AC Immune


AC Immune SA is clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company that aims to become a global leader in precision medicine for neurodegenerative diseases, including Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, and NeuroOrphan indications driven by misfolded proteins. The Company’s two clinically validated tech... Read more





Org chart

Andrea Pfeifer's profile picture
Andrea Pfeifer
Co-Founder & CEO
Profile photo

Andrea Pfeifer

Piergiorgio Donati's profile picture
Piergiorgio Donati
Chief Technical Operations Officer
Christopher Roberts' profile picture
Christopher Roberts
Interim Chief Financial Officer
Howard Donovan's profile picture
Howard Donovan
Chief Human Resources Officer
Marie Kosco-Vilbois' profile picture
Marie Kosco-Vilbois
Scientific Advisor
Madiha Derouazi's profile picture
Madiha Derouazi
Chief Scientific Officer
Julien Rongère's profile picture
Julien Rongère
VP, Regulatory Affairs & Quality Assurance
Bojana Portmann
AVP, Intellectual Property & Business Development
Christopher R.
Chief Financial Officer
Olivier Sol
VP & Head, Clinical Development
Florian Udry
Junior IP Associate
Alain Pirlot
Executive Assistant To The CSO And The CFO
Alexis Kiefer
External DPO (data Protection Officer)
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