Anita Johnson

CEO at Aldborough Primary School

Anita Johnson started her teaching career in 1987 at Stoke Newington School after she qualified as PE teacher from Bishop Otter College. She then moved after three years to Sedgehill School in Lewisham, a large multi-cultural school as a PE teacher and soon rose through the ranks by becoming firstly, Head of Girls PE and then the overall Curriculum Leader of PE. During her time there the school gained Sports Mark Gold and was named by Tony Blair as one of the three best schools for sport in the country. Anita remained at Sedgehill School for twelve years and eventually moved to Upbury Art College in Gillingham, Medway. She joined the school as an Assistant Headteacher in charge of Standards at Key Stage 4. This school was in special measures at the time and within six months had been moved out of this category. Anita remained here for three and a half years and helped move the school’s GCSE results out of the underperformance category.


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