AMSA Charter School


The Advanced Math and Science Academy Charter School creates an atmosphere of celebration of knowledge where children of all backgrounds and abilities excel in all subjects, especially in math, science and technology, empowering them to succeed in the workplace in our modern high-tech world.




Org chart

Lynn Bates - Jarvis
Director Of Special Education

Lynn Bates - Jarvis

Virginia Burke
Human Resources Manager
Brian Bakkala
Computer Science Teacher
Catherine Cardoso
LTS Wellness Teacher
Daniel Amaral
Dean Of Students, Upper School, Mckinney Vento Coordinator
Joseph Bengiovanni
Chemistry Teacher
Kerry Bergeron
Adjustment Counselor, Lower School
Lino Alvarez
Computer Science Teacher
Maria Arteaga
Spanish Teacher
Mckinney Vento Coordinator
Computer Science Teacher
Sarah Bakkala
English Teacher
Robert Bishop
Science Teacher
Vlad Babau
Math Teacher
Rachel Caudill
Latin Teacher