Diego López López


Diego López López started their work experience in 2013 as a Programmer Analyst at Pragma Software Solutions. In this role, they focused on developing point of sale systems using C# and web development using HTML5, PHP, JQuery, Wordpress, and Ruby on Rails. Diego then moved on to work at Sertes Plantas Electricas in 2016 as a Software Engineer, where they were responsible for maintaining and enhancing various web solutions developed with Ruby on Rails. In 2017, they joined Coppel SA de CV as a Programmer Analyst, and in 2018, they worked as a Programmer Analyst at GMGI. From June to September 2021, Diego worked at michelada.io as a Software Engineer. Currently, they are working as a Developer - Consultant at AELOGICA starting from September 2021.

Diego López López has a Master's degree in Engineering, which they obtained from Durham University from 2018 to 2020. Prior to that, they completed a Bachelor's degree in Computer Systems Engineering with a specialization in Software Engineering at the Instituto Tecnológico de Culiacán, where they studied from 2011 to 2016. Additionally, they obtained certification in TOEFL iBP from The TOEFL® test in December 2016.



  • Developer - CONSULTANT

    September, 2021 - present