Garth Gutenberg

Lead Web Engineer at 10up

A self-taught technologist, Garth got his start coding at the age of 7 on his Atari 600XL. Throughout his teenage years, he became adept with DOS and the IBM PC. In 1996, he built his first website – a Kraft Dinner fan page.

Over the years he has straddled the line between managing infrastructure and writing code. His first job fresh out of high school was at a company that wrote networking software (before it was built into the OS). From there he went on to work at IBM and other companies, and by 25 he was an infrastructure architect.

Garth had always desired freedom from the office, and when he discovered WordPress this dream became a reality. Doing freelance WordPress work allowed him to travel and work at the same time. After a few years living in Asia, Garth moved back to Canada where he was fortunate to work on some high-profile WordPress sites including and After a couple of years in Canada, Garth again longed to be back on the road (read: away from winter) and became what is now commonly referred to as a Digital Nomad. For nearly a decade, Garth traveled around Latin America, and a few years ago decided to settle in Ecuador. During this time he’s worked for a number of US and Canadian companies doing a combination of development, DevOps, team leadership, and project management. At Weever Apps he led a DevOps team that built a complete operational infrastructure-as-code on AWS including CI pipelines. At Amplify Education he built a WordPress development team from the ground up, led the team from both a technical and business perspective, and optimized developer workflow via code and repeatable processes.

Garth now lives in rural Ecuador with his Colombian wife Maria and three cats, Paloma, Pepe Le Pew, and Coco Chanel. His goal is to open a community computer/maker lab where locals can learn about technology and discover new opportunities.

Org chart


  • Lead Web Engineer

    Current role

  • Senior Web Engineer