Explore 1,949 companies in Politics
Die Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP) ist eine unabhängige wissenschaftliche Einrichtung, die auf der Grundlage eigener, praxisbezogener Forschung politische Entscheidungsträger in Fragen der Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik bzw. der internationalen Politik berät. In diesem Themenfeld ist sie ein
A league of justice, if you will • The only committee working to elect Democratic Attorneys General • Equity, equality, & weird pluralization fans ⚖️
The International Association of Microsoft Channel Partners - IAMCP for short - is a globally active, independent association of Microsoft partners from a wide range of industries and company sizes. The German chapter has been active since 1994 and helps partners to position themselves vis-à-vis Mic
Sundsvalls kommuns offentliga webbplats. Hitta information om kommunal service, lediga jobb, kontaktuppgifter, viktiga meddelanden, nyheter och evenemang i Sundsvalls kommun.
African Communities Together is a membership organization of immigrants from sub-Saharan Africa and their families. ACT is dedicated to helping the African immigrant diaspora in the US to integrate socially, get ahead economically, and have a voice politically. ACT connects African immigrants to d
Advance Cairns is the peak independent non-government advocacy and economic development organisation for Tropical North Queensland (TNQ). We work with a long-term vision to create a resilient and prosperous TNQ, provide apolitical leadership and create a unified voice for the region.
Goodman Acker, P.C., is one of the leading personal injury legal firms in the state of Michigan with over 25 years of experience serving thousands of clients in the areas of medical malpractice, auto and trucking accidents, and election, campaign finance, and not-for-profit law. Dedicated to an ethi
Müstakil Sanayici ve İşadamları Derneği (MÜSİAD); hakkın ve hukukun, adaletin ve eşitliğin, barışın ve güvenin, refahın ve mutluluğun sağlandığı; tarihe ve topluma mal olmuş mahalli ve evrensel değerlerin gözetildiği, kendi içinde bütün, bölgesinde, ekonomik ve siyasi alanda etkin, dünyada saygın bi
Our Hong Kong Foundation (OHKF) is a leading non-government, non-profit organisation founded in November 2014 under the chairmanship of Mr C.H. Tung, Vice Chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference. OHKF’s core mission is to promote and contribute to
Join the team that's working to flip the Buckeye State blue.
UK100 is a network of local leaders who have pledged to lead a rapid transition to Net Zero with Clean Air in their communities ahead of the government’s legal target. UK100’s primary purpose is to support a local-led rapid transition to Net Zero and Clean Air. We do this through collaboration. To
Rise Strategy Group is a high stakes public strategy firm. Rise Strategy Group helps companies and causes elevate their messages to reach and build relationships with audiences around the world. Our diverse, experienced team of strategic communications and public affairs professionals design and
The ACLU works daily in the courts and in our communities to defend the individual rights guaranteed by the Constitution and laws of the United States. We deal with issues like freedom of speech, censorship, due process, the right to privacy, discrimination, separation of church and state, search
VoteAmerica is a fiercely nonpartisan nonprofit organization founded by a small team of technology & election experts (including the founder of Vote.org), all driven by the shared mission of increasing voter turnout rates by making it more convenient to cast your ballot. We reject outright the id
We help Democrats win, citizens vote, and progressives make change.
The North Korean people are overcoming one of the greatest challenges facing humanity today. We're working with the people to accelerate change.
Arbetsgivarverket är en medlemsstyrd statlig arbetsgivarorganisation. Medlemmar är 250 myndigheter, affärsverk och andra arbetsgivare med anknytning till det statliga området. Tillsammans utvecklar vi och samordnar den statliga arbetsgivarpolitiken och tecknar kollektivavtal för 245 000 anställda.
1 follower
Data analytics and organizational management tools for political organizations
De Groene Amsterdammer is het oudste Nederlandse opinieweekblad en bestaat sinds 1877. Het weekblad is een uitgave van NV Weekblad De Groene Amsterdammer. Iedere week aandacht voor politiek in binnen- en buitenland, sociale en economische kwesties, kunst en cultuur, literatuur, filosofie en geschied
De Woonbond is dé landelijke belangenbehartiger voor huurders en woningzoekenden. Als koepel ondersteunen we lokale huurdersorganisaties in hun werk, we lobbyen voor voldoende betaalbare huurwoningen en bieden juridische steun aan individuele huurders.
The Liberals believe in individual freedom and free enterprise, if you share this belief, then the Liberal Party is for you. Join now online!
Arbeiderpartiet er Norges største politiske parti. Arbeiderpartiets visjon er en rettferdig verden uten fattigdom og i fred, der menneskene er frie, likestilte og har innflytelse på sine liv. Alle mennesker er unike, uerstattelige og like mye verdt. Hver av oss skal ha muligheten til å leve gode
Twenty-three years of breaking through the junk with creative mail that fits into smart communications strategies. Mission Control is the most successful direct mail firm working in Democratic politics today. Specialized in creative persuasion direct mail for Democratic campaigns, candidates, party
Malaysia's foremost non-profit think-tank engaged in foreign policy and security, national and international economic affairs; nation-building; technology, environment and sustainability; and regional and international cooperation.
The Wyoming Legislature is a 93-member citizen legislature, meaning the members elected serve part-time. The Legislature meets yearly for a General Session in odd numbered years and for a Budget Session in even numbered years. The Legislature employs a small non-partisan staff to provide administrat
The CCBE is recognised as the voice of the European legal profession representing, through its members, more than 1 million European lawyers. CCBE membership includes the bars and law societies of 45 countries from the European Union, the European Economic Area, and wider Europe. The CCBE represen
Het CDA is een moderne christendemocratische volkspartij. Voor de christendemocratie staat de gemeenschap centraal, de samenleving van mensen die elk voor een stukje van de wereld verantwoordelijk zijn. Het gezin, de school, de wijk, de vereniging; zij vormen de ruggengraat van de samenleving. V
WV Citizen Action is made up of 501(c)3 and 501(c)4 non-profit organizations that provide original research and public education, as well as organizing and advocacy for better public policy, rights of individuals, a clean environment, and a stronger democratic process
Established in 1971, California Advocates, Inc. is California’s oldest contract advocacy firm, currently serving nearly 70 clients. Over the years, we have provided professional advocacy services for a broad range of corporations, associations, local governments, and special districts on a myriad of
The Congressional Progressive Caucus Center (the CPC Center) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that identifies and develops solutions to build a more just, equitable, and resilient nation. Our network approach brings together community leaders, organizers, advocates and policy experts to build people-led, cu
Lillestrøm kommune er Norges 9. største kommune og har omtrent 95000 innbyggere.
De Vereniging van Vlaamse Steden en Gemeenten vzw is de ledenorganisatie van alle Vlaamse gemeenten, OCMW's, politiezones, autonome gemeentebedrijven, welzijnsverenigingen, hulpverleningszones, Interafval en streekontwikkeling Vlinter. Zij zet zich in voor zowel de politieke mandatarissen als de pro
The Cornell Center on the Death Penalty Worldwide provides transparent data on death penalty laws and practices around the world, publishes reports and manuals on issues of practical relevance to lawyers, judges, and policymakers, trains lawyers in best practices, and engages in targeted advocacy an
Satoshi Action Fund is a nonpartisan, non-profit, educational organization dedicated to informing policymakers and regulators about the benefits of Bitcoin mining and how it can be used as a tool to stabilize the grid, grow our economy, and cleanup the environment. Satoshi Action actively engages in
CPD develops long-term policies to promote shared prosperity and sustainable wellbeing. We are independent, values-driven and evidence-based. Our goal is to develop practical and innovative policy ideas for Australia’s long-term future and foster a collaborative environment to make them achievable.
We are a national resource and strategy center that collaborates with state legislators to improve people’s lives through transformative public policy. SiX works in close coordination with legislators, advocacy groups, think tanks and activists to provide the tools and information legislators need t
Established in 2008, Leadtech has emerged as leading political research and consulting firm engaged in survey research, analytics, and campaign in the field of Election, Governance, Politics, Health, and Education. Leadtech is a center of excellence in the field of Election Studies. We believe and f
Accorciare le distanze per essere vicini a tutti con uno spazio dedicato per conoscere ed approfondire le novità, le leggi, gli eventi e i progetti nel mondo del lavoro, della previdenza e delle politiche sociali. Puoi interagire e partecipare anche attraverso il gruppo di discussione “Cliclavoro
One Click Politics is a non-partisan, digital advocacy technology and consulting company.
The European Students' Union (ESU) is an umbrella organisation of 44 National Unions of Students (NUS) from 40 countries. The NUSes are open to all students in their respective country regardless of political persuasion, religion, ethnic or cultural origin, sexual orientation or social standing. Ou
The Richard Nixon Foundation is a privately supported, non-profit institution dedicated to educating the public about the life, legacy, and times of the Thirty-Seventh President. Through unique exhibits and events the Nixon Foundation helps visitors discover the many surprising and unexpected acc
As the country grows increasingly divided, Longwell Partners' clients work to remind Americans of their foundational bonds and build consensus around commonly held values. We are a full-service communications firm that works with organizations across the political spectrum to build uncommon coalitio
The EEAS is the European Union's diplomatic service. It helps the EU's foreign affairs chief – the High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy – carry out the Union's Common Foreign and Security Policy.
The Republican Governors Association is dedicated to one primary objective: electing, re-electing, and supporting America’s Republican governors. With the RGA’s support, Republicans have steadily maintained an overall majority of governorships as millions of Americans prefer Republican chief execut
Futurelect delivers non-partisan leadership development and training programmes to diverse groups of ethical and innovative young leaders in Africa, in order to prepare them for leadership roles in politics and the public service. Our goal is to empower a new generation of ethical political and go
Atticus Partners is an award winning integrated communications agency, with years of experience in strategic counsel, government affairs and public relations. We see every brief as an exciting challenge and our pursuit of excellence guides us to deliver the best possible work. We have overseen corp
The MNC represents the Métis Nation nationally and internationally. It receives its mandate and direction from the democratically elected leadership of the Métis Nation's governments from Ontario, Saskatchewan, Alberta, and British Columbia. Specifically, the MNC reflects and moves forward on the de
We lead strategies to create policies and environments where immigrants and refugees in Texas can access their rights and contribute to the well-being of our nation.
Tertio is een Vlaams christelijk opinieblad dat wekelijks verschijnt en een bereik heeft van 32.000 lezers. Tertio vertrekt vanuit een eerlijke en kritische analyse van de (nieuws)actualiteit. Tertio is een diepgravend en beschouwend blad. Het schept ruimte voor reflectie, analyse en historische
Alliance for a Better Minnesota (ABM) is one of the most effective political communications groups in Minnesota and is held up as a national model for other state organizations. ABM is a nonprofit organization that serves the progressive community of the state as a communications hub. We aggressivel