Michelle Motyka

Business Process Maestro at Affinity Consulting Group

Michelle’s unique role at Affinity involves looking at their internal processes with an eye toward making them more efficient. She works with all of their teams to design and implement new procedures. She administers their software and provides training to their employees. Michelle has an BA in Psychology, a Post Degree Paralegal Certificate, and a MLS in Library and Information Studies. She worked as a paralegal from 1999 to 2005. She began consulting in 2005 and began working for Sandy Adams of Affinity in 2007. She originally specialized in practice management and TBA, but also worked with the document management team. Data extractions/conversions are a specialty of Michelle’s. In 2017, she began transitioning away from client work and into her current role.

Michelle’s superpowers are her attention to detail and ability to think through problems to come up with a simple solution. Implementing something that makes someone’s day easier is her favorite part of her job.

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