Liz Ellis

Chief Operations Officer at Angel Studios

Liz Ellis is our Chief Heart Officer. With her finger on Angel Studios’ pulse, she’s the ultimate people person, and works to ensure a positive work/life balance for everyone. From 2009 to 2015, before moving to Angel Studios, Liz was the Director of Operations at Orabrush, Inc., where she oversaw personnel and managed large operational tasks. Liz is also a sought-after executive coach, workshop facilitator, ICF Professional Certified Coach, and a Gallup-Certified Strengths Coach.

Liz is the heart of Angel Studios and has instilled a culture that brings out the best in our employees. Her executive-level personal coaching to every team member inspires their best talents and helps them solve challenges, both personally and professionally. Through her tireless empathy, Liz keeps the heartbeat strong at Angel Studios.


  • Chief Operations Officer

    Current role