The Research and Development team at APL Data Center focuses on innovating sustainable solutions for data center design and operation. By exploring cutting-edge technologies and methodologies, the team aims to enhance energy efficiency, improve environmental compatibility, and support the company's commitment to sustainable development. Collaborating with various stakeholders, they conduct research projects and develop advanced engineering practices that align with APL’s "Organic Design" mission.
Florent Gallot
Chef De Projet
Maya Mouhamad
Doctorante Chercheuse
Nazim Megherbi
Ingénieur Chargé D’affaires
Nega Octet
Membre, Recherche Et Développe...
Quentin Dugeny
Ingénieur D'affaires
Rose-Taylor Bouanga
Assistante Gestion De Projet E...
Thomas Libeau
Apprenti Ingénieur
William Pires
Ingénieur D'affaires Exploitat...
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