
Explore 2,105 companies in Politics

The Borgen Project believes that leaders of the most powerful nation on earth should be doing more to address global poverty. The 501 (c) (3) nonprofit is an innovative, national campaign that is working to make poverty a focus of U.S. foreign policy. Trademarks: The Borgen Project is known for bei

WPI Strategy


WPI Strategy is a public affairs and strategic communications consultancy which creates and delivers high impact campaigns for organisations looking to engage with political, media and public audiences. We are a highly experienced, cross-party team drawn from the most senior levels of Government, t

Movement Innovation Collaborative is an organizer-led effort to amplify and accelerate the field of power building. We are seeding interconnected, intergenerational networks of innovative movements to catalyze lasting, long-term transformation in California. Our vision is to strengthen and scale our

Political Intelligence is an independent public affairs consultancy, with offices in Brussels, Lisbon, London, Madrid. We provide our clients with practical public affairs advice that helps them to achieve their business objectives. Our professional and dedicated consultancy service includes politi

Savion Ray


Campaign Agency for Brussels and Europe. Using creativity to increase your political influence. #ChooseRecycled #GlobalEwaste #DyslexicText

The Strategy Group was founded in Chicago in 1989 by progressive campaign professionals committed to the idea that strategy makes the difference between winning and losing. Since our founding, we have grown into a national firm with offices in four cities (Cleveland, Washington DC, Chicago, and Los

United We Dream


When you’re undocumented, you face a lot of discrimination, and that creates a lot of fear. At United We Dream, we transform that fear into finding your voice. We empower people to develop their leadership, their organizing skills, and to develop our own campaigns to fight for justice and dignity fo

Clean Virginia


Clean Virginia is an independent advocacy organization with an associated Political Action Committee, Clean Virginia Fund. Clean Virginia works to fight corruption in Virginia politics in order to promote clean energy, a robust, competitive economy, and community control over our energy policy. We a

Chatsworth Porter Ranch Chamber is a civic & social organization company based out of 10038 Old Depot Plaza Rd, Chatsworth, California, United States.

The National Center for Transgender Equality (NCTE) is a 501(c)3 social justice organization dedicated to advancing the equality of transgender people through advocacy, collaboration and empowerment.

Pulsar Group


Powering a world of audience-first communication. Pulsar Group is a tech innovator, delivering high quality SaaS products that address the fundamental business needs of more than 6,000 global brands in the PR, communications and marketing industries. We help them understand what’s important to th

Netra News


Netra News is an independent platform for public interest journalism that publishes reportage, analysis, and debate on Bangladeshi politics, society, and culture.

Healthier Colorado is a 501(c)(4) with a broad mission to improve Coloradans’ health through policy changes that increase access to quality care or support healthy living. Healthier Colorado is the state’s first and only health advocacy organization that focuses specifically on policy change. The or

No Agenda Show


No Agenda is a podcast hosted by Adam Curry and John C. Dvorak and takes place twice a week on Thursday and Sunday at 9 a.m. Pacific Time. The show is primarily focused on mainstream media deconstruction. The show has no advertisers, instead relying on its listeners to voluntarily donate in either

Civitas Public Affairs Group delivers winning advocacy and public affairs campaigns for our clients and the people they serve. We enlist experts, leverage relationships, and build bipartisan coalitions to address some of the most pressing political and societal challenges of our day.

Militants de partis politiques, membres d’associations et de syndicats, entrepreneurs, salariés, apprentis, étudiants ou encore lycéens, nous sommes des jeunes politisés et conscients de la période que traverse notre pays. C’est la raison pour laquelle nous avons décidé de nous constituer en coll

Finland’s Permanent Representation to the European Union plays a key role in the execution of Finland’s EU policy. The Permanent Representation promotes the interests of Finland and the Finnish people by participating in and influencing EU decision-making. Suomen pysyvä edustusto Euroopan Unionissa

The Canadian Intergovernmental Conference Secretariat (CICS) is a neutral agency whose mandate and sole program is to provide the administrative services required for the planning and the conduct of senior-level intergovernmental conferences. It was established pursuant to an agreement reached at th

Our mission is to bring together accomplished clinicians who leverage existing healthcare, political, and financial resources, or create new ones. The group responds to threats to population health, identifies emerging ones, and works to address long-standing barriers to equitable, effective, and lo

Commune de Cugy


Commune de Cugy is a government administration company based out of Rte de Fétigny 22A, Cugy, Switzerland.

Issue One


Issue One is dedicated to creating a force big enough to win the fight for substantive money-in-politics reform. They take an overarching view of the cause and constantly ask the big-picture questions. They are repositioning money in politics as an essential all-American cause and helping generate e

WFM/IGP works to promote the rule of law and global governance of transnational issues, related to peace and security, human rights, and the environment.

Les Jeunes IHEDN


Les Jeunes IHEDN sont la première association européenne et générationnelle sur les questions d’engagement, de défense et de sécurité. Elle est sous le double parrainage du ministre des Armées et du chef d’état-major des armées. L’association regroupe les auditeurs jeunes formés par l’Institut des

The Groundwork Collaborative is committed to advancing an economic vision for strong, broadly shared prosperity and true opportunity for all. Visit our website and follow us on Twitter @Groundwork.

The Alliance to End Hunger engages diverse institutions to build the public and political will to end hunger at home and abroad. WHO WE ARE The Alliance to End Hunger develops innovative partnerships among our members; political commitment among our leaders; and global connections among groups

NSPAO facilitates critical engagement in national security, international affairs, and intelligence issues by engaging with national security experts and promoting an informed exchange of ideas to develop analytical skills and produce meaningful analyses relevant to the defense community.



Ripple helps campaigners, candidates, parties, NGOs, industry bodies, corporates and political participants on all legal aspects of their political engagement. 

Global Canada


Canadian prosperity depends upon a prosperous, well-governed world. Over the last 75 years, Canada has played an important—at times critical—global role. However, the world has become a more complex and crowded place. Canada’s ability to have a global influence cannot be taken for granted. Global

Founded in 1986, the Immigration Reform Law Institute (IRLI) serves as a public-interest legal education and advocacy law firm, and supporting organization of the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR). IRLI exists to defend the rights of individual Americans and their local communities

The Federalist Society for Law and Public Policy Studies is a group of conservatives and libertarians interested in the current state of the legal order. It is founded on the principles that the state exists to preserve freedom, that the separation of governmental powers is central to our Constituti



POPVOX verifies, aggregates, and simplifies communication with Congress on an open, trusted and nonpartisan common ground.

For more than 20 years our dedicated team has been conducting Telephone calling campaigns that included but not limited to- Public Opinion Polls, Voter ID, Patch Through, Voter Persuasion, Yard Sign Support, Ride To The Polls, Polling Location Reminders, and GOTV: Get Out The Vote! Our focus lie

Røde Kors er verdens største humanitære organisasjon og er politisk og religiøst uavhengig. Siden opprettelsen har Røde Kors organisert mennesker som ønsker å yte en innsats for sine medmennesker. En moderne hjelpeorganisasjon Norges Røde Kors er en moderne hjelpeorganisasjon med ca 150 000 medl

An independent, non-partisan office of the Legislative Assembly, responsible for administering provincial elections, by-elections, referenda, and Senate Nominee elections. We administer the Election Act and the provincial electoral process in this province.

Mississippi Votes is an organization of intergenerational synergy centering and led by young people invested in the progression of Mississippi. We do this through our programming and outreach strategies that empowers young people, encourages civic engagement, and educates communities on voting right

The Lehigh Valley Planning Commission is dedicated to working with the public and the region’s political, business and community leaders to make a great region even greater. That requires shaping the way we live, work and play by building consensus on improving transportation, advancing smart growth

At Deveau Burr Group, LLC, we navigate the intricate, interconnected landscape of policy and politics to secure access and opportunity for our clients through strategic planning, clear messaging, and effective communication and outreach. We leverage strong relationships, ensuring our clients benef



Axiom is a full-service political consulting firm that specializes in general campaign strategy, direct voter contact, field strategy, political polling and analysis, media buying, campaign compliance, fundraising, opposition research, and public affairs. Axiom Strategies was founded by Jeff Roe i

Brady works across Congress, courts, and communities to end America's gun violence epidemic.

Orion Strategies


Orion Strategies is a strategic communications and public relations firm with a staff of experienced professionals in media and stakeholder relations, federal and state government affairs, grassroots advocacy, polling, research and creative services. The company hosts offices in Washington, DC; Har



It all begins with gender. We're a women-owned small business that goes beyond mere women’s representation. Instead, we focus on bringing a gender perspective to every peace and security issue we take on. Our gender-transformative program implementation, research, and policy recommendations ensure

Veracity is the advisor on political, corruption, and reputation risks in challenging markets. It obtains high-value and dependable information in even opaque markets. It brings deep geographic and industry expertise to advise clients on not only the obstacles they may encounter but also the solutio

The New Republic


The New Republic is a magazine that features articles about politics, books and art, economy, environment and energy, metro policies, the world, and films.The magazine provides its readers with an intelligent, stimulating, and rigorous examination of American politics, foreign policies, and cultures

Bridge Institute


We believe that the world's biggest problems (be it climate, equality, humanitarian crises) are systemic, which means no one (no government, no business, no philanthropist) can solve them on their own. It means it takes the whole system must come together, in partnership, and for the long-haul. It m



ARTICLE 19 envisages a world where people are free to speak their opinions, to participate in decision-making and to make informed choices about their lives For this to be possible, people everywhere must be able to exercise their rights to freedom of expression and freedom of information. Without

Clause Out


Clause Out brings you the issues that matter to you the most! We simplify the complexities of public policy and let you play an active role in shaping your community from your mobile device. Join now if you want interesting laws in your claws!



De SGP is een politieke partij die zich inzet voor bescherming van kwetsbaar leven, zich sterk maakt voor de belangen van het klassieke gezin en voor een veilig en zorgzaam Nederland. Christelijk, politiek met een geopende Bijbel, conservatief, barmhartig als het kan, streng en rechtvaardig als het

Democracy depends on a government that works for all people. Since 2017, Democracy Forward has filed over 650 legal actions and records requests challenging unlawful acts, fought vigorously in court on behalf of those harmed, and notched victories that have improved lives and protected the rule of l

De Eerste Kamer der Staten-Generaal vormt samen met de Tweede Kamer het parlement. Zij toetst voorstellen voor nieuwe wetten, ingediend door de regering en de Tweede Kamer. Het werk van de Eerste Kamer heeft dus direct invloed op ontwikkelingen in de maatschappij.