
Explore 6,690 companies in Humanitarian

The Care Center is a ministry of Willow Creek Community Church. We are committed to offering services that help meet immediate needs as well as services that help build toward a more sustainable future for individuals and families in the Chicagoland area.

Celebrating diversity and inclusion, software-strategic-solutions thrives on solving problems for all. Join us in crafting innovative solutions that empower individuals globally. Together, let's turn challenges into opportunities and build a brighter future for everyone.

Many Hopes


Many Hopes rescues children from oppression and raises them to be adults of influence equipped to do justice for others, causing exponential impact. We believe that children born into poverty can be changemakers in their communities.

Amnesty International er verdens største menneskerettighetsorganisasjon. Vi er en bevegelse av mennesker som kjemper for ytringsfrihet og mot diskriminering og overgrep. Vi etterforsker og avslører brudd på menneskerettighetene. Vi aksjonerer for enkeltmennesker i fare, og for å skape varige e



Meewerken in de keuken van een verzorgingstehuis. Klanten helpen bij een kringloopwinkel. Alles netjes sorteren in het magazijn. Of een schakelkast bouwen. Het zijn allemaal positieve werkkansen die WSD aanbiedt.  In negen gemeenten midden in Brabant helpt WSD je om jezelf te ontwikkelen naar een p

The World’s Youth for Climate Justice is a global campaign to take climate change and human rights to the International Court of Justice (ICJ) to seek an Advisory Opinion. It seeks to clarify the obligations of states to protect the rights of current and future generations from the adverse effec

Suitcase Clinic


The Suitcase Clinic is a humanitarian student organization that has offered free services and supplies to the uninsured, homeless and low-income communities of Berkeley, California and the San Francisco Bay Area since 1989. Mission Statement The mission of the Suitcase Clinic is to promote the heal

Feelings Unlimited is a company based out of 23759 SE Bonnie Lure Drive, Eagle Creek, Oregon, United States.

Our philosophy is to better our lives through bettering the lives of others. If you have a willingness to learn and are passionate about improving your current situation, you will be able to find tremendous success through our proven sales system and amazing team support. As long as you are willing

La coopérative de solidarité Aide Chez Soi des Basses-Laurentides offre à la population âgée de plus de 65 ans, ainsi qu’aux gens en perte d’autonomie temporaire ou permanente, une gamme de services de maintien à domicile de qualité. Son personnel formé, dévoué et attentionné est heureux de particip

Z! Krant


Z! is de Amsterdamse straatkrant die dak- en thuislozen helpt zichzelf te helpen. Met de verkoop van Z! kunnen de verkopers wat geld verdienen en (weer) een basis opbouwen van ritme, sociale contacten en zelfrespect.

Byrraju Foundation was set up in July 2001 in memory of Late Shri Byrraju Satyanarayana Raju, a philanthropist who believed in development of villages by enhancing the quality of lives in rural areas. BRF rapidly expanded its operation to cover 200 villages, running 40 diverse programs, touching al



AbilityLinks is a 501(c)3 working to increase employment for individuals with disabilities and Veterans, promote inclusion by helping companies diversify their workforce, and decrease stigma overall.

Providing face to face, online and/or phone counselling, SAFE Home Study assessments and SAFE Home Study supervision as well as, social work supervision & workshop facilitation in Edmonton, AB and area.

Villages, Not Encampments. Sound Foundations NW (SFNW) is addressing the crisis of our unsheltered homeless neighbors in the Seattle area by producing transitional tiny homes with our quick, efficient, cost effective, and streamlined building system. We've now built over 500 of our tiny homes, and

Système de protection universel auquel chacun contribue à la hauteur de ses moyens, la Sécurité sociale accompagne et protège nos concitoyens dans tous les moments de leur vie. La Sécurité sociale se compose de cinq grandes branches : - les Allocations familiales, aident la population française da

Refugees Welcome International is the umbrella organisation for all Refugees Welcome organisations located primarily in Europe, as well as Australia and South America. The network is united by its shared mission to provide private accommodations in flatshares for refugees all over the world, with

Girls Not Brides is the only global organisation uniquely focused on creating and sustaining a worldwide movement to end child marriage, and ensuring that this movement leads to tangible change for the girls at risk or affected by the practice. We are a network of over 1,400 civil society organisati



Vi tror virkelig og inderligt på, at alle mennesker har noget at tilbyde arbejdsfællesskabet – og omvendt. Til stor gavn for mennesket, virksomheden og samfundet. Vi matcher et specifikt job med en specifik borger – og finder vi den individuelle vej mod målet, sammen. Vi sigter efter at borgeren ans (Personal Ink) helps breast cancer survivors make friends with the mirror again after a mastectomy. We believe creative disruption can be the most effective way to close the gap between being cured and being healed. And we're here to enable that disruption in the most beautiful and empowering

Project Be Free


Domestic Violence Resources

OTR is a women owned and trauma informed private practice providing counseling and support services for varied trauma related issues, first responders, military, humanitarians, & frontline medical workers. OTR’s First Responder Wellness Program (FRWP) provides confidential walk-in or virtual wellnes

Sathi India


SATHI’s story is unique, in that, it began working with children rather unintentionally. In 1992, an organization called Prerana had been working with farmers in North Karnataka’s Raichur district. The organization was approached by a young woman, who had completed her post-graduation and was passi

Young people taking the lead! Support! International Foundation is a global youth-led non-profit, dedicated to bringing innovative educational programs to communities in need. With branches in Hong Kong, Washington DC., Singapore, South Korea and Taiwan, we offer programs that are not usually provi

The Harmony Hero Initiative is on a mission to empower leaders to turn challenges into catalysts for growth by cultivating harmony, inspiring collaboration, and elevating emotional intelligence. We guide individuals and teams to conquer chaos, ignite meaningful change, and emerge as culture champio

A ABADS - Associação Brasileira de Assistência e Desenvolvimento Social (é a antiga Pestalozzi de São Paulo), desde 1952, oferece atendimento às crianças e jovens (de 0 a 22 anos) com deficiência intelectual, e também com autismo. Atua nas áreas de: saúde, educação, assistência social e emprego a

Originally called the Coalition for Children, New Mexico Voices for Children (NM Voices) was founded in 1987 by three pediatricians. Led by Dr. Robert Greenberg, the group sought a way to change the root causes of poor child well-being — causes like poverty, inadequate nutrition, violence, pollution

Haley House


Always local in focus and based in personal relationship, Haley House has grown organically in response to the harsh realities of social inequality and injustice. We remain committed to the important work of nurturing community which inspires and supports lasting personal and societal transformation

Durham Crisis Response Center works with the community to end domestic, sexual and family violence and human trafficking through advocacy, education, support and prevention.

Best PEOPLE to work with: Do what they say they will do, treat customers wonderfully, and do things on time and well​​. Best PLACE to work: Treat employees with respect, empower them, pay them well and according to performance​​. Best LEADERSHIP team: Smart, collaborative, and effective servant

World Vision es una organización global de desarrollo, ayuda humanitaria y Advocacy (Incidencia política y movilización), que contribuye con la transformación de millones de niños, niñas, familias y comunidades a través de programas de desarrollo, atención a emergencias y promoción de la justicia, s

Light Up The World (LUTW) is a Canadian non-profit organization focused on the principle that access to energy changes lives. LUTW implements projects that provide sustainable energy solutions to remote communities without access to the power grid. Since 1997, LUTW has been helping people transition

Ikamva Labantu


Ikamva Labantu is a non-profit organisation that works throughout Cape Town’s township communities towards a more just society where human rights can be fully actualised. We have a holistic and community-led approach to the sustainable development of impoverished communities, with a focus on early c

Die TRAIN Transfer und Integration GmbH ist einer der führenden Anbieter von Transfergesellschaften und Transferagenturen in Deutschland und gehört zum Bildungswerk der Bayerischen Wirtschaft e.V. Als Personaldienstleister im Out- und Newplacement ist die TRAIN seit 1999 bundesweit an 400 Standorte

Cambridge Cyrenians support people in Cambridge who are experiencing or at risk of homelessness, empowering them to fulfil their potential, whatever their background or past. Established over 50 years ago, we are proud of our proven track record of excellent services which enable those most in ne

Projekt SPOLU


Projekt SPOLU - Studenti psychologie a medicíny pomáhající pacientům v psychiatrických zařízeních. Projekt SPOLU vytváří jedinečný prostor pro spolupráci studentů psychologie, pacientů a zdravotnických profesionálů v psychiatrických zařízeních. Vznikl v Brně roku 2012. Jedná se o největší projekt Č



we make a deferent

RCS mission is to provide compassionate and therapeutic support to help children, adolescents and families heal from their pasts,move toward productive and fulfilling futures. RCS was founded in 1920 by members of the Pasadena Shakespeare Club who were responding to a need for help among local adole

La TROCL regroupe 195 organismes communautaires autonomes de la région. Tous ont un objectif commun, celui d’améliorer la qualité de vie des Lanaudoises et Lanaudois. Consultez notre site Internet pour en savoir plus. Les organismes communautaires autonomes (OCA) ont été créés par

Kooperativet Hand i Hand är en medlemsstyrd organisation som bildades 1995 för personer med rätt till assistans. Våra medlemmar finns i Skåne, Halland, södra Småland, Västra Götaland, Stockholm samt Jämtland. Vi stöttar våra medlemmar med allt ifrån att ansöka om timmar hos Försäkringskassan/kommune

WIN Victim Services exists to educate, empower, and support victims of domestic violence and sexual assault in Franklin and Fulton Counties of Pennsylvania. Learn more by visiting our website.

Crisis Services of North Alabama provides crisis counseling and assistance to individuals in emotional distress, including victims of intimate partner violence and sexual assault. We are the sole provider of Forensic Nursing in the region, with highly trained nurses conducting rape examinations. Our



El equipo de Alarco está preparado para brindar cursos de primeros auxilios, capacitaciones, consultorías y todo lo necesario para la prevención de accidentes en diferentes ámbitos.



iugo is a newly formed US based company founded with the express purpose of connecting people around the world to important charities



OpenCRVS is a digital civil registration solution designed for low resource settings. Our focus is: Product development and support: we continue to enhance and extend the functionality of OpenCRVS to meet the needs of countries around the world and provide guidance on how to implement it effecti

Supportiamo le aziende nella realizzazione di progetti volti ad aumentare il benessere del dipendente e della sua famiglia, con un significativo miglioramento del clima aziendale. L’obiettivo con cui progettiamo e realizziamo i nostri servizi, permette di garantire ai lavoratori un’offerta di beni e

The Western States Regional Joint Board (WSRJB) is a growing, progressive union of 10,000 workers at warehouses, industrial laundries, and other jobs in California, Arizona, Nevada, and New Mexico. We are part of Workers United, a North American union representing 100,000 workers, with over 100 yea



Missie STAP7 wil mensen die begeleiding of ondersteuning nodig hebben toekomstperspectief geven. Dit doen we door samen te kijken naar wat echt belangrijk is. Wij geloven dat er energie ontstaat door het zien van perspectief en gaan hiermee aan het werk. Wij willen onze bijdrage leveren aan de maat



EWB-INDIA is a company based out of & 78, Durga Nagar Colony Punjagutta,, HYDERABAD, Andhra Pradesh, India.

0 followers is India's largest assessment and hiring platform. We run assessments to measure employability across all domains – from programming to plumbing. CoCubes works with 750+ corporate clients to execute entry level and lateral assessments and has access to more than a million candidates thro