Explore 5,831 companies in Nursing & Residential Care
Construir um hospital na Região Metropolitana de Curitiba, com foco no social, no paciente mais carente, sempre foi prioridade para a família Caron. Até que esse sonho se materializou em 1983. Em terreno doado generosamente pela Sra. Lúcia Strapasson, amiga da família, moradora em Quatro Barras, o H
At Salutem Care and Education, we pride ourselves on being industry professionals, boasting over 150 services across England and Wales. Our expansive network includes a range of schools, day centres, and residential homes for both children and adults. Every Salutem location has its dedicated local t
Health New Zealand - Waitemata serves the largest regional population in the New Zealand - more than 650,000 people. Waitemata employs around 9,000 people in more than 30 different locations serving residents of Auckland’s North Shore, Waitakere and Rodney districts. We also have Mental Health fa
The heart of Monarch Communities® is wellness. In every aspect of our communities, Monarch prioritizes the health of our residents and staff by providing an environment specifically designed around wellness. From the food Monarch serves, to the butterfly gardens in the landscape, Monarch creates a
In Serunion we take care of people. After 30 years of experience in the sector, our leitmotiv is more alive than ever. We have more tan 20.700 employees who work every day so that our guests can benefit from the services we offer. We are present in all the corners of the spanish territory through o
Het Gastenhuis biedt een liefdevol thuis aan mensen met dementie in steeds meer gemeenten. Kleinschalig, open en middenin de wijk. Ons concept is in trek, omdat je in een Gastenhuis, ondanks je dementie, een zo normaal mogelijk leven kunt leiden. Bijzonder is, dat onze huizen worden geleid door een
The Christian Medical College and Hospital, Ludhiana, India was the first medical school for women in Asia. It was founded by Dame Edith Mary Brown in 1894. Christian Medical College Ludhiana Society, on behalf of the Church, seeks to contribute to the health needs of India by training primarily
OMS provides comprehensive and cost-effective medical supplies and equipment, home healthcare products, mobility and seating devices, home oxygen, and home infusion therapy products and services. For over 60 years we have partnered with long term care (LTC) facilities, retirement homes, group home
Vitaz is een dynamisch ziekenhuis met een top kwalitatief en uitgebreid zorgaanbod, dat wij continu verder uitbouwen door innovatie en doorgedreven specialisatie. Op 6 campussen in de regio tussen Antwerpen en Gent brengen wij nabije en toegankelijke gezondheidszorg. Onze 323 artsen en 3.079 medew
De zelfstandige zorgorganisaties binnen Espria bieden verschillende soorten zorg: verpleging, verzorging, thuiszorg, geestelijke en jeugdgezondheidszorg, verstandelijke gehandicaptenzorg en zorg op afstand met behulp van technologie. Samenwerken binnen Espria biedt meerwaarde voor cliënten én medew
With the vision to transform into a world-class healthcare provider, for comprehensive human-centric healthcare, the Eastern Health Cluster was formed in 2017, in the context of Vision 2030 and the National Transformation Program, as the first health Cluster and one of the largest accountable health
Archstone Foundation is a nonprofit, non-partisan, private foundation dedicated to improving the health and well-being of older Californians and their caregivers so that all older Californians have access to high-quality coordinated care that effectively integrates health and social services. For
Milewood Healthcare provides high quality, specialist care for adults with complex needs. We offer a professional and forward-thinking service for learning disabled adults. We aim to excel in our standard of care, and set a precedent for care services across the UK. Our experience has let us d
The St. Louis Integrated Health Network (IHN), through collaboration and partnership, strives for quality, accessible and affordable healthcare services for all residents of Metropolitan St. Louis. The IHN encourages collaboration between community health centers, hospitals systems, academic medica
Lutheran Senior LIFE, A PACE Program at Jersey City, is a Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly. It is a federally recognized, health insurance program delivering all healthcare services to seniors with chronic care needs. In addition, the program ensures participants can live independently
Excel is committed to partnering with other diversity-owned companies and supporting a diverse workforce. “While serving in Afghanistan as a C-130 Navigator in the Air Force, I was astonished by the commitment and skill of our aero-medical evacuation teams. Their quality of care and commitment to s
Die opta data Gruppe ist der führende Anbieter für Abrechnung, Software und Services im Gesundheitswesen. Zu den mehr als 55 000 Kunden der opta data Gruppe zählen unter anderem Pflegedienste, Heilmittelerbringer, Hilfsmittelanbieter, Rettungsdienste, Taxi-/ Mietwagen-unternehmen, Rehaeinrichtungen,
La Fondation Mérieux est une fondation indépendante reconnue d’utilité publique. Depuis 1967, elle lutte sur le terrain contre les maladies infectieuses affectant les pays à ressources limitées, par le renforcement des capacités locales, particulièrement autour de la surveillance et de l'accès au di
Savant Senior Living is a private healthcare company that operates senior assisted living facilities, hospice and home health agencies. Our mission is to enhance the lives of our senior residents by providing exceptional care, engaging programs, and promoting their physical and mental health, all wh
CHATS is a not-for-profit organization, advocating for and delivering high-quality, person-centred home and community services to older adults and caregivers living in York Region and South Simcoe. We believe that older adults live best at home and in their communities.
E4 Recruitment has been delivering qualified, competent and committed healthcare staff on demand to healthcare facilities since 2012. We have different areas in our recruitment agency that focus on different specialities. Let’s break it down…. E4 Healthcare Our agency team focus on filling nursin
MedLern is a digital training platform for hospitals & healthcare professionals. It is dedicated to improving patient outcomes through the development of healthcare organizations' greatest asset: their people. MedLern offers reliable & up to date learning resources and technology to healthcare prof
We independently regulate care services for people of all ages in Scotland. We register, inspect and grade services, deal with complaints, carry out enforcement action where necessary and help services improve. We also inspect all Scottish local authority social work services, including criminal ju
iBC provides person centred support to 100s of individuals with learning disabilities, complex needs, autism & mental health needs. Residential Care | Community Support | Outreach Packages | Supported Living As a specialist Midlands provider, IBC feel passionately about individuals having a house
De Rijnhoven is een vernieuwend aanbieder van zorg en huisvesting voor senioren. Een individuele benadering en het bieden van een harmonieuze en plezierige woon- leefomgeving staan daarbij voorop. De Rijnhoven heeft voorzieningen in Harmelen, Vleuten, De Meern, Montfoort en Leidsche Rijn en verl
Gratia is a venture-backed health technology startup that specializes in helping healthcare employers create healthy, sustainable workforces through its incentive compensation platform. Our goal is to develop and deploy a portfolio of data informed incentive programs that help create more sustainabl
Covr is a cloud-based, labor management software built for skilled nursing facilities by skilled nursing owners and operators. We’ve been in the industry for decades and understand all of the nuances of maintaining a proper level of care, all while saving money and keeping within a budget. In the
The SCAN Foundation, led by President and CEO Sarita A. Mohanty, MD, MPH, MBA, is dedicated to creating a society where older adults can access health and supportive services of their choosing to meet their needs. To make this vision a reality, we work to ensure the availability, affordability, and
The International Council of Nurses (ICN) is a federation of more than 130 national nurses associations (NNAs), representing the more than 16 million nurses worldwide. Founded in 1899, ICN is the world’s first and widest reaching international organisation for health professionals. Operated by nur
At Vibra Travels, our roots in hospital operations have shaped our understanding of the importance of flexible, dependable staffing solutions that extend outside of the healthcare industry. We proudly offer a comprehensive range of services, including: *TEMPORARY STAFFING *INTERNATIONAL NURSE STAFF
Godwin Bowman PC, based in Dallas, Texas is a mid-size trial and appellate law firm with a national practice that represents Fortune 500 and middle-market industry leaders in Mission Critical Litigation®. Formed on March 1, 1980, our leaders have built a firm with skilled and experienced trial lawye
Al Salam is a 500-bed modern medical facility, located in the coastal city of Al Khobar, in the heart of Saudi Arabia's Eastern Province.
Samen met onze ruim 1.500 medewerkers en 500 vrijwilligers houden wij ons dagelijks bezig met het bieden van liefdevolle zorg en ondersteuning. Want dát is waar ouderen bij ons op kunnen rekenen. En dat alles in een vertrouwde en gastvrije omgeving, zowel aan huis als binnen onze elf woonzorglocatie
Avenues Home Care, Inc. is the parent company of leading, community-centric home care agencies spanning multiple communities across the South. Our current reach encompasses the metropolitan areas of Dallas, San Antonio and New Braunfels, as well as Nashville, Chattanooga, Dalton and Northwest Georgi
85% of caregivers say they would have stayed longer with better engagement and communication. That's why we built Zingage—an intelligent engagement platform for home-based care providers. We help agencies transform their culture by celebrating great work, fostering meaningful connections, and keepin
Resilient Healthcare is lead by board certified physicians working with an interdisciplinary team of specially-trained doctors, nurses, therapists, and other specialists to deliver high acuity care in the home setting.
Evolving Youth Care, Inc. (EYC) has been providing a full spectrum of services to children and youth since 1998. Our homes are located throughout the Ottawa-Carleton Region in Ontario, and serve males and females. Since 1998, services have expanded and evolved to include specialized treatment grou
YuzuZest cooks up the freshest patient ambassador programs and services in healthcare. We use evidence-based learning strategies and behavioral models to celebrate patient wins and boost brand adoption. Our team of Certified Health Education Specialists, compliance experts and storytellers will hel
Incluzio is actief in de zorg, de dienstverlening en het sociale domein. Drie werkterreinen die in elke buurt of wijk aanwezig zijn, maar nog nergens echt integraal aangepakt worden. Door het weghalen van de (financiële) schotten tussen zorg, dienstverlening en het sociale domein maakt Incluzio h
Life Hospice provides comfort and compassionate support for patients and their loved ones.
Nebraska Total Care delivers quality healthcare in the state of Nebraska through local and community-based resources. We improve the health of our beneficiaries through focused, compassionate, and coordinated care. Our approach is based on the core belief that healthcare is best delivered locally.
A TopMed dedica-se a um mercado pouco explorado porém significativamente promissor e relevante: a prestação de serviços com foco na promoção da saúde, prevenção de riscos e doenças, gerenciamento de pacientes crônicos e melhora da qualidade de vida. Criada em 2003, a empresa atua através de uma
ICARE MEDICAL is a company based out of PO BOX 5657, JOHNSTOWN, Pennsylvania, United States.
Verve Homecare is one of the leading providers of complex care in the United Kingdom. How we provide our complex care services is more than just a way of working, it’s a part of everything we do and everything we are. We strive every day to be better than the one before. We are passionate about ne
We select dedicated people just like you to care for our clients, those who offer compassion, knowledge and commitment to the treatment, progress, outcomes and lives of our clients. We are motivated to employ individuals who are passionate about what they do and, are naturally driven to uphold our c
Domesta is een ondernemende, maatschappelijk gedreven en ambitieuze wooncorporatie met zo'n 9000 woningen en zeven verzorgingscomplexen in de gemeente Emmen, Hoogeveen en Coevorden en Borger-Odoorn. Een vitale samenleving, straat, wijk, dorp. Bewoners die zich verantwoordelijk voelen voor hun omg
Werknemers die zich doorlopend blijven ontwikkelen voelen zich zekerder, gelukkiger en veiliger, én presteren beter in hun werk. Het gebruiksvriendelijke leerplatform van Infolearn speelt in op zowel de praktische als de strategische uitdagingen van organisaties binnen het domein leren en ontwikkele
Lifespark is a complete senior health company. We help people stay healthy at home, navigate their health options with confidence, and live fuller, more independent lives. We provide a single point of contact for each client’s everyday health needs. We also provide options for expert senior medical
Respect Group Limited is a nonprofit organization that offers old-age care and homes for retirement living.
Wij zijn specialisten in het grondig verbeteren van de prestaties van zorgorganisaties. Ambities realiseren van mensen in de zorg door onze kennis en ervaring over informatievoorziening, processen, systeeminrichting en leiderschap te delen. Dat is wat wij doen. Samen naar een hoger plan. Zodat het l