Sales Enablement

The Org vs. ZoomInfo

By The Org

Last updated: Jun 5, 2024

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Choose the ideal sales intelligence tool for your needs with this The Org vs ZoomInfo comparison. Discover the benefits of high-quality data and fair pricing with The Org.

There are hundreds of tools to choose from in the world of sales intelligence software. Some, like The Org, are affordable, simple, and easy to implement, while others such as ZoomInfo are costly, advanced, and take training to get to grips with.

However, it is not only the price and complexity that is important to assess when looking for the right sales intelligence tool for you - the cleanliness of the data may be the most important factor.

In this post, we will put The Org up against ZoomInfo to give you an idea of the pros and cons of each tool to help you decide on which tool fits your needs.

What is The Org?

The Org is a sales intelligence platform that enables you to close more leads by searching and monitoring the world's largest database of public org charts.

Focused on helping you track and cross-sell to your previous customers, The Org enables your sales team to reach out to the right person at exactly the right time.

The Org's Core Feature

As the world's biggest network of public org charts, The Org tracks org changes across more than 300,000 companies and helps you stay up to date on where your previous customers go so that you can sell to them again.

Advantages of The Org

  • High-quality data. With daily user-updated org charts, The Org provides the most accurate contact information, allowing you to time your outreach efforts based on real-time, high-quality data.

  • Helpful org charts. The Org provides the visual context of leads within the target organization. This improves understanding of the potential customer and allows for easy outreach using The Org’s seamless CRM integrations.

  • Fair pricing and billing. The Org provides a free version and a premium plan at a fraction of the cost of similar sales intelligence tools in the market. Additionally, users enjoy a high level of flexibility as they can cancel the subscription anytime.

Disadvantages of The Org

  • Limited data. A focus on quality compromises quantity. The Org’s database is limited compared to other sales intelligence tools as the platform is focused on collecting and maintaining the most relevant and accurate data rather than the most data.

  • Focus on tech companies. The Org’s database is mainly comprised of high-growth tech startups and scaleups. With limited data coverage of late-stage and public companies, The Org is best for targeting tech companies.

What is ZoomInfo?

ZoomInfo is the public software company behind the ZoomInfo SalesOS platform. The platform provides sales prospecting software to help companies identify potential customers and make targeted outreach.

ZoomInfo’s Core Feature

Zoominfo’s core feature is its ability to provide a comprehensive platform for marketing and salespeople. The platform has contact information for millions of companies and tools for informed outreach.

Advantages of ZoomInfo

  • A vast amount of data. ZoomInfo is among the sales intelligence platforms with the most data. Their contact database consists of more than 200 million profiles, 100 million companies, 150 million emails, and 50 million mobile numbers.

  • Helpful intent data. ZoomInfo is praised for its great intent data that allows salespeople and marketers to make targeted outreach.

  • Comprehensive platform. ZoomInfo’s comprehensive platform seamlessly integrates sales and marketing tools into the same platform, enabling better collaboration between sales and marketing teams.

Disadvantages of ZoomInfo

  • Price. ZoomInfo is priced at several thousand dollars per month. This makes the tool inaccessible for many startups and scaleups trying to cut costs.

  • Tricky contracts. Some user reviews of ZoomInfo list binding periods of up to three years as a disadvantage of the platform. In an ever-changing sales landscape and in times of economic hardship, long binding periods can be company killers.

  • Outdated data. ZoomInfo may have too much to maintain. Users report wrong and outdated contact info and incomplete org charts. With 200 million profiles for 100 million companies, ZoomInfo only covers an average of two positions per company.

Should I choose ZoomInfo or The Org?

ZoomInfo and The Org take two different approaches to sales prospecting.

ZoomInfo has a vast amount of contacts and enables users to reach many potential buyers. Meanwhile, The Org has fewer contacts, but higher quality, and is suitable for companies that want to target fewer, but higher quality leads. However, The Org is limited to the tech industry.

Which tool to choose is up to you, but one of the main disadvantages of ZoomInfo is the steep pricing and the binding period which deters many potential users from becoming a customer.


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