The Engineering and Quality Assurance team at Appetize is responsible for developing and maintaining robust software solutions for the cloud-based point of sale system, ensuring high-quality standards through rigorous testing and validation processes. This team collaborates on various aspects of software development, from frontend to backend engineering, while implementing quality assurance practices to enhance performance and user experience for clients in the hospitality sector.
Albano Agüero Martin...
QA Engineer
Bardia Keyvani
Software Architect Team Lead
Dorian Golestan
Release Engineer
Edward Aguilar
QA Engineer
Fabio (a.k.a. Bobby)...
Senior Software Engineer Team ...
Gashaw Teshome
DevOps Engineer
Guido Gutierrez
Qa automator
Heather Kelly
QA Operations Lead
Jonathan Doell
QA Engineer
Lisa Shpitalnik
Quality Assurance Engineer