
Explore 4,487 companies in Publishing



Standing at the nexus of oncologists, marketers, and societies, we are uniquely positioned to deliver knowledge. Harborside is the foremost medical communications company that oncology clinicians turn to for accurate content, news and education and advertisers turn to for unrivaled access to clinic

The Real Deal


The Real Deal is a media company with a focus on New York City, South Florida and Los Angeles.

VLTAVA LABE MEDIA, a.s. is the dominant publisher of regional daily newspapers in the Czech Republic, with 73 dailies published under the local "deník"​ brand, as well as publishing a number of weeklies and periodicals totalling over one hundred publications.

The Hilltop


Located in the heart of Northwest Washington, D.C., The Hilltop at Howard University remains on the forefront of campus, local, and national news. University owned and student operated, The Hilltop, with a print circulation of 10,000 and a daily online publication, is committed to providing critical

Digital Press Portal is a Neo-Marketing agency based in Pakistan. All our operations are remotely dealt with. Team members all across the world work closely with same mission.



PubWest is a vibrant, dynamic trade association of small- and medium-sized book publishers, printers, editors, proofreaders, graphic designers, binderies, and related editorial and service companies. Established in 1977 as the Rocky Mountain Book Publishers Association, PubWest is now dedicated to h

TBI is a strategic marketing and business development agency. We offer a full range of marketing services, from marketing strategy to campaign implementation, specializing in the needs of publishers, membership organizations and technology solutions providers serving the information sector. Our

Mango Publishing


Mango Publishing is an innovative independent publisher based in beautiful Miami, Florida. We're proud to be PW's Fastest-Growing Publisher (2018) and a Digital Book World Finalist for Publisher of the Year (2019). And we're proud to announce the acquisition of Conari Press in Sept 2019. Mango is r

Toute l’actualité de Toulouse et sa région en direct, photos et vidéos avec La Dépêche du Midi. Retrouvez toutes les informations locales de la région Occitanie : faits divers, politique, sports, économie, loisirs…...

National Geographic Partners is a joint venture between The Walt Disney Company and the National Geographic Society. We return 27% of our proceeds to the nonprofit Society to fund work in the areas of science, exploration, conservation, and education. This unique partnership creates a virtuous cycle

New Degree Press


New Degree Press is a publisher for Creators.

Dorrance Publishing has been pioneering publishing services for over 100 years. Our founder, Gordon Dorrance, had a dream of becoming a published author. But traditional publishers rejected him. In 1920, he created a better way to get published and founded Dorrance, America’s oldest publishing serv

Delhi Press


Delhi Press was established in 1939 by late Mr. Vishva Nath. The Caravan, an English literary magazine, was launched in the following year and became an immediate success, enjoying wide readership in the country. In 1945, Sarita, a Hindi monthly magazine was launched. Over the years, the group has l

Simon & Schuster Australia is a major force in today's publishing industry, dedicated to bringing an extensive range of books, in all formats, into the hands of readers. Simon & Schuster Australia publishes and distributes a variety of books in Australia and New Zealand across a range of genres inc

Logic of English


At Logic of English, we are driven by a mission to change how reading is taught for all students. Our curriculum is designed to teach reading, writing, spelling, phonics, and grammar to students of all ages in a fun, logical, systematic, and approachable way. Based on the Orton-Gillingham method,

Media24 d.o.o.


Skupina Media24 na podlagi dolgoletnih izkušenj in poznavanja sodobnih tehnologij združuje nadvse priljubljene in dobro poznane slovenske tiskane in elektronske medije.



Samen meer bereiken! Sinds de oprichting in 1990 is Agrio uitgegroeid tot een veelzijdig en bloeiend mediabedrijf met sterke agrarische wortels. Door de inzet van zo’n 70 communicatie-professionals weet Agrio precies wat er leeft in agrarisch Nederland. Dankzij een onafhankelijke en kritische ver

Exhibitor Group


Exhibitor Group publishes EXHIBITOR magazine - best practices in trade show marketing. EXHIBITOR produces EXHIBITORLIVE, the trade show, and corporate event industry's top-rated educational conference; EXHIBITORFastTrak regional accelerated learning conferences; and EXHIBITOR eTrak live online educa

Giving second life to pre-owned books in Czech Republic, Slovakia, Germany and Austria.

0 followers - Music designed for the brain to enhance focus, relaxation, meditation, naps and sleep within 10 - 15 minutes of use.

Deeds Magazine

1 follower

Deeds Magazine is a platform dedicated to telling the extended story of the African creative, both within the continent and the diaspora.

Founded in 2015, Crooked Lane Books is an independent publisher that strives to entertain the many readers of commercial crime fiction. Alcove Press, an imprint of Crooked Lane, is dedicated to publishing upmarket book club fiction. Both are responsive to readers’ interests and agile within the indu

F.A. Davis


Headquartered in Philadelphia, the city of its founding in 1879, F.A. Davis is an independent, family-owned publisher of teaching and learning solutions for nursing and the health sciences. From flagship titles like Taber’s Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary to online, adaptive platforms like Davis Advan



Digital Art Distribution Network - Experience the worlds finest multi-format digital art (video to VR)



Finance is the UK's digital business newspaper.



Smashwords provides free ebook publishing and distribution services to over 130,000 indie authors, literary agents and small presses around the world. The company's ebook publishing platform makes it fast, free and easy to publish and sell ebooks. As an ebook distributor, Smashwords distributes to



Founded in 2006, VentureBeat is the leading source for transformative tech news and events that provide deep context to help business leaders make smart decisions and stay on top of breaking news.

The IMAGES Group is trusted as the catalyst for the profitable growth of modern retail through knowledge platform leadership.



Our goal is to help each publisher monetize their content. Thanks to innovative solutions and many years of experience, we provide the highest quality of services in increasing income from programmatic advertising. Hundreds of online content creators worldwide have trusted in our experience and prog



The Adomik platform resolves the complexity of managing digital advertising for publishers, allowing them to grow their revenue seamlessly.



Eureka is the market leading brand for mechanical design engineers within the UK. The group comprises a monthly publication, community based web site, e-zines, live events, annuals, supplements and an annual Awards scheme. Eureka possesses the most up to date and indepth database for mechanical d

The Oklahoman


Oklahoman is Oklahoma's most trusted source for breaking news, sports, weather, obituaries, politics, business, art, entertainment, blogs, video, photos and Oklahoma City headlines. Oklahomans have counted on The Oklahoman to bring them news and information for well over a century. Readers seek us

Alfred Music


Alfred Music supports music education by providing quality method books, performance sheet music, and reference materials for teachers and students.

Kungliga biblioteket, KB, är Sveriges nationalbibliotek. Våra samlingar sträcker sig mer än tusen år bakåt i tiden och växer för varje dag. Vi samlar in, bevarar och tillgängliggör allt som ges ut i Sverige – från handskrifter, böcker och tidningar till musik, tv-program och bilder. VI FRÄMJAR SAMV

0 followers is a EdTech platform in Brazil focused on producing high-quality digital sports content to millions of fans.

Editor and Publisher Magazine (E&P) is The authoritative voice of #NewsMedia since 1884, serving newspapers, broadcast, digital and all multimedia news publishing.

Eddie AI


Eddie is your AI storytelling partner. He helps you create the framework of your story, and more importantly, he makes story crafting fun.

The News Product Alliance is building a community of support and practice for news product professionals and product thinkers. Let’s work together toward a more sustainable and ethical future for the news industry.

Shimmr AI


Shimmr AI brings every book into the light. With automated, end-to-end advertising to get titles discovered, Publishers can now illuminate catalogues of unpublicised books, for better discovery by readers. Shimmr generates and deploys tailored campaigns faithful to the fundamental DNA of each book

2G Digital


2G Digital is an entertainment company that specializes in post production and digital content services.

Stroll Magazine


Formerly known as N2 Publishing, Stroll is the flagship product of media powerhouse The N2 Company. Since 2004, our industry-leading magazines have been the means to a more connected life in hundreds of upscale neighborhoods nationwide. Stroll introduces different neighbors each month by sharing th

Baltimore Sun Media Group, part of Tribune Publishing, publishes The Baltimore Sun,, community newspapers and magazines, and a growing portfolio of targeted print and digital products, including b. In print and online, Baltimore Sun Media Group reaches 1.2 million readers each week

Sheen Magazine


Sheen is the ultimate beauty guide, featuring the latest trends from hair to fashion. Sheen Magazine is The Ultimate Beauty Guide for the modern day woman. The southern national lifestyle and beauty publication is the preeminent voice for the American beauty on new trends, techniques, and produc

The Lincoln Journal Star is a provider of news and information in Southeast Nebraska. It is the publisher of a key newspaper in the area. In addition, it is engaged in publishing several niche publications, websites, and handling a commercial printing operation.The Lincoln Journal Star also owns and

Delfi Meedia


Delfi Meedia on meediakontsern, kellele kuulub kaks Eesti suurimat nädalalehte Eesti Ekspress ja Maaleht; Eesti suurim uudisteportaal Delfi; Eesti teravaim päevaleht Eesti Päevaleht ja laupäevaleht LP ning majaomanike ja aiapidajate lemmikajakiri Maakodu. Delfi Meedias töötab üle 300 pühendunud in



El Grupo ZETA es un grupo editorial y de comunicación español

Founded in London in 1947, The Folio Society publishes carefully crafted editions of the world’s finest literature. We believe that great books deserve to be presented in a form worthy of their contents. For nearly 70 years we have celebrated the unique joy to be derived from owning, holding and rea

Surrey Libraries


Surrey Libraries is a valued community institution and one of the most-used community services in Surrey. The library welcomes around 2.5 million visits to our 10 branches each year, with an additional 2 million plus visits to our online resources. Surrey Libraries runs hundreds of programs and ser

Davler Media


A trusted integrated media company serving four of New York's consumer audience’s: tourists, locals, and parents. We help consumers make better decisions about the activities, products, and services that will best enrich their lives. Davler creates and delivers targeted, award-winning content across

In Plain English


Home to JavaScript In Plain English ( - one of the world's biggest tech publications. Our publications are receive over 3M views every month. April 2020: Launched two new publications AI in Plain English + Python in Plain English. January 2021: Started an initiative to te