Sarah Wu

Senior Advisor, Asset Management at American Triple I

Sarah advises and oversees the Asset and Portfolio Management function at ATI. Sarah brings over 20 years of infrastructure investment and asset management experience to the team. Most recently, she was Head of Investments for CCA Construction, a global conglomerate in infrastructure development where she spear-headed the development of a value-add, infrastructure investment program for the Americas. Sarah spent eight years in the Global Real Assets Division of JPMorgan Asset Management, including serving as Head of Asset Management for a core, infrastructure equity strategy that included a diverse group of portfolio companies in the US and UK. Sarah also co-founded a core infrastructure debt strategy at JPMorgan following the Global Financial Crisis. Prior to JPMorgan, Sarah spent 10 years at Credit Suisse on the Global Project Finance team responsible for non-recourse lending to infrastructure companies in the transport, power, energy, and shipping sectors in OECD and emerging markets.