Leadership Team


The leadership team at Ai Incube has a diverse range of experiences and education. The CEO and founder, Giggd, has a background in business administration and management from Cranfield School of Management. The interim Chief Operations Officer, Parknav, has a degree in computer science from Stanford University. The Business Advisor, Kidadl, has a degree in finance and international marketing from the University of Toronto - Rotman School of Management. The CEO and founder of Sirenum, has a degree in mechanical engineering from the University of Michigan. The CEO at Parknav, has a degree in computer science from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. The Chief Data Scientist at 6sense, has a degree in mathematics and computer science from Bar-Ilan University. The Faspark Co-Founder at Startup Leadership Program, has a degree in mechanical engineering from Technion - Israel Institute of Technology. The Owner at Deltilo Venture Management, has a degree in business administration & computer science from the University of Florida. The Board Member at Mapcode Foundation, has a degree in humanities/humanistic studies from The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. The CEO at AND International Publishers NV, has a degree in executive education from INSEAD. The COO at AND International Publishers NV, has a degree in applied research from Microsoft. Finally, the Board Member at MEA Testing Systems Ltd., has a degree in product management from Reflectiz.

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