse businesses held through investment vehicles, Carson Cumberbatch PLC and Goodhope Asia Holdings Ltd. The Company operates through eight segments: Investment Holdings that includes holding of strategic investment; Portfolio Management th



Søndagsgudstjeneste, dåb, konfirmation, bryllup, begravelse, samtaler og sjælesorg er centrale opgaver i Den danske Folkekirke. Men folkekirken er meget mere end de klassiske kirkelige handlinger, og der foregår hver dag mange aktiviteter landet over. Folkekirkens arbejde omfatter blandt andet: -

ANK Bashneft' PAO, formerly ANK Bashneft' OAO is a Russia-based company, which is active within the oil and gas industry. Its principal activities include the extraction, exploration and production of crude oil and oil products. The Company operates through a number of branches and subsidiaries, inc

Borea Therapeutics is advancing a new generation of gene therapies that would enable the targeting of specific tissues and cells.

Morris Country Surgical Center provides a full spectrum of care. They focused on providing the highest level of care and communication to our patients, physician specialists, and their staff.

China Shipbuilding Industry Group Power Co., Ltd. is a China-based company principally engaged in the research and development, manufacturing and sales of power equipments, as well as the provision of related services. The Company's main products include gas turbines, diesel engines, underwater elec

Planet B2B


Planet B2B provides e-commerce solutions. They offer external integrations, warehouse integration, supplier integration, b2b connector, and product catalog and price management solutions. They provide solutions for distributors and wholesalers.

The Office of Human Resources & Risk Management is designed to facilitate working relationships with departments concerning employment needs and plans, training programs, compensation analysis, employee benefits, risk management issues and related information and planning. The needs of the County in


Red Mud Enterprises manufactures agricultural implements, oilfield equipment, range management tools, and railroad equipment. It is currently building equipment used in trenching/digging, rangeland management practices, the oilfield, road construction, railroad construction, and many other applicati

Ward's Science


Ward's Science is Your Complete Solution for Materials and Support for Every Science Subject.



CryptoVsZombie is the ultimate crypto tower defence in which players are required to multitask in both offensive and defensive modes.

Skagen Designs is a manufacturer and retailer company offers watches, jewelry, and sunglasses for men and women.

PlantFuel Life


PlantFuel Life provides plant-based performance and protein supplements for athletes. The company is headquartered in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.

Nippon Light Metal Holdings Company, Ltd. is a Japan-based company mainly engaged in the manufacture and sale of alumina and chemical products, board and extrusion products, processed products, foil and powder product. The Company has four business segments. The Aluminum, Chemicals and Metals segmen



Ministerio de Educación de Nicaragua

Fu Yu Corporation Limited is engaged in the manufacturing and sub-assembly of precision plastic parts and components, as well as fabrication of precision molds and dies. The Company operates through three segments based on the location of assets, namely Singapore, Malaysia and China. The principal a

Reputation Authority is an IT firm that provides SEO and digital marketing agency.

La Junta Nacional de Jardines Infantiles (JUNJI) es una institución del Estado de Chile creada en 1970 por la Ley N° 17.301, como un estamento autónomo vinculado al Ministerio de Educación y cuyo fin es atender la educación inicial del país. Su compromiso consiste en entregar Educación Parvulari

Sinful ApS


Sinful Group is the organization behind the four successful erotic web shops, Sinful.dk, Sinful.se, Sinful.fi and Sinful.no.

Vyvedas Cosmeticos Do Brasil is a cosmetics company based out of R Arizona, 1426, Conj 31, Sao Paulo, Sp, Brazil.

Xiamen Tungsten Co., Ltd. is a China-based company, principally engaged in the smelting, processing and distribution of tungsten, molybdenum and other non-ferrous metal products. The Company is also engaged in the operation of rare earth business, the provision of battery materials, and property dev

Aberdeen is a thriving, cosmopolitan port in the North-east of Scotland offering a wide range of information and services to residents and businesses



KENDA RUBBER INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD. is a Taiwan-based company principally engaged in the manufacture, processing, wholesales and retailing of rubber products. The products of the Company include cover tires and inner tubes for bicycles, cover tires and inner tubes for motorcycles, agricultural and ind

Stanley Electric Co., Ltd. is a Japan-based company mainly engaged in the manufacture and sale of automobile equipment. The Company operates in three business segments. The Automobile Equipment segment manufactures and sells automobile lighting products for automobile manufacturers in Japan, America

Truslen fra cyberspionage og cyberkriminelle mod Forsvarsministeriets myndigheder er reel og alvorlig. Derfor har Forsvarsministeriet etableret CID – Cyber and Information Security Division – hvor du får en unik mulighed for at udvikle rammerne for dit eget job og samtidig blive en del af et team,

The Coffee Breakers buys, sells, trades, and invests in sports cards. The company is based in Hollywood, California.

Estacio Participacoes SA is a Brazil-based company engaged in the provision of educational services. The Company focuses on developing post-secondary education institutions. Its services range comprises on-campus and distance learning with graduate and Master of Business Administration (MBA) program

Virginia Department of Elections helps in ensuring the integrity of elections in the Commonwealth of Virginia.

Il ministero dell'Interno è una struttura complessa il cui assetto organizzativo è disciplinato dal D.L.vo n. 300/99 e dai provvedimenti attuativi. A livello centrale, si articola in uffici di diretta collaborazione con il ministro (D.P.R. n. 98/2002) e cinque dipartimenti (D.P.R. n. 398/2001 e succ

Regina Miracle International Holdings designs and manufactures a wide range of intimate wear and functional sports products.

Weech Photography is a boutique portrait photographer specializing in intimate boudoir portraiture. My journey into intimate boudoir photography started with confidence. As a plus sized woman , I took a look back at my life when reflecting about how much everything had changed and noticed something.



FollowMyCal is a social calendar platform that gives back the most valuable asset: time. It is simple, seamless, and aims to provide value through its customizable and user-friendly interface. People often have long and frustrating experiences in getting all of the schedules into one central calenda



420packaging is a supplier of packaging materials and ancillary products to the high-growth medical and recreational cannabis industry.

SIMGROUP didirikan pada tanggal 1 Agustus 2007 dengan memberikan layanan berupa solusi manajemen. Servis utama yang kami berikan berupa Penyedia Jasa Tenaga Kerja, Manajemen Proses Verifikasi, Manajemen Proses Penagihan, Manajemen Proses Penjualan, dan Office Cleaning Service. Kami memiliki komitmen

J Danielle & Co.


J Danielle & Co. is a staffing agency that provides staffing and recruiting services.

Windermere Cay


Windermere Cay wants to provide you a sense of place, extensive amenities and a rewarding lifestyle.



Lily-Lark is a manufacturer of designer UV sun parasols. These UPF 50+ parasols protect from over 98% of the sun's harmful rays. A beautiful hybrid of East-meets-West, their traditional bamboo frames are topped with printed fabric canopies. The prints are exclusive contemporary fine art from all ove

Coca-Cola Bottlers Japan (CCBJ) is a Japan-based company mainly engaged in manufacture and sale of drinks. The Company operates in three business segments. The Cold Beverage segment is engaged in production and sale of drinks, as well as vending machine, real estate and insurance agency related busi

Selskabets formål er at drive detailhandel og internethandel med legetøj og hobby samt at besidde kapitalandele i datterselskaber.

Locker Room Salon believes that getting your hair cut should be fun for the whole family. They are providers of barber and hair salon services. For inquires ,telephone and email contact are used.