
Explore 6,691 companies in Rehabilitation

ARK Healthcare and Rehabilitation owns 2 nursing homes in Connecticut, that specialize in short term rehabilitation, long term care and dementia care. It's our mission to provide the highest quality, patient-centered care, in a clean, friendly environment.

Adjutor S.r.l.


Adjutor è nata nel 1991 come azienda produttrice di carrozzine e seggioloni per disabili con il nome commerciale di Linea Adjutor. Successivamente si è specializzata nella distribuzione di ausili per anziani e disabili come carrozzine, sistemi di postura, attrezzature per la riabilitazione, supporti

Seva Home Health


Seva Home Health's missionprovide professional and paraprofessional services to clients in their homes assisting them to achieve the highest level of potential in their day-to-day self-care activities. We are committed to providing the highest quality, multidisciplinary care by professionals who rec

Northeast Arkansas Treatment Services, LLC provides outpatient treatment services in Jonesboro, Arkansas for persons addicted to the opioid class of drugs, including prescription pain medications and heroin.Prescribing, administering and dispensing methadone approved for the treatment of addictive d

As an established leader in the infrastructure renewal industry with 18 offices and more than 650 employees, Inliner Solutions has the financial strength, industry expertise, staff leadership, and technical capabilities to meet nationwide demand. With offices across the U.S., Inliner Solutions proud



Moveoo is er voor mensen die dak- of thuisloos dreigen te worden of al zijn geworden en tijdelijk behoefte hebben aan ondersteuning. Het gaat om mensen die een kwetsbare positie in de samenleving hebben en vaak te kampen hebben met problematiek op meerdere leefgebieden. Wij brengen hen in beweging e

Auburn Homes & Services offers independent living, assisted living, memory care, skilled nursing care and rehabilitation services. Auburn Homes and Services offers comfortable living areas and a diverse range of services for seniors seeking the ideal balance between independence and support.

Fondazione Sacra Famiglia Onlus è un'organizzazione non profit sociosanitaria, che da 125 anni accoglie, cura e assiste bambini, adulti e anziani fragili, con disturbi del comportamento come l’autismo o con disabilità psichiche e/o fisiche. Il nostro concetto di cura tiene conto delle diverse dimen

Life Solutions South is a community mental health service provider promoting wellness and recovery by timely access to services from skilled and caring teams of professionals. Established in 2015 in Cuyahoga County of Ohio, our agency has evolved into responsive, comprehensive programs focused on im

Blue Bird Day


Blue Bird Day is an intensive pediatric therapy program designed to foster socialization, sensory regulation and academic learning in children ages 2-7 in therapeutic rotations that simulate a preschool and kindergarten setting. Our therapeutic programs are ideal for children with Autism, Sensory Pr

Kansas City Behavioral Health incorporates the principles of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) into the services we provide. We provide services to individuals with a variety of disabilities varying from 18 months through adulthood. Our services address the needs of families, schools and agencies by

Thornapple Manor


At Thornapple Manor, we provide skilled nursing, memory care, and rehabilitation. We believe that each moment in one’s life is special, that each person is unique and requires the individual care they desire. From breakfast-on-demand to late evening movies, spa treatments to bingo, and visiting the



ConTXT strengthens community ties and supports rehabilitation by keeping inmates connected with their loved ones, helping to pave the way for successful reintegration into society.

No More Tears is a violence- and crime-prevention program founded by men incarcerated at San Quentin and concerned citizens both seeking to remedy the rise of violent crime in their communities and reduce the recidivism rate of parolees. We recognize the unique perspective of former perpetrators an

Taylor Recovery is a pet friendly, luxury sober living community and intensive outpatient treatment center, located on Houston’s east side, just outside of downtown. On a sprawling 22,000 square-foot campus, the newly renovated facility welcomes those who wish to continue their recovery from drug an

Rehab Health and Fitness Australia provides clinic and community based Allied Health Services to people of all ages and abilities. We provide evidence based, capacity building services to all adults and work with service providers, informal supports and other care team members towards meaningful go

JC’s Recovery provides faith-based drug and alcohol addiction rehab in South Florida. Our state of the art facilities are designed to create an environment that is both nurturing and conducive for recovery. Our philosophy is that with the 12 Steps of Recovery in one hand and the Bible in the other,

There comes a time when individuals and families are faced with challenging health care decisions as they advance through later stages of life. While we understand a large percentage of people don't believe they'll actually need the services of a "nursing home,"​ the reality is many do, for a variet

Evolve Recovery Centers are first-in-class residential treatment centers focused on repairing the mind, body, and spirit of those struggling with addiction and co-occurring disorders related to substance use and alcoholism. We build a strong recovery foundation to achieve long-term sobriety and find



Hearoes is a SaaS Platform empowers those with hearing loss to the joys of hearing new sounds, confidence & well-being. It assist both recipients & clinicians to collaborate, track & empower hearing to maximise outcomes together.

Genesee Lake School is a nationally recognized school dedicated to improving the lives of children, adolescents, and young adults with developmental disabilities, mental health disorders, neurological disorders, or emotional disturbances. In addition, we offer specialized programs for students with

Women and Girls Network (WGN) is a community-based organisation providing women with a comprehensive range of therapeutic services which facilitate healing and recovery from experiences of violence. We work with all forms of gendered violence, whether physical, sexual or emotional. We are commit

StarPro Physical Therapy | The leading physical, occupational, and hand therapy provider in New York.

Ability Assist


Welcome to Ability Assist, a local, family-owned child safe disability service provider here in Melbourne Victoria. We take pride in consistently supporting our communities since 1994. Our mission is to inspire people to enrich their lives by increasing independence, skills, and quality of life. We

Here at EmployAbility Cork, we focus on building strong relationships with our clients and employers. We understand the success of our service users depends on the strength & quality of the relationships we foster everyday. Promoting employment, diversity and inclusion is at the heart of everythin

En Ahora Psicoterapia somos psicólogos expertos en problemas de adicción y cualquier tipo de dependencia, realizamos el 100% de nuestra terapia de forma online, garantizando el mayor anonimato y comodidad.

At Scissortail Therapy Services, our mission is to provide effective, compassionate, and individualized therapy services for our families. Our goal is to help each child increase adaptive skills, help caregivers learn skills to improve outcomes, and make a positive impact in the world of ABA and aut

Our goal is your recovery. Addiction is a treatable disease. Our medical and mental health team offers daily outpatient services so you can start on the road to recovery today. We are known for a structured program that encourages accountability while offering compassionate and competent care.



Wat doet Visio Foundation? Jaarlijks stelt Visio Foundation ruim 3 miljoen beschikbaar voor projecten en programma’s in binnen- en buitenland die meedoen mogelijk maken. In Nederland betreffen dit projecten en programma’s op alle levensdomeinen: onderwijs, zorg, revalidatie, arbeid, dagbesteding,

Our practice is devoted to helping families, weekend warriors, and athletes in the Dallas area with the best possible joint and spinal care services available. Our medical team has provided outstanding treatment results for patients since 2008 by following our mission: “To love and serve others.”



Handjehelpen ondersteunt kinderen en volwassenen met een handicap of chronische ziekte én hun mantelzorgers door de inzet van intensieve vrijwilligerszorg in de thuissituatie. Handjehelpen is een zelfstandige stichting en actief in een groot gedeelte van de provincie Utrecht. Jaarlijks worden zo

Montcare Wheaton


Dedicated to Your Comfort and Recovery

Rehab Associates


Rehab Associates was established in 1984 as Licking Rehabilitation Services, Inc., in order to provide Physical Therapy services to the residents of Licking County. Initially, Licking Rehabilitation Services, Inc. was established as a Physical Therapy contract service and has expanded to provide com



Tragel is een maatschappelijke organisatie in Zeeuws-Vlaanderen en ondersteunt mensen met een beperking om een goed leven te leiden. We hechten aan betrokkenheid van bewoners en cliënten, vertegenwoordigers en familie, onze professionals, vrijwilligers en relaties. Dat maakt Tragel bijzonder. Kijk v



Eén op drie Vlamingen worstelt met psychische problemen. Bethanië biedt acute opvang, gespecialiseerde behandeling en langdurige zorg voor deze mensen in psychische nood. Wij organiseren onze zorgverlening vraaggericht. Dit wil zeggen dat de zorgvraag van de patiënt en zijn omgeving altijd het uit

A Dynatest Engenharia Ltda. atua nos setores público e privado, desenvolvendo, implantando e gerenciando programas e projetos de recuperação e conservação de rodovias, de malhas rodoviárias e de aeroportos, estendendo sua atuação às áreas de monitoramento, auditoria, e controle tecnológico

Comprehensive physical, occupational, and speech-language therapy services, provided by experienced, caring clinicians. Our world-class therapists offer superior clinical care, allowing patients to achieve and maintain a better quality of life. We share the same goal: getting you back on your feet a

Pineapple GmbH


Wir entwickeln sorgfältig designte Möbel, die genau auf anspruchsvolle Umgebungen abgestimmt sind; von Psychiatrien und Krankenhäusern bis hin zu Justizvollzugsanstalten. Wir nehmen uns Zeit und hören zu. So finden wir die Produkte und Dienstleistungen, die Ihren Anforderungen am besten entsprechen

At Amp Educational Therapy, we strive to electrify learning and empower success. We are a unique educational resource providing personalized sessions for students who are struggling with learning disabilities or other learning challenges and need a more concentrated intervention than traditional tut

Health SOS


Health SOS is an all encompassing Healthcare company offering a variety of injury treatments and preventative care. Utilizing physical therapy, hand therapy, Pilates, acupuncture, massage and nutrition, we foster regenerative healing that allow our patients to optimally recover while building a new



Doodip was founded on the radical belief that one of the best, most natural and effective tools to improve mental and physical health, cold exposure, should be accessible to everyone. You shouldn’t have to live in a Nordic country or in a lakefront house to get the benefits of cold water dips. And

Providing Marketing, Consulting, & NIL services to create multiple win-win situations for everyone involved. Sports Performance and Training, Sports Medicine, Pain Management, Physical Therapy, Chiropractic Care, and many more representatives are welcome to join and learn more about our services.

Healthcare Innovations Australia Pty Ltd (HIA) specialises in the manufacture and supply of quality products relevant to end users from paediatric through to adults. Our focus is on postural management, protecting tissue integrity and finding the ideal solution for optimum lifestyle balance, after

The Pediatrics and Autism Center, LLC (PAC) is an outpatient therapy center in North Louisiana providing ABA Therapy, Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy and Speech Therapy to children with Autism and Related Disorders. The PAC aims to provide the highest quality of care utilizing a multi-discip

Our team serves clients ages 2-21 with emotional, social, and behavioral needs through individual and group therapy formats. Clients at the SEC are working towards goals including but not limited to: increased self-confidence, social connectedness, conversation skills, increased play skills, behavio

Erada Center


Erada Center for Treatment and Rehabilitation was established in December 2016, after the vision of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum and the initiative of His Highness Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed Al Maktoum. It aims to combat the spread of substance abuse disorder and addictive beha

Gov Facility Services Limited (GFSL) is a Ministry of Justice owned company. Set up in February 2018 we provide facility maintenance services to 49 prisons across the South of England. We work closely with our client, Her Majesty's Prison and Probation Service (HMPPS), to deliver a range of facili

Arbors of Ohio


Arbors of Ohio is a leading provider of long-term skilled nursing care and short term rehabilitation options throughout Ohio and our locations offer a full continuum of patient-centered services. We are looking to add members to our team that can help us deliver industry-leading and compassionate ca



For more than 20 years, Dynamic Functional Solutions Inc. has been delivering comprehensive and objective evaluations, and is recognized as a leading IME provider in Canada. Our LinkedIn page is here to keep you updated about our organization, your comments are valued.

The Body Lab


With a focus on scientifically based recovery therapies combined with personal training, The Body Lab aims to provide a 360 degree cutting edge experience in health and wellbeing to create a new breed of athlete, improving everyday life physically and mentally