Dea Mikeworth

Senior Consultant, Web Design, Development & Administration, IT at Argent Technologies

Dea entered the workforce during the Dot-Com Boom of the mid-1990s. Her initial career in journalism quickly moved into the realms of website development, internet protocol, programming, coding and server maintenance to fill a need that established journalists could not fill. She learned her first programming language - BASIC - as a child and has continued to foster a love of computers throughout her life. These skills became highly sought-after as internet commerce quickly grew during the late 90s.

Dea left journalism in 2001 to become an Army wife and mother of two boys. Five years later - children in school and combat-injured husband on the mend - she was asked to take over the website for a non-profit organization. This first volunteer postion quickly grew into a small website development business that she could run from home, while still caring for her family.

In 2011, she was brought onto the Argent Tech Team by Ron Schaefer. Since then, she has been responsible for the development of the AT website, as well as IT and technical support for the AT staff.


  • Senior Consultant, Web Design, Development & Administration, IT

    Current role