Helle Birk Domino

Helle Birk Domina lives in Stjær, Arhus, Denmark and is the Manager of Occupational Health and Safety of SEGES in Århus, Denmark.

SEGES is the leading agricultural advisor in Denmark and offers solutions for tomorrow’s agriculture and food sector. SEGES’s primary objective is to identify the commercial potential in agriculture in order to provide Danish farmers with the best tools for running their business more profitably and in a way that takes account of the environment and animal welfare.

Helle and her team are working with Ag Health and Safety Alliance to deliver the Gear Up for Ag program in Denmark and she is well known for her work in “nudging” as a concept to improve health and safety in agriculture and other occupations. Her work with the SACURIMA group in Europe and is instrumental in translating research to practice for the farming community in Denmark.