Richard Stewart

Chief Financial Officer at A-Gas

Richard Stewart joined A-Gas in 2013 and shortly thereafter became the Group Chief Financial Officer in 2014.

In his role as Group Chief Financial Officer, Richard has ultimate responsibility for financial management, control and reporting for the A-Gas Group and additionally, is a member of the A-Gas Group Executive Team and the Board of Directors. Alongside this, Richard is also involved in setting and helping to deliver the Group’s strategic plans including large capital investments, mergers and acquisitions and launching A-Gas as a business into new territories. Further to his role as Group Chief Financial Officer, Richard is also the Board sponsor for M&A, Business Systems and Legal, Risk and Compliance.

Prior to working at A-Gas, Richard was an Investment Director with Lloyds Development Capital and spent 10 years at KPMG, in an M&A advisory role following his financial training in the late 1990s.


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