Health Insurance

Explore 2,052 companies in Health Insurance

Lutheran Senior LIFE, A PACE Program at Jersey City, is a Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly. It is a federally recognized, health insurance program delivering all healthcare services to seniors with chronic care needs. In addition, the program ensures participants can live independently

Aviva India


Aviva India or Aviva Life Insurance Company India Limited is a joint venture between Dabur Invest Corp and Aviva International Holdings Limited – a UK based insurance group, whose association with India goes back to 1834. We understand that customers find insurance to be complex, which is why we

HomeTown Health


HomeTown Health is a network of rural hospitals, healthcare providers, and best practice business partners who collectively pursue ways to help its membership survive in the environment of constant change in reimbursement, operations, and technology. HomeTown Health is committed to providing legisla



BrightRock's needs-matched financial services products can precisely match your needs, through every step of your personal money journey. We provide life insurance cover to individuals, as well as a funeral insurance offering for funeral businesses. When you think about your money, you’re actually

Nebraska Total Care delivers quality healthcare in the state of Nebraska through local and community-based resources. We improve the health of our beneficiaries through focused, compassionate, and coordinated care. Our approach is based on the core belief that healthcare is best delivered locally.

Deft Research


Deft Research is the healthcare industry’s trusted source for relevant market and consumer information. We are committed to helping our clients identify opportunities for innovation and better service and communicate with their members. Our research and guidance supports the nation’s top healthcare

Avera Health Plans provides cost-effective, innovative health plans for 93,000+ members in the Midwest. Individual policies, Medicare Supplement Insurance plans and employer group coverage (large, small and self-funded options). Please contact your local licensed agent or visit AveraHealthPlans.c

Knack RCM


Knack RCM empowers leading healthcare delivery organizations with end-to-end revenue cycle services that generate efficiencies, accelerate payments, and deliver operational insights, freeing caregivers to focus on high-quality patient care. Knack’s expertise was developed over nearly 20 years of se

MedPro Group


MedPro Group is the national leader in customized insurance, claims, patient safety, and risk solutions for physicians, surgeons.

Carelon Behavioral Health is born out of one of the largest healthcare systems organizations in the United States. Our rich history gives us a unique and valuable perspective on how to solve the most pressing healthcare challenges. Today, we’re using our powerful combination of experience, expert

Die AOK Systems ist einer der führenden IT-Partner für die Sozialversicherung in Deutschland. Wir entwickeln, implementieren und pflegen die SAP-basierte, standardisierte und vollintegrierte GKV-Branchenlösung oscare® - unser IT-Herzstück für die GKV. Als Spezialisten für integrierte IT-Komplett

Exact Medicare


Exact Medicare specializes in helping seniors navigate the Medicare maze. Our main goal is to help educate our clients so they can feel empowered to make the best decision for their healthcare needs. Whether you are brand new to Medicare or you've had a plan for several years, our Licensed Specialis

Established in 1983, Dean Health Plan has been helping southern Wisconsin residents make the most of their coverage. It maintains a position of leadership in insurance services through a physician-led integrated health system that improves the health status of its members and delivers a superior lev



A healthcare platform that delivers medicine direct to your door

Adaptive TechSoft was established in the early nineties as a distinguish company ,developing integrated systems and applications to meet the need of regional markets in the area of information technology by providing integrated solutions to manage the business and meet the requirements for educati


1 follower

Wir sind eine der größten Krankenversicherungen in Deutschland und es gibt viele Gründe, bei uns zu arbeiten. Aber eines haben unsere rund 16.000 Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter gemeinsam: Wer bei uns arbeitet, setzt sich täglich für die Gesundheit von Millionen von Menschen ein. Weil wir helfen, g

Née dans le Sud-Ouest il y a 75 ans, la Mutuelle Prévifrance compte aujourd’hui 40 agences de proximité réparties dans 20 départements. Avec près de 390 000 personnes protégées et un chiffre d'affaires de 232 millions d'euros, la Mutuelle Prévifrance, 20e Mutuelle nationale, fait partie des acteurs

BIG direkt gesund is he first online and direct insurer in Germany, covering over 400,000 people in a decidedly non-traditional way, using the Internet, 24 hour customer service, and an extensive range of increased benefits to engage its members. As the first direct health insurance fund in Germany

Founded in 2018, Longevity Health Plan started as an Institutional Special Needs Plan (ISNP), a type of Medicare Advantage health plan that addresses significant unmet needs of institutionalized members who reside in nursing homes. Through rapid growth from 2018 to 2022, we expanded our market foot

Allianz Ireland


Allianz serves over 500,000 customers in Ireland, employing more than 700 people nationwide. As part of the global Allianz Group, one of the world's leading financial services providers with 122 million customers in over 70 countries, Allianz Ireland offers a wide range of insurance products. In the



Vi är Sveriges ledande försäkringsbolag inom patientskador. Tillsammans med våra närmare 200 medarbetare arbetar vi med försäkringar, skadereglering och patientsäkerhet. Vi är ett ömsesidigt försäkringsbolag som ägs av landets 21 regioner. Vårt uppdrag är att utreda och lämna rätt ersättning till vå

CNP Santander Insurance ('CNPSI'​) is a joint venture insurance business established in Ireland and authorised by the Central Bank of Ireland in June 2011. Our majority shareholder CNP Assurances S.A. is France's leading provider of life insurance and term creditor insurance, and the fourth largest

Faros Health


At Faros Health, we believe every person should be able to make fully informed decisions about their healthcare without fear of the unknown. The Faros Health ENLIGHT platform gives users a holistic view of care options - bringing quality, cost, patient experience, and education together in one pla

Nationally, thousands of seniors have applied for insurance coverage with Senior Select to meet the enormous costs of funeral expenses and taxes. Our whole life plans do not require a physical examination and in most cases we can provide immediate first day coverage, up to $50,000. Because we specia

Acentria Insurance provides insurance services, that include automobiles, condominiums, acentria elite, flood, manufactured homes, homeowners, personnel insurance, business insurance, health and life insurance, agriculture, condominiums and community associations, employee benefits, hospitality, med

Healthcare is something we all need to protect those we love. What you need and how you protect them should be left up to you. So, we’ve created a community of individuals and families like you that is set to change the face of healthcare as you know it. We combine health sharing methods, that have

Common Ground Healthcare Cooperative believes its members deserve honesty, compassion and exemplary service from their health insurer.

CREATING BETTER RETIREMENT PLAN OUTCOMES Any solutions regarding retirement readiness need to include planning for healthcare. That's because medical costs continue to rise - and disproportionately affect older Americans who have a greater need for care and fewer resources to pay for it. The ab

Health Homes of Upstate New York (HHUNY) is recognized for its expertise on Adult Medicaid Health Homes. Through its affiliated Health Homes, HHUNY empowers consumers to make meaningful changes and live their healthiest lives. HHUNY Health Home affiliates are organizations with deep community ties i

Loula (YC W23)


Loula is a software platform and provider network for independent birth & postpartum doulas who accept Medicaid/Medi-Cal. Doulas typically operate outside of the traditional healthcare system and face an enormous learning curve and administrative burden when trying to accept insurance. This is why w

IKK classic


Die Gesundheit von morgen gestalten – das machen wir. Arbeiten im Team der IKK classic. Bei der IKK classic nehmen wir als größte deutsche Innungskrankenkasse die Gesundheit von über 3 Millionen Menschen und knapp 403.000 Firmenkunden in die Hand. Damit all diese Menschen von Rundum-Versorgung und

About TUSK Practice Sales: TUSK Practice Sales is the premier healthcare M&A advisory firm in the United States. Since its founding in 2016, TUSK has closed over $1B in healthcare transactions by providing best-in-class client services and flawless execution for clients nationwide. TUSK advises la

Connect for Health Colorado offers individuals, families and small employers a new online marketplace for health insurance and exclusive access to new up-front financial assistance, based on income, to reduce costs. Customers shop through a website and get expert help in person and over the phone fr

Cressey & Company is a private investment firm focused exclusively on investing and building leading businesses in the healthcare services and healthcare information technology sectors.

0 followers is a leading Irish insurance company and one of the great Irish commercial success stories in recent years. We offer Home, Car, Young Drivers, Travel and Health insurance. Launched in 2002, we entered the market with a simple proposition: to offer great value insurance together with excellent

With more than 40 years experience in benefit management and administration, state of the art technology, industry leading customer service, and experienced consulting professionals, we are capable of delivering employee friendly and cost efficient answers to your most challenging benefit issues. M

>> What we do Cigna is a global health service company, dedicated to helping the people we serve improve their health, well-being and sense of security. Cigna has almost 40,000 employees who service over 80 million customer relationships around the world. Within its international division, a dedica

Roundstone Insurance specializes in affordable health benefits, reinsurance, risk management, policy administration and loss control.

First Medical Health Plan main commitment is to improve the health of their subscribers.

Humania Assurance is one of Canada’s oldest and most established life and health insurance companies. For over 150 years, our mutual company has been designing innovative and competitively-priced insurance solutions for hundreds of thousands of Canadians, with a streamlined and accessible process. A

Laferla Insurance Group is a leading insurance provider in Malta, with over 30 years of proven experience. The Group offers a wide range of cost-effective insurance products to both personal and commercial clients in Malta and across Europe. Laferla is a family business at its core. Over the cours



Imagine360 offers a self-funded health insurance plan solutions with supportive services. They assist in tailoring a comprehensive plan solution to meet customers' needs. They provide solutions for reference-based pricing and provider partner contracts.

WPA are a specialist health insurer with origins tracing back to 1901. We are not motivated by profit, but by fulfilling our purpose to provide our members with access to the best healthcare available in the UK. Our focus is always on delivering innovative services – blending award winning technol

1. Misión El Servicio de Salud de las Islas Baleares tiene como misión proveer de servicios sanitarios públicos a sus usuarios a fin de satisfacer sus necesidades de salud, bajo los principios de equidad, eficiencia y calidad y por medio del desarrollo de actividades de promoción, prevención, cu

500 çalışanı olan Wellpoint bir sağlık grubudur… Ana şirketi, Platform OSGB, İSG (iş sağlığı ve güvenliği) sektörünün en büyüklerinden biri. İş güvenliğini davranış odaklı bir kurum kültürü haline getirmek için kurumsal müşterilerine sunduğu inovatif uygulamalarıyla sektörün ilk kurumsallaşan şirket

Ark Syndicate Management Ltd is an insurance company based out of 30 Fenchurch Avenue, London, United Kingdom.

Optimyl Benefits


Optimyl Benefits is changing the way small businesses experience their health insurance by using bold ideas, data-driven technology, and a laser focus on customer service.

Programs of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE) is a Medicare and Medicaid program that helps people meet their health care needs in the community instead of going to a nursing home or other care facility. With PACE, you have a team of health care professionals working with you and your family

DGN Groep is een dynamisch bedrijf uit hartje Amsterdam en bestaat 20 jaar. De missie van DGN Groep is om complexe markten eenvoudig en inzichtelijk te maken. Simpel gezegd: we maken graag makkelijk wat moeilijk is. Dat doen we met een team van enthousiaste medewerkers. Daarbij doen we alles in eige

Headquartered in Madison, Wisconsin, CM Vantage™ is an excess and surplus lines insurance company specializing in underwriting unique exposures and providing innovative product solutions. We distribute products through select wholesale brokers and general agents. Our team of experienced excess &