AfrAsia Bank

1 follower

Bank different with AfrAsia. Headquartered in Mauritius, AfrAsia Bank offers flexible financing and investment solutions, as well as tailor-made advice, for personal and private banking, corporate banking, global business and treasury and markets.





Org chart

Thierry Vallet's profile picture
Thierry Vallet
Interim CEO & CFO
Profile photo

Thierry Vallet

Dwejendranath Ramanah's profile picture
Dwejendranath Ramanah
Head, Treasury
Soodesh Beegun
Head, Risk & Head, AML & Operational Risk & DPO
Jean Jacques Fung's profile picture
Jean Jacques Fung
Head, Corporate Banking
Nadeem Carrim's profile picture
Nadeem Carrim
Head, Global Business
Navin Ramdoyal
Head, International Corporates, Africa & Financial Institutions
Marc-Alexandre Masnin
Head, Investment Solutions
Pierre-Yves Pascal
Head, Private Banking
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